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Everything posted by wendybird74

  1. I am not stuck here I have two offers of jobs and places to stay to get on my feet so if it has to come to that and I hope it doesn't because I love him with all my heart but I cannot take much more of this I came into this thinking we were a team and it is but the team is divided and that never goes well
  2. I appreciate this I think I am just at a what the duck am I doing here state I have dreams and ideas of how my life would go and if my partner can't here me or even budge a little in any area well I am sorry but if your anxieties hold you back and there is always a problem with them then do something about it go see a dr don't make someone wait around for you to get up and do something for gods sake I am tired of trying I am tired of crying and my give a damn is busted
  3. I think they should make a simulator to help men feel what it's like to have hormones and be on a pill that causes them to go haywire and then also while you are ther ya might as well help them into a pregnancy suit just to keep things real especially men who think they can make excuses to not wear co doms wanna play well there would be a fun little game called get a grip shit just got real lol
  4. I am now fixed and in a committed relationship so I don't have to worry about this anymore as for birth control I hated them all... I am hormonal anyway so adding to it was not helpful condoms were always the best for me. Any man that bitches about using a condom should be reminded that they are 100 percent responsible for what happens after the momen is done and over with. If you ar not prepared to put one on then you ar not prepared to have sex period. And I can assure you your sob story about not being able to get it up with one or what ever you got worked up in your head to not use one if I was single would cause me to say well it was nice knowing ya
  5. Oh my god the room is spinning..... Coffee is yesterday's or last nights becaus is stale.... My boyfriend and I had an epic bad day yesterday and his mild temperament led him to break his phone... Like he threw it then stomped on it broke it he has been feeling a little picked on lately and I guess I have not been super sweet I drank it up yesterday and now have to high tail it down the grade to the valley to my sons graduation this day has been coming for a while now and it is my doing so I guess sometimes you have to let it all go to realize you are not always right and maybe just maybe you don't have your shut figured out... So today will be filled with no sudden movements hopefully quiet voices and a lot of I love you and I am sorry 

    1. ttpw


      Sorry to hear Wendy! ? I hope things get better as the day goes on. Enjoy graduation. 

    2. wendybird74


      Thank you friend it's just sometimes we have to realize we are all fighting battles we are not always winning. I will take the high road today and I will test my fella with care and concern he deserves it xoxo 

    3. wendybird74


      Treat lol not test geez auto correct you aren't friendly to me sometimes 

  6. Well you have survived 100% of all you have been through you can survive this I am in a bitch fest lately I guess.. I did talk to my fella and he did seem to hear what I had to say but I guess we shall see he's really good at saying what he thinks I want to hear and then I am really good at buying it and then we are both really good at it all just going back to complacent and drifting treding water this life thing gets messy sometimes it's not all rainbows and butterflies sometimes it's faces scrunchy and full of wtfs
  7. He's a great guy he just tunes out sometimes I wish I had a little bug in his head where I could know what the heck is going on in there... Hey fellas if you don't like nagging here is a little helpful hint pay attention repeat something your lady said to you and if she reminds you for weeks and months of an upcoming event like hello your sons birthday and her sons graduation put it in your phone get it in your head that it's something you will have to be present for and then be present don't slip off to your man cave crap I don't get a woman cave that I can disappear to so get a grip put your big boy panties on and suck it up
  8. It's like he tunes completely out when it comes to parenting like hello if your child is running around with something you left out that clearly says danger uhhhh handle it it's not like I have to wear my super mom cape of every second of the day... I will make you one if you pull your head out of your add long enough to pay attention... I don't have a hand book for this crap it's not like I should have to say hello ding dong get your head in the game two parents in the house means team... Wake up.... Tune in Tokyo well I may start doing that.... I may start saying something that says wake up get your head in the game lets do this... I will say he does help with some house work and he does help with diapers but it's the other common since stuff.. He just tunes out
  9. I tried to put a little spark in our love life... Sex life if you will. I am sure if anyone read any of my posts lately it sounds like I am frustrated... Well you wouldn't be wrong. I love my fella more then words can say. He's shy he's quiet he's kind he's everything I have ever wanted. His heart is very big. How ever he's stubborn he's a recluse he's happy in his own little world. The problem is there are two more people in it now and he forgets to let us in.. I am loud I am wild I am a free spirit I like to go... The problem is our son and I are going we are wanting to do things and we are wanting him along for the ride.. Our sex life took a big hit when we had our son and we somehow lost spark.. It tried to talk and maybe I talk to much but I am lonely with him here and I am lonely when he's gone.. I could be a little much sometimes and I could use any advice in putting more spark in our life... So back to new things... I decided I would give him a back rub...he works very hard for our family and I got some new oils so I tried them while he was watching his show and as I was doing this I moved to his legs as he was sitting on the couch so I gave him a blow job sneakily while our kid was in the room... Yep I did that! I am sure I am not mother of the year right now but I am surely not girlfriend of the year either but dammit I am trying... He really enjoyed it and honestly I don't do it much if he did some maintenance with the hair down there I would do it more lol I am a gag reflex person hair is a turn off.. Shave that shit and get more oral pleasure haha problem solved no brainier right? I shave down there in the event that I will be orally loved on.. Tho it doesn't happen often.. I would do more if it wasn't always me laying with my back to him so he could get his rocks off.. He's more interested in the back door then anything anymore I try to tell him... Hey sometimes there is this thing called a natural lubracent that stems from the front door that may help you get where you are going try a little of that once in a while first but he doesn't seem to get this so for me I have got to the point of if I am gonna talk and all you are going to hear is Wah Wah Wah like the adults on Charlie Brown then why bother
  10. Yep size matters sorry fellas but it's kind of like a key. Not all keys will fit but the one that does well boy howdy.... And if your size for lack of a better word is inadequate it's what you do with it and the rest of the time you are in that moment we are all different life is not always easy our sex lives are not always as easy as get in get the job done I am sure that men have been in situations like this and not spoke of it are all vaginas created equal?
  11. Well it's been beating five years since I have had earth shattering feelings of pleasure during sex I am never very inspired when I try alone. I also think I am a control freak when it comes to letting go. Only one person ever took my power and I liked it. My boyfriend and I are struggling in the bedroom or I am I think all the other things in our life are effecting my desire to do much more than lay there in the bedroom maybe it's a protest I don't know I know I have sexual desire but when we get there it's lack of luster... When we get older or we are in relationships is it unrealistic to want passion and fireworks is it unrealistic to want to be treated as you were when you were dating not always but now and then I don't know how to communicate my needs and be heard anymore I can't even be heard with little things during the day
  12. I am not a man hater I love them I just think it's really easy to forget to do some emotional Maintnence in relationships.... News flash even a little more care and concern for your mate like listening or hearing them when they talk... For example it really bugs me when you take your shoes off in the middle of the living room and don't bother to pick them up.... Or hey honey I love you can you maybe help me with OUR Son so I can take a bath? Don't say alright and then walk outside and start some project that clearly says you are not listening to me or you don't care that I need your help
  13. You my friend just might be my absolute favorite person today... I love this story of the life you have lived I am sorry to hear your life has lead you to pain... You are an amazing soul I totally dig that
  14. I so hate this phone lol sorry for all the typos
  15. Or how about this you watching kids and I will now the yard I will do the outside of house work how about a take the minion to go do fun event make memories with your kid and your lady I think that is sexy and if it's not something she had to remind you plan and work her butt off for and you could care less... She watches your stupid football and even tries to pay attention and yell and get exited at least get over yourself for an entire day and go do something with her. She wants to go camping and hiking with ya it's not like she wants to take you to some craft show ya big wuss it's not like you lose anything like the yard can't stand the p be mowed or what ever it is you do put in your shed all day
  16. Colorado is on my list of must sees... I love sqeuim... I haven't been to the lavender farms there yet but man it's a beautiful place xo my fav drive is the Columbia gorge
  17. I am a girl but I love the woods I could live out in the woods and never want to come back to town unless I had to lol ok that may or may not be true but today I could run away to the woods and stay for a while give me a fire a bath tub wool socks a coffee pot a good book some good tunes and an endless sky full of stars and I am sold
  18. I haven't been very much further then the Pacific Northwest but three states wide that's pretty good... Although o live two hours away from Montana and haven't been there yet I feel like from what I have seen o could just as easily fall in love with that state too lol
  19. And be prepared completely with precautions make sure everyone is safe because nobody wants to end up with extra issues from a one or more night stand
  20. wabt a woman to be in the mood try to care how her day was or show even a tiny bit of care and concern
  21. I am not going to be popular but I think sometimes men are selfish and clueless do some work fellas if you need to grab a self help book do it idiots guid to the woman's sex drive or vagina I will gladly do more if I could get even a minute to myself to collect even one coherent thought don't get home and go off into your little friggin shell just because my day was spent at home doesn't mean I do not warrant a hey how was your day do you need a minute or a check in
  22. for me I think if my S.O. Was even remotely present when it comes to our child it would help me want to be a little more sexy in the bedroom for him. But I find I interesting that it becomes the woman's job to bring on the sexy. My last boyfriend used to run me baths put on sexy lighting and music he used to do a little work to I think sexy is a two person job when it comes to having kids want sexy time be present with the child so the mom isn't 24 hour on the job parent it's exhausting
  23. Even tho you think you are prepared for such an event I for one can't help but think there is a lot more planning and a lot to talk about before doing such things sure it is fun to think about but like every thing else you don't know how it will be before furring and after
  24. As a person who has had a foursome I can say that it's not always as easy as it seems it wasn't for me and some other things happened because we were not all completely prepared for the event as it happens after a very drunk night?... It started out as a totally random night. Two couples who didn't know each other the two girls started talking one thing led to another and started kissing. I can't speak for the other girl but this girl had never been in a situation like that before and that kiss was amazing like stars and butterflies and the entire world disappeared. A crowded bar ended up to what I felt to have disappeared until it was over and I came to and noticed my surroundings of a bunch of people crowded around watching two girls kissing out so's at the time seemed to really enjoy this display and my boyfriend invited us all to his house at the time... We had more drinks and the girl and I slipped into his room where we played for a while the men joins us it had never been discussed or talked about and one thing led to another soon there were a lot of naked bodies long story short my boyfriend and the other girl went at it pretty hard and he other guy and I were kind of like well this is weird we tried but we're not so into each other but we still had sex I got pregnant and had an abortion because well as you can imagine this was not a story I was ready to explain and I was kind of a mess then I ended up in treatment a few weeks after I terminated the baby from my own train wreck leading up to that day
  25. Don't yell out someone else's name... Probably not a good idea to say oh I thought you were bigger.... It's probably not a good idea to start laughing for no reason at all and not be able to stop.... Although sometimes it's completely nessasary
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