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  • Briefly Describe your last sexual encounter:
    Anal Play with GF. Fantastic. Also ended up the night in doggie, both of us had vibrating anal toys in.
  • # of sex toys you own?
  • Marital status
    In a Relationship
  • What is your age & gender?
    29 and male, 28 and female

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  1. Dee and I have been discussing anal. Specifically, how often you can do it, safely not in terms of fairness for partners. I said every other day, she says every day. We really couldn't find any information on how often it can be done, so we were wondering if you could shed any light. We pretty much engage in some sort anal play every day. We haven't noticed any side effects, but considered things might be different a couple of years down the line. Is it safe to engage in anal, anal play, pegging, etc. every day? Does it need to be spaced? If it needs to be spaced out, how often? Thanks beforehand. Rob
  2. I love my man's cum, but never shot in the face. Though i do like putting it on my face. I love the taste, texture, and warmth. I got it in my eyes once though and thought I was going to go blind. The burning and stinging just doesn't make it pleasurable. And cleaning it out made it worse until i got everything completely out. That was not a fun night. D
  3. Welcome. So... Questions? Comments? D& R
  4. no, clue, Dee and I were wondering if it could be adapted for simulated rimjobs tho. R
  5. I couldn't have written this any better myself. This is pretty much what I was going to type before I saw what Howard put. Being unhappy because of a mistake tends to make you want to change the mistake if possible so you can be happy again. This is easy if you are not married and/or have kids. In the dating world you can say,"hey, things aren't working out. I don't see a future in this so i'm dumping your ass."(one could probably exhibit more tact, but if you break it down the message is the same). Once you get into the realm of marriage and having kids though, you have crossed a line where things get messy. There is commitment and responsibility. Bleh. I don't even know why I am commenting on this. It's kind of scary. At least with someone, as howard put it, "on the hunt" you can kind of feel superior by having the moral high ground. R
  6. Ranch Dressing for oral made D puke. Horrid at the time. But funny looking back at it. Needless to say, It took us a while to get back into food play. R
  7. I don't know. D and I have never been fans of the rounded bases. The rectangular(flared) bases are what always have been better for our own personal use. Rounded have always seemed to slip out of us. You don't have to be all clenchy(not sure if that is a word, but if you are into anal play you know what I mean) with the rectangular base it just kind of fits in the groove of you ass better. It's important to us because we both like to have plugs in when we are having sex. I guess it is personal preference, i just have always recommended against using them. I hope that helps and doesn't hinder. R
  8. Well, on the bright side, at least no one is bring sporting event type 1 out of 10 cards to bed. The Chinese Judge give you a 4, The English Judge rates it a 7. USA gives you a 7. Your loved one give you a 7. All you can do is reply. "BS, I WAS ROBBED. THAT WAS PURE 10 work." lol, that might be fun for a little kink. R
  9. Well, That's an interesting set of questions. As far as sexual liberation in America and the Czech Republic. Well, All of Europe is pretty much less sexually repressed than America. Sex toys and contraception are readily available. The nightlife in Prague is crazy. It is a pretty sexual charged atomosphere. Combine that with the beautiful architechture and landscape, and you do sort of have a Paris of the East. (R always thought Paris was a dump as I am typing). I am not really sure on the AIDS epidemic. It's not like Africa, but can you honestly quote me off numbers from America about Aids? I can't remember either. There has been a syphillis(sp?) outbreak in the prostitution population. We don't really use those services(even though some of the brothels are VERY nice to get a buzz going at), so it doesn't really have much of an impact on us. I wouldn't say prostitutes are for tourists, but they are kind of. It's funny, there is a weird grey area. I think it isn't illegal or legal to be a prostitute. Pimping might be illegal, I am not sure. The bad thing about that life is that it isn't regulated like in Holland or Northern Germany. That is why Prague is the porn and prostitute capital of Europe. It's kind of like the 1880's old west. This is another thing that leads to Prague having a kinky, kinda sexyyyy/kinda dangerous feel to it. It's like russian roulette with your wang(R is laughing at that one). I hope am not painting too dark of a picture. Prague really is one of the most romantic cities in the world, but it does have its problems on it's more seedy side. Then again who doesn't. Don't even get me started on the Bible Belt. You trade in a good sex life for tax breaks. Bah. D&R
  10. IMHO...it seems like it would be easier to go with a dual action. D
  11. Well, considering he would probably be in a debtor's prison without me, I am sure he would say that also. joking...joking...I love him to bits. Thanks for being so kind. D
  12. i have to agree about FOH being my favorite site. They are the originals. Have a bit of everything. D
  13. Well, he is the snooty and haughty American professor. I am the fiesty, romantic, caring, and fiercly Czech Love goddess... and a glorified accountant as my day job D
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