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Everything posted by Kinkster

  1. Yup....this! We used to be a one and done couple. I'd eat her to O, and I'd get mine and cum in her. One night, we started with sex, and I came before her. Oops.... So, i gave her hers, by going down on her, my cum and all. She came like crazy! It made me hard again! She wanted more! I wanted more! So, we did it again. 6 times! One and done became a thing of the past for both of us!
  2. Then you can get your husband to jerk off on your bald spot!
  3. If it gets in her hair, it's not the hair on her head! I love a good shot or six to her tits too!
  4. My wife touches herself.....well, maybe more than touches herself, just so I will jerk off on her. Works every time!
  5. Some can squirt....some cannot.... My wife can't, but she sure can 'drool', or even gush a bit! Not that we haven't tried....so don't be discouraged!
  6. Next time, grab a dildo, and spread it around! Then slip it in her pussy, while you lick her clit! It's a wife pleaser!!!
  7. Wonder what kind of mileage that thing gets? I mean, we have worn out a half dozen different bullets. (Not sure how that happens....) Be nice to find a variable speed model that won't breakdown for a few years.
  8. Well, as long as nothing got broke, like your back, why not?
  9. My understanding of the parties, the first thing that went on was wine and coctails, to loosen up the lips.....so to speak! They did all the ordering in a private room with the host....
  10. So did I! She always came back all horned up and with a new idea or three! Always wondered how many women got their husbands to try blowing themselves after that party!
  11. Well....my wife said it sure did! Eyes bugged and mouths wide open. it was at a sex toy party, but still.....
  12. And also crazy, was she told a bunch of people about it! Sounds like he was quite flexible.....she was very descriptive when she told people about it at a party. The power of wine!
  13. A friend of ours can do it, so we heard anyway. His wife told my wife that before they got married, her husband kept trying to get her to let him cum in her mouth. She wasn't into it. He finally told her that he cums in his own mouth all the time, and it really doesn't taste bad. She told him he had to show her that....she didn't think it was possible. He did! Got to be flexible for that maneuver, or hung like a horse.
  14. We have found the best success with being dominennt, is when the dominent one does what the submissive one wants and likes. Wife likes me to do oral, so when I tie her up, or use the fuzzy handcuffs, I do oral on her....RELENTLESSLY! Things like that....
  15. If kissing her after cumming in her mouth turns her on, wait until you lick her pussy after cumming in it! Or...on it!! She'll go nuts!!
  16. Normal for me! Wasn't at first, until I did it, and she came so hard and long. Had to do it again, to see if it worked that well again. Then again....and again....and again....
  17. After you cum in her, slip in a dildo, and go back to work on her with your tongue at the same time! Works spectacularly!!
  18. I assume you are talking about eating the creampie you made in your wife? If so..... Tip 1: My wife has always loved oral, but I found out that she REALLY loves oral after I cum in her! Like.... A LOT! Makes her orgasm better than anything and everything. It turns her on, so I do it! Only one way to find out if yours is into it as mine is....just go for it. Tip 2: All her enthusiasm she has when I eat her after cumming in her pussy, on cumming on her pussy, and all that hip bucking, ass gyrating, body trembling she does when she cums, is an absolute turn on, and gets me hard again, and wanting to go at it or something else again! Her too! So....if you are one & done types like we were, you may not be anymore! (Betcha can't eat just one!) There's the best reasons I know of!
  19. Lick it out of my wife's pussy, or off her tits, or share a kiss after a blowjob.....HOT! Masturbating alone, naaaaa.....
  20. What works the best when I tie my wife to the bed, is to go at her with a dildo, and lick her clit at the same time! Keeps her cumming and cumming! Whichh reminds me, I haven't done that in a while!
  21. I get it....and so does my wife! We both find that seeing and knowing the other is tasting themselves, to be a real turn on. Something is just hot about it! REAL HOT! at least to both of us. But....may not be to some others.
  22. I am thinking of several more, but maybe I'm confusing favorite with memorable!
  23. Up on a ladder, replacing a window? Another Ziiiiip....sluurrp sluurrp sluurrp....ahhhhhh....!!! Bad luck to go under a ladder? Wasn't from my perspective!
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