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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I am SOOOO tired!!! No rest for the wicked, I mean weary! LOL
  2. Oh, I wanted to mention, on top of Mikayla's fanstatic info, that, if you DO feel some sort of slickness on the inside of a condom, it's probably the spermicide that they put in them (if the condom has it added that is.).
  3. Oh yes, they usually are, but even those can slide off. And, in the heat of the moment, lube can glop on, and not really be noticed, until it's too late. I recommend that you slowly roll a condom on after some foreplay. I usually rub the head of his cock, spreading some of his pre-cum as his own, personal lube.
  4. I have no idea why this struck me funny....maybe it was the "smooth things out" part......it's the visual.....guess that would be more appreciated than say, an iron!! LMFAO Sorry....I'm in a wierd mood tonight.
  5. Please don't take offense to this, cuz I don't MEAN it to be so, but it sounds like the type of men you may be attracted too, are very immature and irresponsble. Many women have this curse. My older sister use to attract immature men too, even though she'd date in her own "age-range". It just seemed to be the type of men she attracted & went for. Once she realized what she was doing, and made a HUGE effort to change her ways a bit, and learned to say "NO" if she was asked out by a man of questionable maturity, she found a really really nice man, that she's been with (and married 3 yrs ago) for about 8 yrs total. And he worked WITH her, and was right under her nose the whole time. She just never noticed him due to his very mature, quiet nature, and he didn't seem to "stand out" to her. So, see, it CAN happen, and usually when you least expect it. *HUGS*
  6. Well, he's an a$$....if you lived closer, I'D take you out sweetie!!!
  7. If you're looking for crystals, don't go to a craft & hobby store. Go to a beading store. They usually sell their stuff in strands, for a lot less than what you'd pay in a hobby store. The bead store I go to is in Houston, and they're fabulous! They have Swavorski crystals relatively cheap. Now, their website doesn't give HALF the credit their store deserves, but you can buy online. Here's their website: www.maysbead.com There are MANY bead shopping sites online. Just Google "jewelry making materials".
  8. I would NOT recommend using lube inside a condom. A condom should be snug, but not like it's choking his lil' soldier. Lube can make the condom too slick inside and help it slip off. Nobody wants that! I read that you didn't know if it was too tight, but HE should. He needs to try and figure out how it makes his penis feel (choked off, itchy, numb) whatever, so that he can get some ideas on using a different type of condom. He could have allergies, have a too small of a condom, using a too thick of a condom......there are too many possibilities just to shoot off. So, ask him, and help him find the kind of condom you BOTH like. BTW, Magnums come in 2 sizes, the large ones, and then the Magnum XLs, which is the equivelent of Super Sizing it! I made the mistake of getting the wrong size (the XLs), and opening the box before I realized it. So, there was $10 right down the drain!
  9. Tyger


    Thank you very much.
  10. I've always wanted to dress like Pamela Anderson in Barbed Wire. I dunno, the leather/vinyl look, to me, is HOT!!!!
  11. Why does it seem like I work harder on my "days off", then the days that I get paid to GO to work???
  12. *Just got done showering from weed-whacking outside (hot out there too), and weeding around my rose bushes & lillies. Replanted a few plants too, AND moved a HUGE earthworm (after showing DD it too). So, I'm not prissy LMAO* There were a few things (and still are) that I wouldn't/won't tolerate: I will NOT tolerate being abused, emotionally or physically. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, and kicked his ass right back. I won't tolerate any child porn in my house, and if I caught it, they'd be out the door too. Don't lie to me. The "gift-lies" during the holidays, fine. But the "Oh, I was here" when you weren't, just don't do it. I don't like being groped in public. Never have. Don't treat me like I'm some sort of idiot. I may have a vagina, but I'm not stupid.
  13. Awesome!! I hope you have a fantastic time!! You deserve it!
  14. Thanks to all for the Happy's!!! I hope all of the Mommas on here have a GREAT day too!!!
  15. Tyger


    There, this post spurred me into thinking it was time to change mine. This is my tattoo (which I've posted before), no, I didn't take the pic, but I love my "tramp stamp", so I'll show it off. I hope y'all like it.
  16. It's absolutely ridiculous! Trying to ferret ferrets! Gawd!!! I'm glad they caught the people. People that can't afford ferrets shouldn't have them, because not only are they expensive to buy, they get sick, their feed is expensive, cleaning up after them can get expensive (cleaner and stuff), and all their toys are expensive. I had 2. People have NO clue the cost of being a responsible ferret owner. And, if they WERE trying to set them free, they really WERE idiots!! Bred ferrets have NO clue how to support themselves in the wild. I think that's one of the cruelest things to do to an animal. Get them use to one way of living, and then abandon them, even if you think you're doing so with the best intentions.
  17. Ditto!!!! OH!!! And a nice ass is also beneficial!! LOL
  18. Well, first, I wanted to say that this is a really good post. Not that I'm glad you're going thru it, but I'm glad you posted. As for your problem. I didn't see how old you/her are, so I am thinking that there may be a bit of self-consciousness involved on her part, which can cause self-doubt, and causing her to not like it anymore. One other thing I think may be possible is that you are taking her at her word. Not that I'm suggesting that your GF is lying to you per say, but, the whole "she's over me cumming on her face" and the attempts at deepthroating, where she says she's OK with it, I don't think are overly truthful. Yes, you've been together for a year, and with that, comes experimentation and all that, but sometimes, even a slightly bad experience can have the worst results. She may be less confident in her and your abilites. Hers to pleasure you, and possibly your control (cumming wise). Do you tell her when she is doing something you like? I don't mean the common "Oh yeah baby", but REALLY telling her ("I LOVE it when you suck on my balls just like that") kind of thing? Really boosting her self-esteem in oral areas should help a lot. And, encouraging HER to also let you know what she is liking at the time too. When you have a lot of doubts, things tend to get in the way of pleasuring & being pleasured. Talking outside the bedroom is VERY VERY important. However, there is a point where over-talking can also be a BAD thing, making the person that has the issues can make them feel like a failure. Feeling like a failure can kill the libido and desire to please. It all depends on if the subject is broached in a tactful, non-accusing manner. Coming across as "Why don't you like to suck my dick anymore?" Doesn't sound too pleasant or a way to invite a more communicative way of finding out what can be done. I don't know how you're bringing it up, but, don't overdue it. You don't want to seem like you're nagging, or trying to make her feel bad for not pleasing you, right? Another thing is, that, once you've been in a relationship for a while, people tend to get a bit "lazy", or rush things.....so, do you think you take the time that you did in the beginning of the relationship? Do you take your time with her, making SURE that she is aroused? Does she do the same for you, or does it feel like a chore for either of you? I hope that you ask yourself these questions HONESTLY, and really think about the answers. I know it's easy to just jump on the defensive, but really THINK about these issues. Things like you're saying doesn't ALWAYS mean that your SO is cheating. Best wishes.
  19. Welcome to the forums!! We love diversity, and we welcome differences. I look forward to seeing your posts!!!
  20. Tyger


    I LOVE Mikayla's, and sun_flowers, but, I'm partial to mine, even though it's not "sexy". I love the colors and the tiger seems so gentle.
  21. You're welcome. I wanted to add, that, even as a Reviewer, we get our assignments the same way that customers get their merchandise. I know this because I have also bought stuff too. We usually get assignments once a month, and, add in purchases, or an additional shipments, in the time I've been getting stuff, I've had over 150 shipments. So, I wanted to let you know that, I get a lot of stuff from TooTimid, and never ONCE had an issue!!!
  22. I've been getting products from TooTimid since 2004, and I have never recieved a promotional via regular mail, just with my orders. If you WANT a newsletter, you can sign up for them to go to your e-mail, so it'd be at your convenience and leisure to view in the privacy of your own room/space/time. Never ONCE have I had an issue, nor a box that people could recognize as a SEX TOY. Happy ordering!!!
  23. Getting some other projects done, on top of playing catch up from all the chaos last week!!!
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