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Rio last won the day on July 22

Rio had the most liked content!

Member Info

  • Briefly Describe your last sexual encounter:
    while sitting on our porch watching thunderstorms roll in my wife pulled down my shorts and gave me a blowjob.
  • My Favorite Toy
    Butt plug and vibrating cock ring and my wife's remote g-spot vibrator that I get to control
  • Location
  • # of sex toys you own?
    Umpteen and growing
  • Marital status
  • What is your age & gender?

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Fishing, hiking, playing softball and pickleball, and sex

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. Years ago my wife and I went to Malta on a vacation. There was a topless beach there and she said do you mind if I go topless and I said it's your decision. So she did. It was really nice seeing various women of shapes and sizes all going topless and not having any qualms about it. Later on we found out that there was a nude beach close by. We went over to it and for the first time the two of us stripped down and were totally naked. Being that everybody else was it was not a big deal. If you're the only one in the crowd that's that way that makes a difference. But when everybody else is, it's just part of the beach experience.
  2. I like how your nipples are sticking through the openings of the red top. I'd love to roll those nipples between my lips and flick them with my tongue. Also, that little schoolgirl outfit. Such a naughty girl. I'd have to put you across my knee and give you a good spanking.
  3. There's never too many pictures to look at that gorgeous body
  4. My wife loves when I do that to her too
  5. We went up on the roof of our house to watch a lunar eclipse. One Moon got covered but two others got exposed.
  6. It was a summer early afternoon and my wife and I had sex under a big pine tree by one of the ski slopes in Santa Fe. What made it really memorable was that while I was bare-assed on top of her it started hailing and pelting my butt. We still laugh about it till this day
  7. They got in the way so then you get rid of them?
  8. @Le fauneI like the way you so eloquently said that.
  9. @Ami44sorry to hear about your problems. Being a male, I don't think I can help you much. I sure hope you can find the sexual pleasure that you're looking for and more so to love and be loved. Good luck.
  10. Welcome. Looking forward to hear more about your sexual interest etc. Have fun
  11. They make a specific candle that the wax is not as hot and it feels awesome. If it becomes like a lotion or an oil and then you can rub it in.
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