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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. So I got a call at 330am it wakes me up, I answer it and it is my 18yr old son. uggg I can bearly understand him. He calls me at and asks me how to get to Mesa. WTF?? He lived here so how does he not know??? Well it is beyond obvious to me that he is on something, what I have no clue. So I ask him, he says,"Mom why do you think I am high?" Well lets see I can't understand you, you are asking me how to get to Mesa, and it is flippin 330am. I ask him where he is and he says at Superstition Springs BLVD, I said, " Well your in Mesa." I am frustrated right now I could scream." So then he ask me, " How to I get to Red Mountain High school, WTF?? Does my son not get it, it is 330am you went to Red Mountain High and graduated. My son graduate a yr early. So here I am worried as hell about him, he is in a car with god only knows who, high, drunk hell just not in his right mind. He tells the whomever he is with that they need to get off on Power. You know you do your best when raising your children, and you hope and pray that you have given them the tools ness. to have a good life. They move out, get a job, seem to be doing okay. Then this shit!!! I think the strangest thing is though, yesterday I checked his myspace, and his message got to me when he said,"I dont know what is better women or drugs." I called him and he wasn't there. I then called his dad to see if he has heard from him. Nope they saw him that morning and that was it. I know he is an adult but damn, I am worried as hell. Where is his fucking (excuse my french) brain??? So now I sit here concerned as hell almost an hour and half later wondering, is the damn hospital going to be calling here to tell me that my son is in a car accident? Is my son going to be calling me telling me he is in jail?? Is he still okay? Is he safe, still alive???ugggg!! The worst thing is though that if he calls me cause for some reason he got arrested, I would accept the call, but I wouldnt do anything to help him, I wouldnt pay his bond, show up at court or anything else. Anyway thanks for letting me rant and rave. I almost want to call the number back again that he called from and make sure that he is alright, so when does a parent stop worring?I feel so helpless right now as a parent, knowing that there is nothing I can do.
  2. WOW!! I didn't think Astroglide could get any better. I am adding this to my next shipment!!!
  3. Very Interesting looking. Sounds like one I may have to try at least for some good foreplay. My mind is wondering with many options already since it is flexible. Thanks Mikayla.
  4. OMG ROFL!!! Thanks I needed that laugh tonight!!
  5. Yeah yeah Tyger!!!LMAO You know my two words for ya Darlin!! HUGS
  6. Suzy I am not picky either one will do me fine!!
  7. Are you talking in your pm hun? If so yes, of to the left you will see a pm block list. Just add the members name there.
  8. LMAO Tyger!!! You know I luv ya, but I am marking the spot right now where you can BITE ME!!!! Yes that look was just for you and your birdhouse suggestion.
  9. Welcome to the board!!! I am also tattooed one is in my profile which is my favorite one. I will get around to posting more of mine.
  10. *meow* Suzyp you sure you want a kitty that doesn't kill birds that saves them? LOL
  11. OMG LMAO!! Thanks Pappy I really did need a laugh today!!
  12. Welcome to the board!! I promise known of us bite, although we do nibble sometimes. LOL This is a great place with lots of information and new ideas, along with very informative articles written in the educational section.
  13. Welcome to the board!!
  14. Thank you all!! Hey TQ if you ever worked as a nurse in AZ it is possible. Heck No Aiden I like it when you are blind folded, I can tease ya more sweetie. LOL
  15. Great review Mikayla!!! Sorry but I had to LOL to!!
  16. I dont have 8 living children I miscarried a few at about 5months. I have had 8pregos though. I have given birth 6 times though. Yes it did take me that long to firgue out what caused it. LMAO Just ask Tyger sometimes I am way to blonde.
  17. Thank you to kind!!! I guess after having 8pregs. and health issues I can be a little to judgemental on myself. Although I can say I am very comfortable in my skin.
  18. OMG here we go. No judging although Mikayla you got topped. When I use to work, I am guilty of having sex in the basement of the hospital in the morgue area. I guess that would be considered weird, odd and unethical, but it was well worth the stress relieve I needed.
  19. Be nice. LOL I know I am old. This wont be up long.
  20. Nope, dont have that much time to spend, busy mommy! TPBM is married or wants to get married soon?
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