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Lonely and divorced

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Status Updates posted by Lonely and divorced

  1. This morning I have to put my 10 year old cat down. She has cancer. I hope my chat buddy’s will keep me in their prayers. Thank You!😞💦💧

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      Thank you so much Jules joy. Your dog was so cute!!! I’m sorry for your loss as well. I’m still waiting to get my cat’s ashes back from the end of May. Hopefully soon. I miss her everyday immensely!😞

    3. Kinky Twinkie

      Kinky Twinkie

      I going through same issues



    4. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      I’m sorry you’re going through the loss of your pet. Thank you for reaching out to me! 🌞

  2. Hi, I just read your profile. Too long for me as well. I know what you mean,

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      Why are there so many guests on lately?

    3. Cougar76


      Feel like that's always the case

    4. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      Oh it didn’t seem like that when I first joined.

  3. Can y’all tell I’m horny as fuck? Lol...☀️

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. bobbie63


      wow just think a homemade movie of you and the milkman ,  too much

    3. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      I couldn’t accommodate him.☀️

    4. bobbie63


      i guess i would have to stand in for him then, its a tough job but someone has to do it,

  4. Today Is My 65th Birthday! Happy Birthday To Me!!!!🌞😁

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rio


      Good for you

    3. Always ready for sex

      Always ready for sex

      Happy Birthday Lonely l hope your celebration includes some very hot sex!!

    4. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      Thank you Always. Unfortunately no sex. 😞 I keep hoping though.

  5. Today Is My 65th Birthday! Yay! I’ve Never Been Happier. Now If I Could Only Find A Fuck Buddy In  My New Town!!!! 😉

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      Thank you Nervous Nelly! I did have a fabulous dinner.😊

    3. NervousNelly


      That’s great!! I’m so glad!!

    4. Lonely and divorced

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      Oh Thank you Lady! It means a lot. Prayers are so important.Thank you again very much!!!!🌞🙏

    3. Mule


      Prayers for Robert and you!

    4. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      Thank you, Thank you Mule!! 😘🌞

  7. Mind blowing orgasms every time riding my Symbian.LOVE IT!!!☀️

    1. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      If it could only eat my pussy lol...☀️

    2. Rio


      I'm glad you found something to you give you pleasure until you find that man you're looking for

    3. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      Thank you Rio. Me too.☀️

  8. To my fire fighting chat buddy; even though you left without saying goodbye I wish nothing but the best for you. STAY SAFE my friend.☀️💋😘😻😈😎

    1. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      Now I have two chat buddy’s that left me on a Monday. I hate Mondays. I think about them everyday and miss them immensely.☀️

    2. Master Blaster
    3. Lonely and divorced
  9. I had the best day of my life yesterday with my fuck fest. I will probably post something tomorrow about my day.Do☀️

    1. Rio


      Good for you. Can't wait to hear about it

    2. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      Thanks Rio! It was amazing!!☀️

  10. It seems to me lately there are a lot of professional porn stars  on this site lately. Just saying.

    1. Rio


      I agree. And I'd rather see the real thing like you for example

    2. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      Thanks Rio. There are other sites for that I’m sure.

  11. A friend of many of yours who you used to chat with, left the site  today I want to apologize to all of you for I know he will be missed. I asked , actually pleaded with this person to stay. They wouldn’t. I know it’s my fault. I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me. Thank you.

    1. Rio


      We had a woman leave too in the last day. Don't know what is being said, or done. Reading Tyger's message doesn't sound like everybody is being friendly and graceful like they used to be.

    2. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      With my situation it was a little complicated but I NEVER publicly said anything malicious towards this person. Sometimes I can be sarcastic  not meaning to and taken the wrong way.

  12. My beautiful backyard. Wish I had a someone to fuck me outside.🌞😁


    1. creampie lover

      creampie lover

      looks like a great place to roll around and fuck the shit out of you  make you squirt and orgasm   

    2. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      Yes, it is! Thank you! 🌞

  13. To all my chat buddy’s and members; Stay Safe Tonight. No drinking and Driving ☀️

    1. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      I’d love to have sex!!!!!!☀️

  14. I salute all the Veterans who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. Thank you for your service to our country.🇺🇸

  15. I just ordered a Symbian . I can’t wait till it arrives.☀️

    1. Rio


      When it arrives and you use it would like to see it in action

    2. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      I’ll think about it.☀️

  16. It’s been 7 weeks since my affirming chat buddy left. I miss him like it was yesterday.😞☀️

    1. DewMan@1961


      I want to be your chat buddy

    2. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      Ok. That’s fine with me.☀️

  17. Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there.😘☀️

  18. My new toy is coming !! My new toy is coming tomorrow. Yeah and I will be too!!!!!☀️

    1. Rio


      Are you going to have a cumming out party?

    2. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      I love your sense of humor!!! We’ll see. I hope I don’t have to put it together lol...☀️

  19. A beautiful snowy day here in upstate NY.  How wonderful it would be to fuck all day long.


  20. I can’t view my messages today. Anybody else having trouble?☀️

    1. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      I fixed the problem. I can view my messages again. Yeah!!Yea!!☀️

  21. Melancholy Monday,

    It seems like only yesterday that my best chat buddy left. I will always wonder how he’s doing. I think about him every day. He’s a true Southern  gentleman.💔☀️

    1. Lonely and divorced

      Lonely and divorced

      It’s only been 4 weeks but it still seems like yesterday.💔

  22. Enjoying a beautiful  evening . Wish I had someone to fuck me outside.


    1. creampie lover

      creampie lover

      nah the neighbors would hear u screaming  but they think your religious  at who your screaming to and what u wanted     heheheeheh mmmmmmm  

  23. I’m ordering a Symbian and I can’t wait to get it and use it! ☀️

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