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twin spirits

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Everything posted by twin spirits

  1. Wow! That’s edging at it’s finest. Bordering on cruel and unusual edging. And aren’t you really nice to have around house.
  2. Wow! I can see I am an amateur here with much to learn. Days? I didn’t realize. I thought for hours. Now I know what I’ll be doing this weekend. Thanks for enlightening me!
  3. Sorry but that was meant to be funny.
  4. I think maybe she read the instructions wrong or read the wrong instructions??? I hope things worked out for her. No matter that’s one tough pussy.
  5. Damn!!! Wrong picture again, See the attached,
  6. Edging, peaking, or surfing is a sexual technique where orgasm is controlled and involves the maintenance of a high level of sexual arousal for an extended period without reaching climax. It can be performed alone or with a partner. With a partner is highly recommended.
  7. That is quite an offer. Sweet dreams for me. What a wicked threesome we would make.
  8. But not so frustrating that you haven’t been able to act? I think you need to leave the virginity issue behind you and move on. Right now you are using it as an excuse for failed relationships. Stop being so self conscious about it. When you find a willing partner tell her that it’s been a long time for you. What you’re doing or not doing now ain’t working so.you need to change. You might want to visit a therapist and inquire about a surrogate partner. Expensive but known to work. Me thinks that nothing will change until you do.
  9. Have to wonder if you have a normal sex drive? Do you masturbate often. You may be dealing with a hormonal issue. I think the first thing you need to do is make sure that you’re healthy. As you get older weird stuff starts happening to our bodies. Your testosterone levels may be low. And if you’re not you need to start dating often. You’re not going to find that special someone unless you’re actively dating. I hope that helps. Keep us posted.
  10. That’s a lot to think about. The problem is how we assign gender roles for both men and women. A strong female personality is often seen as a bitch who wants to control. Husbands are then seen as pussy whipped. I have a friend who can’t make a decision without checking with his wife first. But is that truly a problem? I don’t think being able to self procreate solves the problem. I think we would become more isolated. Transgendered individuals make up least than 1% of the population and look at the confusion they have caused. Imagine if both men and women were able to procreate. Lord we’d all be on birth control! Interesting subject that needs more discussion.
  11. Forget the money part but let’s get a more adventurous and add one lovely cross dresser.
  12. Took your advice and placed an ad in fetlife. Got 69 hits in the first hour. I’m thinking of charging. Hoping to find a chick with a dick. What do you think?
  13. Nice of you to offer. Looks like you could use some attention.😛
  14. Thanks for your input. Nice to know that Gynecologists agree. I think there is a unique beauty in all pregnant women. I guess it's a glow if that's what you want to call it. I often wondered what it would be like if the fathers could breast feed the babies. It would create a special bond between them and help the new mothers get some uninterrupted sleep. But I digress. What a sensual creation pregnant women are. Enchanting to watch.
  15. Maybe I should be more adventurous? Forget the hypnotist. Anytime I have an urge for a smoke I should find a suitable man in need of a great blow job. Hell, I quit years ago but I could start again.
  16. Finally got a good picture of one in action.
  17. Many doctors and midwifes recommend vaginal fisting for pregnant women to help them with the feeling of opening up. Who knew?
  18. Butt if a certain someone said trust me I might end up (no pun intended) looking like the photo below. Trust me?
  19. Another great story, Bob and not a bad picture either. I once went to a hypnotist to help with quitting smoking. It didn’t work but maybe I should be grateful. Could have been running around giving many bjs to unsuspecting men. What an interesting life you have! Kudos.
  20. There's always any combination of two or more. Not sure how you concentrate while this is happening to you?
  21. Boobs is the number one answer. Also the number two, three and four answers. Butt for me a nice ass will always get my undivided attention. It’s all in the eyes of the beholder.
  22. A photographer once told a model he was photographing, “I’d like to to get your best side but you’re sitting on it.” My feelings exactly.
  23. Agreed. Anal fisting isn’t something I care to think about. But like anything else anal you clear out your colon and wash with a good antibacterial soap. But it still doesn't look very interesting,
  24. Maybe not. First you need to find an enthusiastic partner and practice a great deal of patience and lots of lube. The duck bill method is pretty common. With your little finger and thumb touching and other three fingers resting on top. Then proceed slowly. Check out her hand below.
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