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Posts posted by nbowdoin

  1. Talking is OK if the person being talked to is receptive to what you are saying. However I know in my own marriage it came to a place where I had to lay down an ultimatum and mean what I said. When I finally got her attention things are beginning to change for the better. Marriage is a lot of work and it takes both partners to make a relationship, when one partner begins to take the other for GRANTED and becomes complacent it is a recipe for disaster. In my own case I stood up to the plate and stopped mincing words and pussyfooting around and let her know in no uncertain terms that I am not going to continue to do without what I need from her... Works for me...my way or the highway A or B!

    Does he have medical issues, Depression, ED issues ect? Those thing need to be taken into consideration, but if that is not the case counseling may help. Spousal neglect is emotional abuse at it's worst, been there... done that!!

    what about if there is house& bills envolved? nicol

  2. Yes, i will suggest the doctor apmt. AGAIN, and yes i am hurt, this was to be fun for us, together, And it is, I have noticed he does not go to the garage as often as he did, And, i would never cheat, i am mad! hurt etc. we are talking, so thats good.He needs to understand that i want him to want me!I have a high sex drive, I love giving him bjs.,with the sex toy,, it turns me on.... he knows this, AND i am much better at it now after reading up on tootimids site, .nicol

    ps, i allso want to add that all of you are great here!!!! thank you

  3. Right now, you're upset, hurt, and have a wounded ego (rightfully so). So, going off & having an affair would not be a great idea. And, replacing real sex with your husband with a toy, also isn't a great idea. Tit for tat, a natural response, but not overly helpful.

    I can tell you that I have a lot of sex toys and porn, and would NEVER choose those things over sex with my husband if he was in the mood. Sex toys are made for enhancing, not replacing real live human contact.

    I would go with the advise that you've been given. Talk to him. Tell him how bad it makes you feel. Ask him if there's something wrong, that he may be to ashamed to admit too. Suggest going to the doctor together. Be supportive. If you want to help your marriage survive, support, caring, understanding, and patience is going to have to be practiced here.

    Good luck!

    Yes, i will suggest the doctor apmt. AGAIN, and yes i am hurt, this was to be fun for us, together, And it is, I have noticed he does not go to the garage as often as he did, And, i would never cheat, i am mad! hurt etc. we are talking, so thats good.He needs to understand that i want him to want me!I have a high sex drive, I love giving him bjs.,with the sex toy,, it turns me on.... he knows this, AND i am much better at it now after reading up on tootimids site, .nicol

  4. You need to sit him down and discuss it in a non threatening way. First off be glad he's using them, it shows he's understanding that toys can be fun!

    I would say this but in your own way.

    "honey, I feel like I'm not important to you anymore. I'm really happy you love your toys, but is there something I can be doing to make it as good for you? I just feel that I'm not doing enough for you. I love you and miss being with you."

    Don't say "you love that better than me" or anything that makes him feel guilty or an ultimatum.

    I do think as I said, it's great that he found something he likes. My husband uses my toys on me but doesn't want to play with any of them alone right now. He says he'd rather have the real thing, which is ok too.

    Just stay loving and non confrontational.

    And I agree with Iha, if he is consistently picking a toy over a real person or replacing masturbation with sex consistently then there is an issue, what it is you need to find out.

    i will say pretty much what you said, at the right timming, otherwise i will let it go, and i'll get myself more toys to use,like the rabbit ? or go find me a man.

  5. Welcome Nicol.

    I think Iha hit on the main issue here. He most likely has a slight form of ED called 'performance anxiety' and this basically means, a man can get erect and stay erect while masturbating, culminating in orgasm, however, when he is with a 'live' person, he can not sustain an erection for the 'fear' of loosing it becomes the focus and they can not concentrate on it. When they are getting a BJ they do not think about sex - so it is easier. There are many men who have this issue - and many of them, most probably, will NOT talk about it. They are condemned to suffer because their egos are too large to admit they have an issue.

    There are sooooo many reasons this happens, but the fact is, when a man picks a toy over a live woman, there is always a reason. I would read my article on ED in the Sex Ed section, it may help you to understand. Then, I would suggest your man go to his doctor - perhaps he has a testosterone imbalance or needs some erectile help. The fact is, I doubt he prefers the toy over you.

    There is one final thing: some men like the inanimate toys because they can do the quick stroke and cum. No foreplay, no oral sex, no nothing. So, I would definitley guess this to be the issue.

    Thank you for your help, how do i talk to him about wanting strokers over me without him getting pissed off?, Do i say What can i do to help you want me more than your strokers? My words are at a end with him,I
  6. this may sound weird, but, he told me years ago that his x-girl friend who he was with before me. was into sex toys, and she began wanting the toys over him, so he thru the toys away, she left him the next day. she was fucking alot of guys too. she would send him to the store to buy the biggest cucumber he could find to use on her.. nicol
  7. Welcome Nicol.

    I think Iha hit on the main issue here. He most likely has a slight form of ED called 'performance anxiety' and this basically means, a man can get erect and stay erect while masturbating, culminating in orgasm, however, when he is with a 'live' person, he can not sustain an erection for the 'fear' of loosing it becomes the focus and they can not concentrate on it. When they are getting a BJ they do not think about sex - so it is easier. There are many men who have this issue - and many of them, most probably, will NOT talk about it. They are condemned to suffer because their egos are too large to admit they have an issue.

    There are sooooo many reasons this happens, but the fact is, when a man picks a toy over a live woman, there is always a reason. I would read my article on ED in the Sex Ed section, it may help you to understand. Then, I would suggest your man go to his doctor - perhaps he has a testosterone imbalance or needs some erectile help. The fact is, I doubt he prefers the toy over you.

    There is one final thing: some men like the inanimate toys because they can do the quick stroke and cum. No foreplay, no oral sex, no nothing. So, I would definitley guess this to be the issue.

    he has a big fucking ego that always has to be fixed, and he always has to talk about it!!!!!!!

  8. There are people here far more qualified than I so please don't take what I say as professional opinion. With my first post I thought it may just be a thing of wearing out the new with the toys. Not what I see unfolding now though. This isn't you it appears to be all him. (IMHO)! I think you are letting him off the hook way too easy. This goes further than physical need. He is FUCKING WITH YOUR MIND AS WELL! ----NOT ACCEPTABLE---- You really need to stand up here and find out why he thinks this is only about him! The gears in my head are smoking but I'm going to wait a bit before I stick my foot in my mouth(which I often do)!
    this may sound weird, but, he told me years ago that his x-girl friend who he was with before me. was into sex toys, and she began wanting the toys over him, so he thru the toys away, she left him the next day. she was fucking alot of guys too. she would send him to the store to buy the biggest cucumber he could find to use on her.. nicol
  9. Sorry to hear you are having all these problems, but I think you will find here that you are not the only one. Keep reading, and read the sex ed articles, too. Also feel free to keep asking questions here - someone is always listening on this site, and you will find many points of view. ;)

    Good luck, and keep posting. :D

    God! i love your picture!!lol

  10. There are people here far more qualified than I so please don't take what I say as professional opinion. With my first post I thought it may just be a thing of wearing out the new with the toys. Not what I see unfolding now though. This isn't you it appears to be all him. (IMHO)! I think you are letting him off the hook way too easy. This goes further than physical need. He is FUCKING WITH YOUR MIND AS WELL! ----NOT ACCEPTABLE---- You really need to stand up here and find out why he thinks this is only about him! The gears in my head are smoking but I'm going to wait a bit before I stick my foot in my mouth(which I often do)!

    you are so right!!!! he has been fucking w/ my mind for a long fucking time!!!

  11. It sounds as if there is a larger problem here, beyond the surface issue you state; is he having erectile issues with you, but not when he is stimming alone? This may indicate a relational issue that is part and parcel of a long term relationship, but needs attention and care so as not to get worse. In many a long term relationship, sexual dysfunctions will develop at predictable stages in the relationship. These include decreased libido, premature ejaculation, and ED in men, and alterations in orgasmic response and interest in women. In order to help y0ou better, more information is needed.

    Yes your right, we have come a long way in a good, bad marriage, i do not know for certain if he was, is, cheating or what ,ever, i made him a doc. apmt., a couple of months ago, then the next morning he ejaculated well, during bj., i told him yea this time what about the next???, he said to cansel the apmt. So he says he has a problem and it is not me but he will not see a doctor! . And i clean the toys, strokers ect., and he ejaculates w/ the strokers. He is a hard person to talk to also. But i have needs too, And i'm not just talking about sex, ...theres just too much to write, this has been 21 long years of a marriage, and i have done every thing i can and still trying, He says he does'nt want to seperate, I am confussed, worried, etc. nicol

  12. Tell him the next time he's in the mood, you will help him with the toy, when he's good and ready slip yourself into place....see if that helps. A bit of dirty play, but it may work

    yea i know, he smokes and strokes out in the garage, so i told him when we are ALONE i would sneak out there and take over, lol, nicol

  13. husband perfers sex toys over me, now what?

    there just the masterbators, cyber pussy, etc. we got them in jan.08 and feb.08, he is also having trouble cumming w/missionary, but will cum w/bj. or he goes limp, then i get him hard again,on and on, so i think his masterbaters are ??? or i will put one on him and suck and lick his head and so on, But i am getting tired of him going out and using the gloves over me! i want some too! nicol

  14. thanks for all your replys, I have'nt told husband yet that i might buy a fake penis, he might not like that, THow- I have bought him the vagina, strokers etc., . For the vagina, i want to try a mock 3some like the reviews said, for the strokers, I use them on him like the reviews said, ..Since i need more touching,carressing,strong passion , all over stuff, the thought of JUST a fake penis will not be enough. I'm getting a little depressed. nicol :(:(

  15. My husband is a wonderful person. I decied to perform some oral on him..after geting some great f ing advice on it. I wasnt perfect...but it was pretty satisfying. the sounds i heard ...I know he was satisified. Then I hopped ontop ..which I do not do by the way... and I took the ride on the century

    huffing and puffing. I never saw his eyes open that wide before. after he came he said oh... I love you. and Thank you so much." Then he said what can I do for you. I said how about a little help for me.// I need to cum like that too. He said just a minute.. he went and came back then HE said well..I dont have time I need to shower and then MAN vs wild is on and I dont wanna miss it.

    he goes to take a shower and I sat there really disappointed. He yelled my name ...so I thought...yes... I went into the bathroon..He asked me to bring him a towel. I brought him a wash cloth after I blew my nose into it.

    I cleanup a little and then I went to bed...

    I was really hurt..and he thinks I'm just being a bithc about it.

    I would have been a bitch too My husband has rejected me 2 times now in past month, he did not do it like that thow, I was really hurt also, there i was, all horny and no one to please me but the good old fingers!! men , how would you have liked your wife to regect you like that? nicol

  16. Husband has been having trouble cumming when inside me, anywhere, unless i use the glow in the dark stroker, he sure loves that!. I finnally let him cum in my mouth while using stroker, i did gag some because he came so much and was very concentrated i could not take it all in. I want him to cum w/ me not rely on sex toys, the toys are new to our 21 year marriage, and w/ all the past troubles we have had. How do i get over feeling a little hurt ? is it me? We have cleared the air on the cheating issue. Theres been no cheating,. Last time he did cum in me was w/ anal for our first time, ( last week i think?) nicol

  17. I am 44, with raging sex horrmones going, My hubby and i went a long time without ANY SEX. i mean, 2 times a year!!!!!!.. come on, I did not get married 21 years ago to become selabet!!!!!!!!!!, did i spell that right?, A person needs to be deserving of good loving and good head!!. For a women to get totally into it,. If a man has verbally, physically,or even cheated!!!, abuses a women, then how do i get back into the mode?, They have to deserve the srevice!, The licking, suckng,touching,. How do I trust,let go,relax?, we buy over $200.00 worth of intimate toys, let him FUCK ME IN THE ASS! for the first time in 21 years!,reserve a weekend in Monterrey!, and re-learn how to let him CUM in my mouth AGAIN!!!!!., GEE , and I am not ugly!, I have 3 grown kids, whose frinds want me!!!!. AL I WANT IS MY HUSBAND!!,, I WANT SEX, SEX,HEAD, SEX! my hormones are raging!!!!!!!!!!

  18. I have been married for 21 years, I am still a bit shy, we just now bought over $200.00 worth of fun looking toys, I have allways loved giving him oral sex, However, years ago I use to let him cumm in my mouth, He loves that. BUT, I have a sinceitive throat, it makes me gag a little, how do i get over this? I have other issues too.

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