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Everything posted by littlemissnonamegirl

  1. Has had quite the rollercoaster of a week. But, it's my birthday and I'm going to celebrate it
  2. So, I had the third round and didn't make it. What disappoints me the most is not the rejection part, but the fact that I KNOW that I was what they were looking for. and I really thought I had a shot. really. What's worse is, I was 110 percent myself and tried my best. So many others were fake. But, hey, as a dancer you learn to deal with rejection constantly. This is just one more slammed door. Maybe someday it'll be my time. Thanks everyone for hte love and support xoxo
  3. aHHH very true. My audition went till 1 am, so I got ZERO sleep...can we say major zzz in college today? TPBM is stoked
  4. Nope suzy not at all my birthday is friday with miss froggystyle sun just gave it to me today!
  5. Miss wonderful sunflower made me the most BEAUTIFUL cake ever. thank you! Happy birthday to us! xoxo
  6. Oh and I'm very lucky to have met such a caring person
  7. Lol you can post a pick my dear and THANK YOUUUU my parents wanted me to telly ou first off you are a very very very talented and second it is yummmyyy. We didn't want to eat it, so we're waiting a little later till tonight to do it. Sunflower is just as nice and GORGEOUS. not to mention her little boy is freaking adorable such a fun day!
  8. Has had quite the up and down week so far, but is super excited to see sunflower today :]
  9. True, but everytime something good happens it fucks up. Tpbm needs a hug.
  10. So as you may or may not know my birthday is this friday. I had the whole day cleared to spend time with my dearest friends for the night/morning. I never see them, and I was going to go up and visit them for two days. We discussed this months in advance and were planning times and whatnot. Apparently she forgot all about my birthday and has to work instead. What makes this suck more is I declined being with my family the following day for a big event [requires rsvping] and so now I'm all alone for my birthday. I'm really upset. Maybe I'm just being overdramatic. I'm just hurt. I understand people have jobs, but FRIDAY? after we discussed this plenty in advance. I'm just...hurt. Thanks for letting me vent...
  11. Ah what a lovely time huh? I want in! lol.
  12. Float butterfly float, lol. I'm laughing so hard right now
  13. Doesn't get why procrastination is such a problem for me. I need to read so much for tomorrow, and put it all off.
  14. Great work! looks good! thanks for sharing!
  15. I would be, but all my required books are boring and kinda leave me no time for pleasurable books =/ TPBM is drained.
  16. Hey guys first off WOW thank you all for the lovely good luck wishes! I got a call back !!! There were over 60 dancers there today and whew what an audition it was lol. So tomorrow and wednesday will be the deciding factor as if I am selected or not. Thanks again for all of your love. YOu guys are the best xoxo lil miss
  17. Just wanted to say I have a big audition today and I wanted to send my thank yous to everyone who's been supportive and helpful in giving me some very wonderful advice. I'm nervous, but I'm just going to go out there and do what I love. It's a three part audition, so we'll see. Just going to smile and have fun. Sorry, kind of random but thought I'd just fill ya'll in
  18. Totally blows and I have felt it myself. I'm sorry to hear you're going through it, you don't deserve it or need to be dealing with that crap. hugs.
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