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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. OMG!! Some of these are waaaaaay too funny!!
  2. Have fun & welcome! Glad to see ya!
  3. SB, I've talked with you, and seen your pics, you have NOTHING to worry about as far as other women's appearing more beautiful. You are beatiful, and a wonderful person to boot! Everyone looks at other people, yet, if your BF loves you, then don't worry about it. There's nothing wrong with thinking positively about yourself, even if it's one thing. You may be having a great "jeans" day, or have on a new pair of earrings that make you feel that much more girlie. There's nothing wrong with feeling good about yourself. There is a noticable difference between self-confidence (damn, I look gooooood today), and arrogant (I'm sexier that THAT girl and she's plain UG-ly). Self confidence comes from INSIDE, not by what you wear, or how you do your makeup. Then why do women spend all this time on their looks? To BOOST their self-confidence. I know, it's all kinda crazy, and goes in a circle, but it's true. We feel good, as women, when we pamper ourselves, even if it's just a simple hair cut or manicure, and, when we feel good about ourselves, it shows inside as well as out! As far as MySpace goes, many younger people love to see how many "friends" they can get on their Friend's List. It's kinda ridiculous. Girls PM me to put me on their MySpace List and to get on mine, as well as men. I had one man try and get me to meet him to help with some "research", asking questions, and making it almost sound like I had talked with him and was planning to run off with him! I mean, if my hubby had read that in my Inbox, hell, he'd be pissed! So, you kinda have to just be wary, but also, if your BF hasn't given any reason for you to doubt him, then trust him too. Have a great day!
  4. A woman standing nude, looks into the bathroom mirror and says to her husband, "I look horrible, I feel fat and ugly. Honey, would you pay me a compliment?" The husband replies, " Your eyesight's damn near perfect."
  5. Butch the Rooster Farmer John was in the fertilized-egg business. He had several hundred young layers (hens), called "pullets", and ten roosters, whose job it was (for you city folks) to fertilize the eggs. He kept records and any rooster that didn't perform went into the soup pot and was replaced. That took an awful lot of his time, so he bought a set of tiny bells and attached them to his roosters. Each bell had a different tone, so John could tell from a distance which rooster was performing. Now he could sit on the porch and fill out an efficiency report simply by listening to the bells. His favorite rooster was old Butch, and a very fine specimen he was, too. But one particular morning John noticed old Butch's bell hadn't rung at all! John went to investigate. The other roosters were chasing pullets, bells-a-ringing. The pullets, hearing the roosters coming, would run for cover. But to Farmer John's amazement, old Butch had his bell in his beak, so it couldn't ring. He would sneak up on a pullet, do his job and walk on to the next one. John was so pleased and proud of old Butch, he entered him in the County Fair, where old Butch became an overnight sensation among the judges as well. The Result...The judges not only awarded old Butch the No-Bell Piece Prize, but they also awarded him the Pulletsurprise as well. MORAL: Clearly old Butch was a politician in the making. . . Who else but a politician could figure out how to win two of the most highly coveted awards on our planet by being the best at sneaking up on the populace and screwing them when they weren't paying attention?
  6. Where I don't have experience in sleeping with a woman (yet), I have had a few times where a woman has really excited me, which, the first time it happened, was also rather shocking to me too. You may be bisexual, or just bi-curious. If this one woman does it to you, then, yes, it sounds as if you're attracted to her, and, no, you're NOT a freak. Many women love to watch woman on woman porn (I being one as well), and have seen some women that just make me go Ga-Ga. I've always considered myself "straight" too. So, in answer to your question, yes, it's normal. How to go about it? Is this woman gay/bisexual? Has she expressed an interest in you as well? If so, why not bring it up in a conversation. Slowly hinting at the attraction (if you're shy). Or, you could just blurt it out and tell her that, although you feel "wierd" about it, you find her very attractive. I'm sure there will be other women that can chime in here on how they broached the subject with a bi-virgin. Good luck & best wishes.
  7. A woman goes to her boyfriend's parents' house for Christmas dinner. This is to be her first time meeting the family and she is very nervous. They all sit down and begin eating a fine meal. The woman is beginning to feel a little discomfort, thanks to her nervousness and the broccoli casserole. The gas pains are almost making her eyes water. Left with no other choice, she decides to relieve herself a bit and lets out a dainty fart. It wasn't loud, but everyone at the table heard the poof. Before she even had a chance to be embarrassed, her boyfriend's father looked over at the dog that had been snoozing under the woman's chair, and said in a rather stern voice, "Skippy!". The woman thought, "This is great!" and a big smile came across her face. A couple of minutes later, she was beginning to feel the pain again. This time, she didn't even hesitate. She let a much louder and longer rrrrrip. The father again looked at the dog and yelled, "Skippy!" Once again the woman smiled and thought "Yes!" A few minutes later the woman had to let another rip. This time she didn't even think about it. She let a fart rip that rivaled a train whistle blowing . Once again, the father looked at the dog with disgust and yelled, "Skippy, get out from under that chair before she shits on you!"
  8. Tyger


    Yes, we're a bit different that an E-Bay posting, and hopefully more informative & fun. No bidding here though!! LMAO Welcome and have fun!!!
  9. Welcome, welcome!! I hope you're able to expand your issues with sex here, once you feel comfortable of course, and have fun, learn, and get a lot from here!! Best wishes with your new purchase too!!!
  10. LOL Mike!! Jeez!! Howard, yes, a lot of the times, shyness with sex is a sign of being repressed in some way, shape or form. However, if you read it carefully, this couple has only been married for about 5 mos, and were virgins when they got married!! NOBODY can just JUMP into sex right off the bat and totally feel comfortable with it!! People take time to learn what they like and are comfortable with....haven't we ALL said this on the forum? Of course we have. There's no need to be a Naysayer, or cause a panic where counselling is her ONLY Option for getting "better" at sex. There has been NO sexual past, and, therefore, NO sexual history to fall back on. Whether or not someone's been abused, well, that wasn't said, so you just can't assume that this freshly de-virgined person should just be all "GO GET 'EM" in the bedroom. Most people don't do it that way. Now, if they'd been married for 5+ years, with no hope in sight, well, then, yes, definitely something deeper needs to be done. However, her WILLINGNESS to try to "sexify" (new word~made it up, yay me LMAO) herself to make things a bit more exciting shows GREAT progress!! I bet that she never even had a sex talk with her parents! So, she's blossoming, with hope in sight. She's showing a desire to please, and adventuring into unknown realms. Who wouldn't be a bit apprehensive? Never being a man, well, I don't know how sexually adventurous the "average" male gets. However, being a woman *checks under her shirt and sees The Twins* that, at one time, had started having sex, I know how it is to slowly grow into my own, get comfortable with MY body, as well as trying to learn how a man's body REALLY feels. And, depending on your self-esteem level, these things can take more time. This couple, IMO, really needs to just start opening up to one another, and listening to verbal cues as to what each other likes. Open, yet fun discussions about sex, maybe perusing this site together, or going to some adult shop, and have FUN with it! I've always had a blast going into those places, seeing some stuff I'd love to try, and then laughing my ass off at some of the things that companies come up with to try to sell!!!
  11. It does look like some sort of torture device. You bad, bad boy!! LOL
  12. I was at least expecting "this bud's for you", but ah well!! It kinda looks like a sci-fi thing, doesn't it? Does this mean it's been deflowered? I mean, did the flower kinda make you go "how unmanly is THIS?" Well, I'm glad it worked well for you, and this was a strong, healthy bud!
  13. I have this one, and did a review on it too!! Great toy!!
  14. AW!! Thanks & right back at ya Mikayla!! As for the men, oh, decisions, decisions, decisions..... I can't go wtih Thurisas, since, I've known him and his wife what seems like forever, AND, we have a joke that he's just a non-sexual entity to me. LMAO I could go with Mike_D, since he makes me laugh too, or CGEM for the same deep and personal responses he gives.
  15. Welcome to the forum! Assuming that you're still young, it MAY be she has an aversion to sex, in one way or another. However, her willingness to get some lingerie/costumes shows that she's willing to expand her sexual horizons. If y'all have never been with anyone else, then, let me tell you how I was when I first became sexually active, and was like this for a few years, until I met a certain man that allowed me to comfortably expand MY sexual boundries! When I first started out, my First, thought that the sex on porn was how it was done. True, he'd had a couple of sexual partners before me, but they were, um, "easy" girls, who were willing to sleep with anyone. Those girls were in it for the tally of how many men they could sleep with/take away from other girls. They had little to no expectations as to the QUALITY of sex. One night, he popped in a porn (I'm still a virgin at this point), and we watched it, and I told him that there was NO WAY IN HELL I was doing all of that!! A few weeks later, we did it, and, he was a big disappointment, for his goal was to not hurt me, but that, sadly, was about it. After several times, it started getting better. But, I've always been pretty assertive in what I want, and what I like. My 3rd BF (second one isn't really worth mentioning), he was a bit more adventurous. He liked to give and recieve oral, which was scary to me, since he was the first one that I allowed to do so. I was so young and ignorant, that we'd hafta have some toothpaste handy for him and me to dab in our mouths afterwards!!! Yes, really. As our relationship progressed, we lost the toothpaste though. The man that allowed me a bit more sexual freedom encouraged toy usage, oral, masturbation, and other fun. We did it everywhere, and he made me feel like a Goddess! I really blossomed under his tutaliage! He was wonderfully giving. He was also 5 yrs older, and had more experience than I. I was still a kid when I met him, but when we split, I was most definitely a woman! I grew up and got rid of all those "icky" thoughts about sex! Ok, all of this means? Well, sex can be scary for those that don't know what they're doing, or what they like. Learning from porn is NOT the way to learn about sex. I'm not sure if y'all watch it, but, there are only a few things to learn from porn. One of which is that sex should be pleasurable for BOTH partners!! Another one is that it's OK to touch yourself (and for the woman to stimulate her clit OFTEN) while having sex/making love with your lover. Dispelling sex myths is also very important. Women are wired to make their men, and others around them, feel good about themselves, and to not hurt their feelings & egos. So, there may be things that a woman simply gets nothing out of, yet she doesn't want to make her man feel inadequate, so she goes with it. Women need to stop doing this!! Cuz, not only are they doing them a disservice, but their men as well. Men LOVE to please their women! At least the good ones do! Sex isn't dirty! Sex is not only adult playtime, but it's a way to connect on a deeper level with your lover (for those that are in meaningful relationships). There should be love AND laughter! Why get embarassed at a silly bodily noise that may escape while changing positions? Laugh it off, everyone has done it (and if they deny it, they're lying), it's funny!!! Getting comfortable with your own body first, allowing yourself to please yourself is also another important part. Touching yourself, exploring, and learning what feels good, then sharing that knowledge with your lover! What greater gift can you give? I'm not trying to sound patronizing or insulting, but it sounds like you and your wife need a little more time go grow up, sexually. It depends on the person, but it does happen, over time, after you realize "OMG, that DOES feel good, and I'm not going to die of embarassment if I want this!" Best wishes and good luck to you both!!
  16. I was thinking that we should see who could pee in the snow the farthest!! LMAO Great minds think alike, huh Mikayla?
  17. For the fetish comment, I'm sure that there are people out there attracted to black people just for the color of their skin. However, most bi-racial couples I know have a few good reasons for why their with someone out of "Their Own Race": They met the person, and fell in love with the PERSON, not the color of their skin. The grew up around a different race, so, they're attracted to them more. They got sick of how "their own race" treated them, and they liked how black men treat their women. I have one friend who is half Mexican, and half black. To look at her, you'd think she's Mexican, but, to hear her talk over the phone, you'd swear you were speaking to a black woman. She was raised by a black mother, and, therefore, she was around more blacks than Mexicans or white people. She dated all over the place, different races, but went back to what she felt most comfortable with, a black man. As for the nude photos, for me, it's easier to take pics of myself, from the waist down, and show myself that way, not naked in person. I've never been to a nude party before.
  18. Well, obviously, I wouldn't be offended if my hubby got ME a toy, however, I am not your wife, and going from what you posted, she possibly may get offended with a sex toy as a gift. You said your "bi annual minutes"....does that mean you only have sex twice a year??? If so, you're marriage and relationship, IMO, is seriously in trouble! If that's the case, then she seems to be thinking that sex is a JOB, instead of playtime, where, it's not only for getting your "O" on, but to connect on a deeper level with your lover. She may have a variety of reasons why she is the way she is, ranging from sexual abuse, religious background, never being spoken too about sex, or some other reason. Of course, her being allowed to keep up this sort of behavior all these years has just reinforced her opinions, whatever they are, about sex. Twice a year? It doesn't sound like she TRULY enjoys herself, may be faking it, and just does it to placate you. Sexual communication is extremely important, and, it has to be 2 sided, not just one. To make ANY sort of relationship continue and make it better, there HAS to be a 2 way street! I hate sounding like a broken record here, but I'd seriously consider getting into marriage counselling to dig down and see what her issues are with sex. She obviously doesn't want to talk with you about it, which is a shame, because sex SHOULD be discussed with lovers! Good luck & best wishes!
  19. It's not only the vitamins that affects cum taste, but what he ingests as well, bitter foods, coffee, spicy foods, and smoking can all affect cum taste. I'm not a health professional, in fact, I don't even play one on TV, but if the vitamins affect his cum taste, he's probably getting a bit too much of some supplement. He can take more specific needs supplements for what his doctor would recommend he needs more of. Anyway, I'd have him go to the doctor and find out what he needs supplements/better diet for, and go from there. Also, keep in mind, that everyone digests things differently. So, what one vitamin may do for one person (and their "taste"), may not affect him the same way.
  20. Welcome! Great to have you, and have fun with the site!
  21. Being someone that was born & raised in Maine, I feel that I must speak up for Thurisas here. I'm not fully sure if the blaze orange is "law" or not, but, up there, property lines aren't always easily marked, and then there are several hunters (especially out of state ones) that just don't give a shit, and will shoot at anything that moves, before looking really close to make sure, so blaze orange is a necessity, not an option, lest some idjit thinks you're something he'd like to put up on his wall! Then, when you confront the hunters, they get all pissed off that you DARE mess with their "RIGHT" to hunt, and that you don't want them gracing your property! They don't really care if it's posted or not, if they don't get caught, who's to know? Maine has some of the best hunting, IMO, with it's hundreds of wild miles, and many different species of animals, including, what I was once told, "Monster Deer" since they get so big up there! For such trophies, many don't care HOW or WHERE they get it, just so long as they get that rack/meat and notariety of successfully hunting Maine deer/moose! Whether it's wrong or a felony really doesn't matter much after someone gets shot, or one of your animals is shot. It's kinda a mute point by then, now isn't it? True, you have legal ways to get back at the offender, but that doesn't undo the damage careless hunters do, IF they're caught. It may not be right, but that IS the way it IS up there. Trust me, I've LIVED it too. I grew up knowing that come the middle of October, you don't step foot anywhere near the woods without blaze orange on!! My father always made a lot of noise in the woods, and told me to do the same, and also believed that if someone shooted at him, he'd shoot back, cuz if the idiot wasn't double and triple checking what he was shooting at, then indeed, he was a danger, and he needed to protect himself. I don't know why y'all think that his POV of NOT wanting a gun is such a bad thing. I have guns, and feel semi-protected from them, even if it's a false sense of protection, since I can only really shoot one of them. I feel more protected from my dogs than the guns. Which, I know what Val & Thur have dogs, which I am sure would protect them if need be. They live in the country, where there is crime, but not even a quarter as bad/violent as in the bigger cities. So, if they don't want guns on their property, it's their perrogative, and I don't think that ANYONE should argue with them for that. Thurisas was in the army, knows HOW to shoot a gun, respects the power of one, and CHOOSES NOT to use one. Welcome to America, where you are truly free to make up your OWN mind whether or not it's necassary to have guns in the house! It's HIS choice to make, and I don't think that feeling sorry for him for his beliefs isn't necessary, to me it's demeaning. I can see both points. I think hunting is important to keep the populations down & healthy. However, raising "wild" animals on "farms" isn't needed either. I have guns in the home, yet I respect people who don't want any. I guess I'm just a bit more open-minded in these things. My point is, is that if you're hunting for food, or keep the meat and use all that you can from an animal, then it's not only benificial, but also respectfu. If you shoot something down for the head, hooves, pelt, or rack, then, IMO, you're no better than a parasite.
  22. Well, judging by some of the "verbage" lisaj used, I am going to take a stab in the dark and say that she's probably a little over the age of 18. I don't know too many kids under the age of 18 that don't use slang, acronyms, and purposely misspelled words when posting/IMing. Besides, it's an OPTION to put your age and maritial status, not a requirement. The only requiremet is to be 18+. If they don't want to share their "stats", that's their right. So, as to the question, who's to say that anything has to happen unless you want it too? True, he's probably checking to see if sex would be a possibility again. Most guys are usually looking for a hook up now and again (sometimes more like AGAIN LOL). He may be getting ready and getting that missing condom, so that the situation that happened this summer, won't be a repeat. To put a really positive spin on it, think of it this way: he's obviously thinking about YOU, and called YOU. Even after all this time. He probably could've called anyone for a Booty Call. He made some conversation first, trying to reconnect, which could be a good sign in itself. I guess the thing to do would be to see how he treats you when you go on your date. If you're not comfortable having sex, then tell him so. Though, with your "lame answer" you gave him, telling him he's attractive and reminiscing (especially if you expressed regret NOT sleeping with him), you've given him some hopes of something happening, so his expectations that it actually happening this time are probably well-founded. I always stress that honesty is the best policy. Make sure he knows that you're not a Booty Call (if he treats you as such). Best Wishes!
  23. Fantasizing is very healthy, normal, and always encouraged, however, if your man isn't into anal play, coming at him while tied up with a dildo would probably not be a great idea. Relationships and sexual exploration require trust, and if you did that, he'd have every reason NOT to trust you. Anal play should be with consenting adults, and done gradually, and don't forget LOTSA LUBE!! However, if he's all for this S&M or "rape" fantasy, then, by all means, have fun with it, remember the lube, and have a Safe Word.
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