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    Reading, working with Special Olympics, boating, fishing, hunting, shooting, singing, softball, racing hiking, camping, biking, living life to the fullest.

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  1. The avrage cucumber is at leasy six inches long. Cucumbers stay hard for a week. A cucumber never suffers from performance anxiety Cucumbers are easy to pick up you can fondle cucumbers in the super market.....and you know how firm it is before you take it home. You only eat cucumber when you feel like it Cucumbers never need a round of applause A cucumber won't mind hiding in the fridge when your mother comes over Cucumbers can stay up all night....and you won't have to sleep in a wet spot Cucumbers won't compare you to a centerfold Cucumbers won't tell you they liked you better with long hair A cucumber will never give you a hickey Cucumbers won't ask, "am I the best" "How was it" "Did you cum?" "How many times?" With a cucumber you don't have to be a virgin more than once Cucumbers won't tell you a vasectomy will ruin it for them It's easy to get rid of a cucumber No matter how you slice it, you can always have your cucumber and eat it too!
  2. Session Name: LOLIGO Tested for aids:___________ physician:_____________ Application For A Piece Of Ass Name Last_________ First___________ Middle_____________ Race:_________ Phone:_______________ SS# ______________ Hair color:__________ Real?___________ Eye color__________ Dentures? __________ Height:__________ Weight:________ Waist size:___________ Chest or bra size:___________ Marital Status: Married:__________ Single:___________ Divorced____________ Other__________ Are your breast or balls real?________ Do you like them: Sucked:________ Chewed_________ Kissed_______ Carressed:________ Squeezed:_______ None of the above:________ Other:__________ Can you stay out late?_________ How late: All night?________ Several Days?__________ Do you like to be screwed?_______ How often?:___________ Do you like oral sex?____________ Penis or pussy size: Small______ medium___________ Large_______________ extra large______________ While screwing do you: Faint_________ Fart___________ Cry__________ Moan_________ Hum___________ Scream______ Laugh_________ Whistle_________ Yodel?_________ Scratch_______ All of the above________ When you cum do you: Wiggle________ Wobble__________ Twist________ Jerk___________ Scream___ Cry______ or do you........just start humping like hell: ______ Just lay there___________ What type of screw do you prefer: Fast__________ Slow_________ Super fast_________ all night________ How many times?_________ Comments:__________________________________________________ How long do you screw at one interval?_______________________________________________ Do you want to screw now?____________________________________________________________ If you have screwed before, give two References (Not Immediate Family) Name_______________ Address_____________________ Phone___________________ Name_______________ Address_____________________ Phone____________________ If application is favorable, what are your charges, if any, for: One night:_________ One hour:_____________ Muff burger special____________ oral sex_______________ What credit cards will you accept: visa__________ Mastercard____________ Sears___________ Shell________ JC penny__________ American Express___________ Credit card#____________________________ Expiration Date:________________________ Signature:__________________________________________________ Date_____________________
  3. Tyger and Howard, Please don't think I have anything aganist toys, that is not the case, like I said before, we use various oils/lubes too. We have been toghether for 15 years and have a wonderful relationship....we are not married. We also watch porn and enjoy most of it as an enhancment to what we already have. We are very very lucky people to have found each other and even more so to have fallen in love. But most important of all is that I like her and she likes me! Thanks for the info.
  4. First off, you are very young, so let me ask you this, have you talked to him AWAY from the bedroom and done so in a calm, non-complaining manner? My opinion is very simple, if he loves you as much as you say you love him, and you speak to him in a way that you can connect as opposed to complaining (not saying that you do) then he will want to do whatever he can to pleasure you. When we discuss sex, timeing is everything, as is tone of voice and body lanugage. Toys are an option for many many people, and since you say you have never had an orgasm they very well may be your answer, hang around here and read and ask questions. With that being said, an open relationship is a disaster waiting to happen. It will not inhance the love you say you have for him, it will destroy what you now have toghether. While sex should not be work, relationships are. There is always that *greener grass* syndrome and if you get out of this relationship you are now in and enter another one there will be someone you are wondering about then too. I think you did the right thing by comming here, some of these people have some pretty good ideas and advice. Good luck
  5. I just ran across this site, it looks pretty intresting. you might not see me posting very much until I get you folks figured out. I am in a wonderful relationship with the most incredible person on earth. our sex life changes with lifes ups and downs but over all is active and rewarding for the both of us. We do not use toys simply because we don't need them however we do use various lubes, oils, ect. We both have strong moral values and adhere to them, we don't cheat and are both very intolarent of those who do. We both have direction in our lives and know where we are going and what we are doing, but are also open minded enough to learn new things and accept different ideas. So, for whatever measure of time we are here....hi.
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