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A Yawn Can Signal Arousal?


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A Yawn Isn't Always What It Seems


By Gabrielle Linzer

Yawning during sex? Not to worry. Turns out it may mean that you're in the mood, not ready for some shuteye.

What does being turned on and being exhausted have in common? No, it’s not an overwhelming urge to head to the bedroom. Yawning is actually a sign of arousal, according to what neuroscientist and yawning expert Robert Provine, M.D. reported to MSNBC.

Most commonly associated with feeling sleepy, yawning results in the stretching of muscles and joints as well as an increased heart rate, which may mean it’s the body's way of preparing for increased activity, especially resting. Provine told MSNBC, "[A yawn] serves a number of functions but a common feature in all is that it is associated with a change of state, a shift, say, from sleep to wakefulness, wakefulness to sleep." This can certainly apply to sex, which is typically more strenuous than preceding foreplay.

Though the exact cause of yawning is still fairly mysterious, there are a multitude of possible explanations. You won’t know whether your partner has gotten the urge to yawn because their body is preventing their lungs from collapsing, they’re subconsciously communicating the need for rest or they’re feeling feisty. But if the circumstances are fitting, the latter is a strong possibility.

AOL Health

What do y'all think of this? I was taught that a yawn doesn't signal being tired, but that the brain just needed more oxygen, and to get it, we yawn (in fact, I just yawned, and I bet you are too!! LOL). So, I guess this would make sense.......

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  • Newbie

I have actually yawned before during sex. :P I felt pretty terrible about it too, and my boyfriend wasn't too thrilled either. Since then, I yawn quite often during really good sex, for no apparent reason. I try to stifle it though, because I don't want him to to think I'm bored!! Maybe there is some truth to this! B)

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