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marka09 last won the day on December 29 2022

marka09 had the most liked content!

Member Info

  • Briefly Describe your last sexual encounter:
    Hot and heavy.
  • My Favorite Toy
    Not sure. What's yours?
  • About Me
    Professional Nude / Erotic Photographer
  • Location
    North GA, USA
  • # of sex toys you own?
    A few
  • Marital status
  • What is your age & gender?
    69 Male

Profile Information

  • Interests
    I'll try most anything at least once.
  • Location
    North GA near Blue Ridge
  • Gender

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  1. So, is anyone interested? I've shot with a couple of members and they were very satisfied with the whole shoot. You'll be glad you did!!! (maturemale924@gmail.com)
  2. I'm a Professional erotic photographer and I offer a free shoot to the members (AND NON MEMBERS) here. Send me an email at Maturemale924@gmail.com I can provide samples if you want to see the quality of my work.
  3. I'm a professional erotic photographer and I'm offering a free erotic photoshoot in N.GA. If interested message me at maturemale924@gmail.com
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  4. I'm a professional erotic photographer. If you would like a great free erotic photoshoot, contact me at maturemale924@Gmail.com..... Decades of experience. Award winning photography. Located in Northern GA.
  5. Half hour to 40 minutes, sometimes longer.
  6. Welcome!! Glad you are feeling great now!! Sounds like you could use a free photoshoot!!
  7. North Georgia
  8. Yes!
  9. Me, me, pick me...
  10. If a guy knows what he is doing, I'll bet you could cum from intercourse without cumming first from clit stimulation. (speaking from experience).
  11. marka09

    Photo Shoot

    Would anyone be interested in an Erotic photoshoot? I provide them for free for the members here. You would need to rent a cabin in the North Georgia area and I would come to you there. It would be a two hour shoot. I provide the lighting and photography and you provide the erotic poses. Men, women, and couples. I've been professionally providing erotic photography for 2 decades and have been published in the Worlds Greatest Erotic Art Books. Tell me the types of photos you would like me to capture and I can give you some samples of past shoots that I have permission to use. Please provide your email so we can communicate with images. You will be pleased with your shoot!!!
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  12. Welcome! Hope you enjoy your time here.
  13. Welcome!!
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