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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Thanks for the follow up SuzyP. It's good to learn all about STDs if you're sexually active! Just to clarify, anti-viral meds can sometimes also be referred to as suppressive therapy, depending on how it's prescribed. Also, I wanted to clarify for the readers that may not know it, but with herpes, you can't have sores lasered off, they have to clear up on their own, and you can pass on the virus in either STD without having any sign of viral activity, hence why both STDs are sooooo common! I found out my Mom had the HPV that caused worts, and she was like "The only way to cure HPV is to have surgery". I tried telling her that there were several strains of HPV that they've identified a lot better in the last 20 yrs (which is when she had hers), and not all of them caused the worts, and just because she had them lasered off, didn't mean she didn't have it back then after the proceedure was done, and that in many cases it seems to die off after about 10 yrs or so. But, she didn't believe me. I told her to Google it, since, in her mind, I am 12 yrs old still, and don't know better! LOL What do I know, afterall? LMAO HPV is such a BROAD diagnosis, you are soooo correct when you said that not much is known about it.....kinda like SIDS with infants. It's just sooo broad, that when you get an irregular PAP, they say you may have PID and/or HPV. Hopefully, someday, all STDs will have cures. I live for the day I am, once again, herpes free! Thanks again for the helpful info! I am glad that you are able to share it with us.
  2. Well, Tomnkiki's post is kinda scary, but extreme. I don't think that happens often at all, cuz that's the first I've ever heard of that, especially with a husband and wife who've had sex previously. I have a feeling that couple wasn't telling the full truth on that one. Anyway, the other posters are correct, a woman is designed to stretch and bounce back from the stretching. Some women are more comfortable with a certain size, depending on how their made. Some women, that have tipped uteruses have either a harder time, or easier time with larger sized penises. There can be pain when the penis/toy hits the cervix if you're not excited enough, or if your body can't stretch as much. A woman's uterus is made to go up and tuck a bit when the woman's excited. This is because mating use to be a brutal affair, and so, to make it a bit more pleasurable, the uterus goes up to protect itself (cervix too) and so that the sperm can travel up easier as well. But it can only go up & in so far. Again, depending on how you're made. Please don't EVER think any question is silly or stupid. If you're trying to learn about sex, or anything else for that matter, unless you ask questions that you are unsure of the answer, how will you fully learn what you want to know? Feel free to pose more questions.
  3. I've responded to several posts, asking, suggesting, and confessing HOW I got my man to really enjoy anal penetration. I thought I'd collectively share it all in ONE post for you. So, here goes... I use to enjoy anal sex, until one night, I had a guy just ram himself into me, causing me to bleed profusely, (we had talked about it and I told him I brought lube, but he just went for it without warning....NEVER DO THIS) and ever since then, I've had a really hard time relaxing enough to truly and fully enjoy it. However, I also enjoy GIVING anal penetration, and let hubby know this when we were first dating, that I was open to the idea. At the time, he was like "AW HELLLLLLL NAW", which is cowboy for "I don't fuckin' think so". Well, I dropped it. After all, if he doesn't want too, I'm not going to force the issue. Then, after a few years, we watched some movie, and a joke on it was "I'm gonna stick something up your butt!" and the response on the show was "No you're nooooooooooooooot". And we'd joke around with that for a couple of years. Then I became a Reviewer on here, and started getting toys. He became more involved in using them with me. One night, hubby asked what I had done as far as anal, and if I liked it. I told him my experience (not in great detail or with names, mind you). So then he asked if I was comfortable giving it and if I wanted to try anal sex with him. I asked him to specify. He said "OK, here's the deal, I'll let you stick something up inside of me, if one day, I can do the same to you". I said sure, but there was NO way his 9" cock was going up inside of me immediately, IF ever, but I was willing to use anal toys. Deal. He told me to get the lube one night, and I inserted my finger, curving it down, and massaged his prostate, while giving him a handjob. He came so hard, he could barely move! That really opened his eyes!! Weeks later, we went to an adult toy shop, and HE went over to the anal toys and picked out 2, count 'em, 2 to try. We got them, and on the way home, I read the inserts. He asked some questions. One he kept repeating was if I thought he was gay for wanting to try this, and using toys to do so. I told him absolutely not. And, I reassured him that this was a common fear, especially with men, and that he was having natural feelings, and doubts, and I would only insert one of these toys with PLENTY OF LUBE, and when he was ready for me to do so. Turned out he was that night!! LOL Every so often, he still asks me if I think he's gay cuz he likes it so much, and he uses my dildos sometimes, to masturbate in the shower with anal penetration. I asked him one day if he was fantasizing about men when he does it, and got a very insulted NO WAY!!! I said, well then, I don't think you're gay, you just found that anal sex is extremely pleasurable. I am working on getting myself to relax more and more, so he can have his fun with me too though. So, basically, men, if you are curious, explore it. Ask your lover how they feel about anal sex. You never know until you try! If you're intimate with someone so much as to allow them to place your cock in their mouth, and to have sex with them, why not ask about anal sex too? Best wishes!!
  4. I've already passed this along!!! I LOVE IT!! I love #8 in Estrogen issues!!!
  5. Sometimes, when we get use to getting off a certain way, we are in such a rut that it seems impossible to get off any other way. Take your time, and keep trying.
  6. I'm no medical professional, but, to me, it sounds like a circulartory issue. I would go and have him see a urologist to see if all of his pipes are working properly, and I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a recommendation to go see a cardiologist too. Going numb in any extremity, especially on a regular basis, isn't something that should be ignored or passed as some little thing, until it's diagnosed as "a little thing". Best wishes!!
  7. This may make me a bad person, but I am glad that he got shot, though the torture he would've endured in jail (since inmates dispise child abusers) may have been worth it. Too bad it was too late though. Poor kid.
  8. LMAO That's funny & that would definitely get the point across....unless he likes that sorta thing.....
  9. Congrats!! Best of luck for all the rest of the stuff!!
  10. This IS a debit card, and not a credit card, right? Be careful, because sometimes, on debit cards, charges don't show up until 48 hrs later, so be sure that you keep careful records. I've had to check a few times because I got double-charged, or money added into my account that I didn't add, so it's very very important to watch your balance. A debit card isn't like a credit card. True, it has a Visa or MasterCard logo on it, but that's in cases where you need a card like that (for online shopping, for instance). But, that doesn't mean you can spend over your account balance. If you try to do so, your charge would be decline, same as a credit card. You really should read the literature that your bank gave you on all of this.
  11. I would think that it'd be the same for most genital infecting STD's. Careful screening, supressive therapy, and a higher risk of having the baby via c-section.
  12. There are even reviews in the Sex Toy Review forum on this new item!
  13. Great review!! Now I have the Spongebob Song stuck in my hed cuz of your pineapple comment!! LOL
  14. It's most likely that you're nervous (I almost said that it was probably nerves.....LMAO).Unless it keeps happening, I wouldn't worry about it for now. Just concentrate on getting thru what you need too.
  15. The article is a great suggestion. There are a few questions that I want to address right now though. First, your "I don't want him to be bigger than me" fear is normal, so don't feel bad about that. Second, is this something you REALLY want to bring a stranger into, or rather someone you know, and trust? Either fantasy is normal, however, please read this entire forum, and see if the questions and pointers that are brought up make sense, and are your concerns as well. There are many repeat concerns, which Mikayla does address in her article. Just remember, what you see in porn is fantasy, and can help give you ideas, but it's not made to be taken to heart, or teach you how to be a great lover. Happy reading.
  16. Meg sends me this tester to see what I think of it, since it’s going to be put in the store rather quickly. When I take it out, I think of changing my name from Tyger, to Ziggy Stardust, because the song “Major Tom” starts going off in my head. This toy looks like something they’d have on a sci-fi show/movie. This pretty little number I different than many of the vibes I own. First, it’s clear, totally clear. Meaning, I can see all the mechanics & wires this hard plastic toy. Personally, I find this totally cool. It’s the “computer geek” in me I guess. I can even see the mechanism, which spins, so the vibes are at the very head of the toy, for optimum power! Muahahahaaaaa…oh, sorry, it’s not world domination time… Back to business! It takes 3 AA batteries. Now, when push and sliding off the smooth back (which was hard for me to do), you can see a diagram as to which way the batteries go (in the plastic, so it’s clear & kinda hard to see). The batteries go in kind of hard, and I heard a snap when they were in place correctly. OK, good. I didn’t notice any plastic gasket on this toy, and I saw a couple of holes in the base, so I would say with 100% certainty, based on previous experience, that this toy isn’t waterproof. So, make sure everything is dry before inserting the batteries & turning it on. It’s not overly loud, but not quiet either. There are only 3 easy to push buttons on the front/base of the controller, which do get in the way slightly when using the toy. I hit these buttons accidently while playing. The On/Off buttons turn the vibes on, and make them progressively get stronger; up to 10 levels, 10 being the strongest (my fav. of course). The round F button changes the “function”, meaning different patterns of vibrations. There is a total of 5 different vibes: low & steady, going from low to high relatively slowly, low to high a bit faster, low to high even faster, then steady high. You have to go thru all the settings back down to low to finally get this toy to turn off. There are indicator lights for both the strength and patterns of vibes, so you know what levels you are on. Insertable length of this toy is about 5.5”, and a diameter of 1.5” at the widest part: the smooth bulbous head. The shaft is slightly ribbed, though, but when you look at it, you think that the ribs are more pronounced then they are. Well, grabbing my favorite bullet, I start in on my mission. I turn on this vibe, and find the right setting for me, and start playing and teasing. It felt good. Phase 1 complete. Subject is wet enough for insertion, insertion proceeds. Phase 2 complete. I start pumping away, and it feels pretty good. As far as the ribbed shaft, I really didn’t feel the ribs while it was inside of me, so they didn’t “play into my play” so to speak Phase 3 successful. I grab my bullet (I LOVE clit stimulation) and add a little attention to my clit, as well as pumping away. Phase 4 is seeing progress…WE HAVE LIFTOFF!! Yes, I felt semi-full, loved the vibes, and it definitely sent me into orbit. Houston, there was no worries! I would give this toy 2.5 out of 4 Tyger paws. Ground Control to Major Tom....
  17. OK, so you have a good job, but limited finances, which is, well, everyone that I know! LOL Retail DOES help open your eyes up to being more social, but if that's not something you want to do, don't do it. If you like your job you have now, then stick with that. Can you date your customers AFTER the job's complete? What about customer's daughters? After all, THEY'RE not the ones paying you, but you'd hafta check with your boss to make sure that's OK. Please don't get me wrong, but just GOING to stores won't help. Yes, you go outside your home, but if you don't start talking to people on your own, then what's the point? And, every girl you talk to doesn't have to have an end result of a date. Just conversing with someone can help open up the shy door a bit. If you don't like to read, then going to a bookstore is an obvious ploy to try to pick up women, and to those of us that DO like to read, we can spot you a mile away, and usually ignore guys/gals like that. Go to places that you know you have interests in. Just some suggestions, since I have no clue what your interests are: if you like comics/collectables, go hang out at a hobby shop/comic book shop. If you like cars, go to some car shows. If you have a dog, take it for a walk. Girls love dogs (usually). These are just ideas to start you off. To find a girl that has some similar interests, you have to exercise yours. I'm not sure about what you meant by "I need to take care of one thing first". But, if you don't feel confident, and that will help, by all means, take care of it. But, until you stop making excuses and GET OUT there, then nothing will happen, sweetie. You really don't hafta wait until you're 21 to go out and find women. Though, I met my hubby at a bar, it's not overly common to find good, quality relationships there. People are there to party, hook up for one nighters, or let off some steam. Not everyone there is there for a true relationship. Not saying it can't happen, but you just hafta be careful that it's the GIRL you're interested in (if that's what you're looking for), and not the booze going to your head (the southern one). Best wishes.
  18. Katt, it IS waterproof!
  19. The College Stud I’ve got my very own college stud! I never have to worry about it wandering off with another woman, hangovers, toga/fraternity parties, or interrupting his study time, because this Stud is here, at my disposal! Not for the faint of heart, at 6” long, and 2.25” thick, this bad boy is gonna be at my disposal quite often! And, unlike a real college stud, this one can be bent at any angle, and he vibrates! Bendable and pliable, this waterproof toy has a variety of vibes with the aide of only 2 AAA batteries (not incl.), from gentle to moderate. They aren’t overly strong, but he’s no dunce either. The dial controler cap, doesn’t screw on, it twists half way, then you lift it off. There are tabs to line up to put the cap back on. The Stud is made out of the same material as Cyberskin, but, with this company, it’s called “Better-Than-Real”. Which means that it’s a silicone based toy, so please steer clear from silicone based lubes (water-based only) to maintain your Stud’s shape, size, and over all well-being. I decided to do my homework, and have a crash course with this thick College Stud of mine. Turning on the vibes, on the medium setting, I was able to tease myself with his never-ending erection. I kept him straight for the duration of our study time, and after applying some water-based lube, he slid in, but it was a tight fit! His massive girth was definitely being felt! I was cramming for his exam, for sure! But, I slowly taught him how to go in slow and steady, and once I got adjusted to his study habits, I pumped him for all we were worth! Wow! Talk about a Stud full of, well, just full!! I could even feel his soft balls banging against my ass. It all felt awesome!! Add some Clit Notes, and I was off to an A+ orgasm! I would recommend any gal to get her own College Stud study buddy to learn how to achieve a really full feeling. Not really for beginner toy users, this Stud will be willing to help you open your thighs, and not the books, for many nights to cum! Join THIS stud's fraternity!
  20. Darlin', so long as you approach a girl with a bit of respect, and not try to act like a "playa", you should be fine. The worst they can do is say "I don't think so". But youhave to put yourself out there to find people. Most of my significant others from the past were NOT found in bars or clubs. I met guys at bowling allies, the skating rink, in the park, at work, at the Mall, or whatever. I had this one relationship, when I was much younger, that I had seen this guy, and as we were leaving, I said to him "hey shorty". He was over 6' at the time. We dated seriously for almost 2 yrs! When I was 28, I had to get some rotors for my car, went to the parts store, and the manager there looked to be my age (he was only 3 mos older than I, come to find out), and I wrote my number on the back of my business card, and told him that if he was single, give me a call. Know what? He did!! Just be yourself, try to open up. The more you just approach people, the more confidence you will get. And, please believe me, girls feel the same nervousness that you do.
  21. OMG!! That's how people get sick, with the drastic weather changes! It's been in the mid to high 90's here during the day, and mid to high 70's at night, but humid all around. Feel free to visit if ya wanna though! You will definitely thaw out here in TX!!
  22. Just an FYI, but if there is an issue with a poster or chatter, please PM a mod, Rob, or Meaghan. We're looking into getting a regular moderator or 2 in there, but until that happens, to keep the peace, and not pounce on people, please contact someone and let them handle it. This way, if something like this happens again, there are no hard feelings.
  23. You go girl!! You deserve some happiness, no matter what!! Nymph, I have a pot of coffee (and different flavors too). Mikayla, darlin', would you bring the cream & sugar?
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