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twin spirits

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Everything posted by twin spirits

  1. Wow! Teabagging! You are absolutely shameless. Good for you.
  2. Understand. That’s a bit like trying to win the lottery without buying a ticket. If you truly want to play you have to be willing to join the game. So, do you take a chance with the pretty girl who smiles at you? Only to find out she’s not what she appears to be?
  3. The problem is, Rio, that you don't truly know if you've ever seen one in person. These people are everywhere in our world. While I was checking out of a supermarket the cashier was clearly a MTF. When I was leaving I said "Good luck on your transition" and got a big smile. And, when I ran across this picture I thought wholesome and healthy and I wouldn't mind if she smiled my way, And, yes, she belongs to one of the three categories above. Should it make a difference? I honestly don't know. Do you?
  4. And there is a lot to be confused about. Only a small % of MTF transgenders have the bottom surgery. Results I think are not guaranteed. So with the image below we have a) Drag Queen b) Trans MTF c) Cross Dresser d) All of the above? What do you think and does it matter?
  5. I agree but the hole is a muscle that will return to its normal size afterward. Otherwise she would go through life wearing a Depends. And if you can find a cock that size ... well, keep us posted!
  6. I can only think it has to be some form of torture. Definitely painful. Ugh.
  7. Does anyone know exactly what's happening here? Looks painful.
  8. Welcome and thanks for stopping by. Think you will like it here.
  9. Wouldn’t have thought of that with ball stretchers. To me it’s like... erection? yes. cock ring? yes! ball stretcher? yes! Oops!!! erection? o shit!!! Remove, lube up, start over.
  10. Interesting. My understanding is that they restrict the blood flow out of the erect penis which in turn helps to longer maintain the erection and delay orgasm. In order to do that they would have to have a pretty tight fit. Would the tight fit also prevent ejaculation? I think there might be a downside along with the benefit.
  11. I don't know but I bet he says BIG!
  12. Fueled by testosterone they look very very macho. Not being an expert I do wonder if the work as intended ... delaying orgasm ... or are they more decorative than anything? What do ya think?
  13. Well DewMan just trying to offer some encouragement. mmmm
  14. I don’t think so judging from the photo but then nobody’s perfect.
  15. I’m really no expert but it really comes down to what is comfortable for you. The idea of cock rings is that they reduce the blood flow to make your erections last longer. If that is what you’re seeking to do then you need experiment. Start with something inexpensive and see how that works for you. Amazon is a good place to look. You can get separate cock and ball rings or one piece. The one piece look awesome but may not be comfortable. Start simple and work from there.
  16. That's great. Again be patient and take your time, Even a failed attempt will be a lot of fun.
  17. These two give new meaning to the phrase close to you. If they don't cum together it would be super disappointing.
  18. Never tried this but it does look tempting.
  19. The best I can tell you is be patient and experiment. Here's a good article you might want to read. Master Orgasm Control With Edging to Boost Your Sex Life | Viasil
  20. Sounds like you and your mate have one very special and healthy relationship Catching you masturbating? That would do it for me.
  21. A challenge??? Trying to walk around with a sexual buzz for days??? That is one big itch you can't scratch. Days like this???
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