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New Blog Location

Hello any and all of you who may still be looking for my blogging abilities here. I have decided to move my blog. So, if you want to read more current information regarding my sexcapades, life and anything else, please come visit me at: www.wickedbed.com See ya in my bed!



Happy New Year

Oh wow, 2008 already! Time goes flying by! I was just reading ThorsNymph's blog, and I have to say, all should read this blog! It is fun and entertaining and erotic and so true to life. I hope that more people can start to view sex as a fun partnership that can keep getting better and better! This year I have high hopes (don't we every year!???) but I really do. I want to reclaim things I have lost, do things I haven't done, read more than I have ever read, and connect more than I have in



Boring Blogs

Hey all of my faithful readers...you know, that one of you who checks every day to see if I have my finger out of my ass long enough to type! I just do not get over to the blog area very much, and for that I am sorry. Lately, I have had a LOT going on in my life. My son has been, well, interesting to say the least. He is growing up so fast. Plus, I started teaching again this semester and going to and from the university is a major PAIN in my ASS. I love teaching, but it is so emotionally



Christmas Already!

Oh my word, I can not believe that the last time I posted it was HALLOWEEN!!! I am sooooo busy all of a sudden! I love Christmastime though, the baking, shopping, the gift giving - the gift RECEIVING! My hubby always spoils me beyond all reason - I get way too much from him. He almost always buys me jewelry, cooking supplies (cause I love to cook - not because "a woman's place is in the kitchen!) - a sexy something and something fun. I am very, very spoiled and I admit it! This year I got




Well, last night my hubby and I had a Halloween party to go to - and I had a lot of fun (at the party, in the bathroom at the party and when we got home too!) Anyway, this year I went as a sexy kitty - which would have been sexier if I could have worn heels - but alas, no go. I had to wear my thigh high boots with a chunky heel - but it was OK. I didn't feel quite as sexy this year, as my lack of exercise has got me gaining weight - but I still feel sexy inside - so I did my best to be the se



Keep Forgetting

Hi ALL! I am sorry that I keep forgetting about this "blog" but I do so much other writing that I forget! This week in particular has been kind of trying. My son, who you may or may not know, has severe ADHD and he is having a hard time in school. I thank my lucky stars that he is healthy and seemingly happy - but some days that ADHD really takes a toll on me. He has been medicated since before he was 3 - which is a little rare, but we really had no other option. It sometimes makes it hard



Wild Sex

Oh yeah, my knee is feeling much better! Hubby and I had WILD sex last night. I guess he was glad I felt better! First we went to dinner -nice place. Then we were driving home and I gave him the beginnings of a great blowjob in the car! I know how distracting it can be, so I only just started. When we pulled into our garage, he hoisted me up onto the chair that is out there (bar stool), spread my legs and began to eat me out! It was wonderful! I came quickly and he said "even!" We wen




Well today is a much better day as my knee is feeling a tad better today! It has really been bumming me out, but today I woke up and could walk without pain. So, I took my doggy for a walk and just basked in the nice Chicago weather! It has also been a bummer for my hubby - cause although he and I are still having sex, even with the knee pain, having pain as such makes certain positions impossible. Even with me on my back if he reached to push my knees back by my head there was a real problem




I am so bummed! Many of you may know that I enjoy jogging as my exercise as choice. Well, since I have hurt my knee - AGAIN - I have not been able to walk let alone jog. I am bummed out about it, cause after a week, it still doesn't feel any better. I hate being a whiner, and normally I'm not, but this is just pissing me off! So, what do I do. Just sit and do nothing. That is SOOOO not me. UUUGgghhh! Well, there are other people in this world with much bigger problems than I, so I shoul




I have GOT to start judging those entries, and let me tell you...it is going to be HARD!!!! All of the stories are good in their own way, and many of the stories are outstanding. I really am impressed with the different tactics and ways people write - it will be a hoot! My anniversary trip ended short, as I had a little fall and hurt my knee. Many of you do not know this, but over a year ago I got literally run down by a man at work, and I broke my ankle and twisted by kneecap. I have since



10th Anniversary

Today is my 10th Anniversary! Whoo hoo! My hubby and I are going away for the whole weekend..the whole weekend ALONE! I can NOT wait! My hubby's Mom is going to watch our son, and we are going to go and have a weekend of sex, food, sex, shopping, sex and more sex! I have a little suitcase FULL of toys - luckily we are driving - I have to go get batteries! I can't wait to surprise my hubby with a new outfit and some new ideas. I even packed the bedspread restraints. After all these year



Can't Do It

After thinking a lot about this friend of mine, and her request - she called again last night - I have decided that I just can't do that to my hubby. Even though it would be with a woman, it surely must still be cheating, any way I look at it. I should post a message on the forum to this effect. Asking if others think this is cheating as well. Anyway, I feel resolved that I made the decision. I made another decision recently, that I have not yet shared with many people. I have decided to n



Another Day

Well all, I must admit, I had never heard of a "blog" until this, but I thought I would go and give it a shot. It seems interesting, like a way to just get out thoughts and say whatever comes to mind. I suppose for me, writing here could be much about anything and everything - I write so much of my life on the forum - my sex life anyway - that writing here for all to see isn't much different. Sometimes I think that my life is so humdrum, yet people seem to be fascinated by the way I spend my



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