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pblo69 last won the day on August 16

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About pblo69

  • Birthday 06/23/1967

Member Info

  • Briefly Describe your last sexual encounter:
    Straight but amazing sex with a wife who knows what shes doing!
  • My Favorite Toy
    Crystal Chic G
  • About Me
    Secretly bi but monogamous
  • Location
    SE PA
  • # of sex toys you own?
  • Marital status
  • What is your age & gender?
    53 m

Contact Methods

  • Yahoo

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Sex, bi sex, “wood”working, gardening, taking things apart to see how they work, restoring old things, dog raising...loving my wife
  • Location
    SE PA
  • Gender

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  1. My wife enjoys my costumes, most recent- Fireman!
  2. We would love to hear your “first time” story!
  3. Yeah sometimes it’s just nice to have a cock to play with that doesn’t have an agenda.
  4. Wish I could volunteer …you wouldn’t be able to tell where one body starts and another stops!
  5. I know I’m at the point of no return when I feel a warm tingle shoot up the bottom of my well lubed much stroked cock and I get a twinge right at the cleft of my glans and squirt there it is! since radiation last year has greatly diminished my load there’s not a lot to lean up, more lube than anything lol! now the story is different when wife is lapping at the balls and plunging my favorite vibe into my ass, I know it’s time when the toy hits the spot and splash whatever load there is hits which ever tit I’m over.
  6. Hello JustJake! What part of Iowa has a beach, lol. so what kinks are you exploring?
  7. You wouldn’t be disappointed
  8. If I wasn’t married I’d be ear deep.
  9. I fantasize about being a cum sponge in one of those. If it weren’t for STDs I would have done it years ago.
  10. Who wants to think “straight”??😜
  11. I love shots like these, I imagine pulling it out and seeing it for the first time, love running my tongue all over the ridges….
  12. I’d like to just lay there and…
  13. I’d smack that ass….
  14. Looks like something nice “hidden in the bushes
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