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To Be Or Not To Be?

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Darlin' what you've said hasn't fallen on any deaf ears, from what I've read. You've gotten some fantastic POVs, which is, in fact, what you asked for.

I will say that, in the relationships where I was "The Other Woman", only one was a success as far as the man not cheating on me in our relationship. Now, I've only been The Other Woman twice. My ex husband was the guy I told you about that I gave the ultimatum too. This situation happened when we were in high school. I stopped seeing him for about 10 yrs before we got back together, and I thought he'd changed. He didn't.

Where some people will say "once a cheater, always a cheater" is true for many people, I believe that, once you've found THE one for you, you can, in fact, change your spots, so to speak. Finding true love CAN change a person, man or woman. I know I've cheated in past relationships (when I was in high school), but I matured and grew out of it. But, even back then, when I was sleeping with one person, that's all I was sleeping with (I did make out with other guys when I was in a non-sexual relationship).

Where I don't think that helping someone cheat is a good thing, if YOU are comfortable with it, that's all you need to be then. However, and please understand that I mean this in a nice, kind way, if/when your FWB finds THE one that he falls in love with, he will probably divulge that you and he had slept together at one time or another. You know, when you're in a new relationship, and you want to be closer to someone, you talk......And, in doing so, this other woman that will be HIS ONE may be uncomfortable with you around. This can KILL a friendship. Please be aware of this possibility.

OR if the girl he's with now, finds out, she will be, most likely, scarred once she finds out it's YOU he's been cheating on her with. She won't trust any other guy's "girlfriends that are just friends", which can make future relationships harder. She can also make both your lives hell by spreading all sorts of bad things about the 2 of you, which, you already know how hard it is to escape THAT.

If he is still sleeping in the same room as this girl he supposedly told that their relationship is more like roommates, then he is BSing YOU. Let's face it, men are men. If they're sleeping in the same bed with someone they've had sex with, more than likely, their going to go with their lust, and sleep with them again.

You asked for people's opinions, and of course there are going to be different ones. YOU just need to do what YOU are most comfortable with and are SAFE in doing.


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Le Sigh. Well I guess it's just a matter of waiting to see how things unfold. i mean on the one hand I'm dying! LOL On the other hand that's a long long way to go for some booty... Ugh the worst thing i could do is get all the way down there and not go through with it. But at least we'd get to hang out for the weekend.

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