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I have GOT to start judging those entries, and let me tell you...it is going to be HARD!!!! All of the stories are good in their own way, and many of the stories are outstanding. I really am impressed with the different tactics and ways people write - it will be a hoot!

My anniversary trip ended short, as I had a little fall and hurt my knee. Many of you do not know this, but over a year ago I got literally run down by a man at work, and I broke my ankle and twisted by kneecap. I have since had surgery on both - the ankle was in a cast for an ungodly amount of time. Anyway, I have aggravated the knee by doing something I wasn't supposed to do quite yet - wear sexy heels! Ironically enough, I hurt myself as I was about to take them off - serves me right!

The rest of the trip was well worth it, my hubby gave me a GORGEOUS 2 carot diamond anniversary band, with triple stones and bagets and it is simply GORGEOUS - and I had also bought him a new ring as well, to replace the band he had that was getting old. I was SO surprised by the ring, and he was too. It was really a nice surprise. When we were at the restaurant, he asked me to marry him again, got down on one knee and presented the ring! I was floored!

I presented his in a more sexy way - it is almost too intimate to reveal. Perhaps I will, at another time.

We had a couple's massage, sat in the hot-tub, took a rain shower together - it was so romantic and nice. We enjoyed the view, the shopping, just being together. It is so nice to know that after 10 years of marriage, you know you are still with your soulmate! It is funny, cause we have had our ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade my hubby for anyone.

Well, back early and here I am on the site. I think I have tootimid on the brain, I need a break! LOL. I am wondering about some of the entries that have been on lately. Perhaps we here (or I) am too hard sometimes and I need to lighten up. It is, after all, just a sex forum!

Well, I think that is all for now, I have to go ice the knee!



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