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Everything posted by mailahn97

  1. That is great. Glad to hear it.
  2. I was confused as of anyone he would be the cleanest as he is sewn closed due to having an ostomy on his abdomen. That is why I am not worried about taste or anything like that. He has been sewn closed since he was 16.
  3. I agree my previous was into more of wham bam thank you ma'am. Whereas my SO other now who is 14 years older is into the whole package from taken our time with foreplay to enjoying making love to cuddling and laying there together afterwards. I was in shock our first time, because my previous relationship it was normally 10-15 minutes from foreplay to being done and out of the bed. It was insane.
  4. That sounds like an awesome weekend. It is nice to get away and let go as well.
  5. ah ok. I was confused because it had a quote in his reply from mine where I explained he had an ostomy. That is why I was curious. Thanks for clearing that up for me as I am looking to try this next Wednesday nigtht when we go away for my birthday. First I have to get through him being away on his business trip.....yuck.
  6. I am just really curious to this one. Does anyone have an answer as to why I would need plastic wrap for this. Thank you.
  7. Ours wasn't planned. He had been snapping pictures while I was doing different things to him. Then he remembered that my digital camera took video and he knew I completely trust him so he decided to put in on video and took it while he was making love to me. Mind you it is like a minute or two long....nothing much. He was sitting up on his knees and was taking video of him entering me and of me as well as my reactions. So what I did was all the pictures and short movies we have so far I put on a cd and gave it to him last night to take on his business trip. It has an added feature of me masturbating without him around. He doesn't know it yet. He has taken videos of me giving him BJ's and things like that as well. So I can't wait to hear his reaction tonight when he calls me after he gets settled as he is like me....has to open things immediately. I am positive he will love it.
  8. Mine don't get bigger but they get much more sensitive to the touch and so on. I get this way about 3 days before and it lasts til about 2 days after. So we are talking 8 days of the month or so. My SO loves it because it just sets me off very easily when he plays with them. I am basically putty in his hands or mouth then.
  9. I agree this was amazing. Your readers are definitely waiting for part 3. Glad you had an awesome time.
  10. My SO and I have 14 years apart. Yet we have discussed this. I am a lot more mature for my age due to life situations that I have gone through. For isntance we look at friends of mine that when they get money they just have to blow it or are still into being a partier or drinker. I am into taking care of my 5 year old and making sure I have a solid life for my daughter. I am 33 and he is 47. He is very stable in his life, has been with his company a long time and love me as well as my daughter which is great. He also knows how to have fun. I tease him every once in a while and tell him he is closer to my moms age then mine. SO then he in turn calls me a bratty bitch. If someone would have asked me last year if I would be seeing someone 14 years older than me I would have probably said flat out no. Just goes to show you never know. I do love thought when he says something about when he was in high school. I joke and am like I wasnt' even in school yet. I went from a man that was 6 years older than me but acted 10 years younger. He didn't want to hold a job and only wanted to play video games. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with playing video games as long as you are handling your priorities as well. I finally had enough and left that relationship. I am much happier for it.
  11. We have a few short movie clips that he has snapped of us as well of pictures that he has taken. I actually just put them all on a cd today for him to take on his business trip. I gave it to him tonight. He leaves tomorrow so I thought something for him to look at while he is away. He was happy for what I gave him.
  12. Sorry if I sound naive. Why would I need the plastic wrap? If it is about his ostomy that is out of his abdomen. He has an ileostomy, which never gets in the way of anything. I am just nervois abuot doing it, but am looking forward to it. He is leaving for a business trip in the morning and we couldn't get together tonight so I plan on surprising him when he gets back.
  13. Welcome and enjoy looking around there is a lot of good information as well as good people on here.
  14. We have never used one, but after reading all of this today. I ordered one and can't wait for it to get here.
  15. I have enjoyed that site. I occasionally while my SO is at work send him links from it with little captions as well. One time it got him completely distracted from a conference call that he was running. I even put in the subject line to open at his own risk....well that just made him open it quicker. As soon as the call ended my phone rang.
  16. I have just experienced this just recently. I didn't think I would enjoy it when he first had mentioned it to me. When he did it I loved it. He was laughing saying I knew you would like it. I will be returning the favor, but with him it is a little different. His is sewn closed due to having an ostomy. He said he likes it as well. The one good thing I won't have to worry about mess back there. I am still very nervous but plan on doing it for him as I feel I reciprocate to anything he does to me. I just feel it is only fair.
  17. Thanks for that one. You gave me some great ideas for when we go away in a week and a half over night. I plan on driving him insane.
  18. mailahn97

    First Time

    I agree we have done it several times since then and am glad that I got past the initial issues with it.
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