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Everything posted by Robin

  1. OMG are you asking me! I've used it and enjoyed it, though I can agree with those who say that isn't stiff enough (for lack of a better word). It's my first and only anal toy, so I don't have great experience. I expect if I was, this toy wouldn't do the trick. For little old me just playing around, it was fine. I guess though it would be good to work up to something, but, IMO, you should talk to someone on here that has more experience. Your username describes me. Have fun whatever you do!
  2. rofl - Oh Howard! There is an id on the customs slip, much like the inspector number on Fruit of the Looms or Hanes. It was so funny to find that knife. As to the clerks at the post office, I'm sure they see lots of different things. I would, however, be mortified if they read and clued in to what was in the package. They know me. lol What an experience for my first time! I'm shy and reserved about sexual matters and I'm finding this quite funny. Thanks for your reply.
  3. Wow - I received my package from Too Timid today and am so excited. I purchased the Smooth King Pin and I'm wondering two things: can I clean it first with anitbacterial liquid soap, and is it is okay to use KY jelly with it? A little side note - the dang customs officers did open the box and I did pay duty. That's okay, but after I opened the box I found a used exacto-knife in it and noted that the Canada customs slip stated "vibrator" and "massager". Good Heavens! I hope the clerks at my post office didn't read this. lol Thank you to whomever answers my questions
  4. Tyger, thanks for your reply. Let's just say, I'm feeling that part of my body is wanting attention. I'm also shy about talking, even writing about such things, so it's hard for me to articulate. And the heck with the postal service. Maybe it will intrigue a worker, or bore him - not another sex toy rolling across the border. lol
  5. I have recently become more interested in my body and pleasuring myself. Better late than never, I say. I'm looking for something that would help with my lack of experience. I would like something for insertion and was wondering if Crystal Jellies Anal Delight would be a good choice. I know that silicone items would be a good choice, but I live outside the States and my package may be subject to customs, so I'm hoping to keep the price down. Sounds cheap of me, I know. lol Any suggestions would be greatly appreicated.
  6. We're all so different. I've recently become quite interested in gay porn. Good looking men pleasuring each other turns me on and I'm a girl. I don't watch that much straight porn. My interest was peeked by watching Queer as Folk and I know a lot of women through internet chats that enjoy the male/male combination. I've yet to figure out why. I hope your wife likes whatever you buy her.
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