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East Tx Hurricane Ike Facts


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No matter how many times you flick the switch, lights don't work without electricity. (I admit, I did this ONCE LMAO)

Vienna sausages only appear on the food pyramid during hurricane season.

Gas mileage is recalculated based on miles per fume.

Lovebugs do not disappear in 100 mph wind gusts.

Despite protests, kids can re-live their parentsʼ youth when there were only 3 tv channels!

Cats are even more irritating without power.

Houston without traffic lights resembles Mexico City , Rome , Los Angeles and New York City all rolled into a single snarl.

A 7 lb bag of ice will chill 6-12 oz beers to a drinkable temperature in 11 minutes, and still keep a 14 lb. turkey frozen for 8 more hours.

There were a lot of really big trees around here! (WERE being the operative word here)

People will get into a line that has already formed without having any idea what the line is for.

Calories consumed during a hurricane or power outage do not count.

Telemarketers function no matter what the weather is doing. New Delhi does not check the weather report in Houston.

Most popular text message after September 13: do u hve pwr or How R U doing?

Twenty-seven of your neighbors are fed from a different transformer than you, and they are quick to point that out!

Crickets and cicadas can increase their volume to overcome the sound of 14 generators.

Dirty clothes in an unsupervised hamper multiply at an exponential rate.

Coffee, spaghetti and frozen pizzas can be made on a grill.

He who has the biggest generator wins

Tree service companies are under-appreciated, except after hurricanes.

There are a lot more stars in the sky than most people thought.

If you owned a store that sold only ice, chain saws, gas and generators, you would be rich!!

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I lived in Maine during the Ice Storm of 1998! That was pretty bad! In addition to no power, there was no heat for most people (since most people have oil heat and furnaces need electricity to start and run). And the slippery roads were dangerous due the ice, snow, and foolish people trying to drive in all that mess!!

This is my 4th bad storm that I can remember living thru/dealing with.

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