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Happy New Year



Oh wow, 2008 already! Time goes flying by! I was just reading ThorsNymph's blog, and I have to say, all should read this blog! It is fun and entertaining and erotic and so true to life. I hope that more people can start to view sex as a fun partnership that can keep getting better and better!

This year I have high hopes (don't we every year!???) but I really do. I want to reclaim things I have lost, do things I haven't done, read more than I have ever read, and connect more than I have in the past. I know, vague, but that is the purpose. Fill in the blanks_________ for yourselves!

Life with two children is demanding - 3 children if you include my hubby! I have high hopes for this year with my children. Life's greatest accomplishment is raising good children to be good adults.

How will I bring sex to a new level this year? I think my sex life is great - fullfilling - fantasies are rampant, trust is there, there is no limit to what I would do for him -so how do I make it better? What can I brng to the table (or bed) that will enhance our sex life? Have to think about that one? MOre frequently? More intense? More solo time for me? For him? Hmmmm....this year will be an experimentation.

I think that is the message for those who read these posts - sex can always get BETTER. If you have good sex, it can be better! If you ahve great sex, try to make it greater! There are always new things, techniques, combinations, sensations, toys - all just waiting to be explored!

This year is going to be it...what it is Oprah says, "Your best Life!" Well, this year will be my best life - sex, love, children, career - I am going to make it happen!!


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