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Everything posted by whitefang2002

  1. yeah it is fairly noisy. so best if your are using it yourself...make sure no one else is home. lol. The vibrations you can hear through the whole lounger and same with the motor for pumping it in and out
  2. Thanks! And I will keep you all posted if I find anythign in the sort that might help someone else on here!
  3. Yeah I have given it a good home! I didn't know how to add the link on there. Thanks Aiden!
  4. I can get all worked up already with my g-spot. I don't think that i'm just relaxing and letting it all take me over. I do have "o's" just don't squirt. So I am probably holding myself back....ok I know I am. lol. Just need to get past that.........
  5. I was looking at this and thinking it might be something I want. I had a pink panther one with moving beads in it...and the panther started to break off from the shaft. So time for a new one. Does the bendable clit part stay in place? I love pressure and I don't want the clit thing unbending on me if that makes sense. And I like to move then in and out...and don't want it moving out of the position I placed it in.
  6. Why don't we just start a nudist colony? lol. jk.
  7. This sounds interesting. Some of the games may sound intrigueing but I couldn't masterbate with a bunch of people watching me. Oral maybe is a different story. Or how about you go in the closet and do it. This is one of those things that I would have to know these people really really really well. And lots of standards for new comers. And definatly have proof from the doc. of STD screenings and check ups and x number of times a year. and you can't have any partner out side of this group. things would have to be really strict inorder for me to do anything like that!!!!
  8. my SO also says that he doesnt need one cuz thats what i'm for. Silly. But what about those days when I have my monthly...I don't like having sex when I got that...so that would be the perfect time for him to use one...but no. I just think he is embarassed even though we have a fairly open relationship...and have sex A LOT...but that doesn't mean he might need a little extra once in awhile...
  9. I haven't had much experience with BDSM...but from the little I have, I love to be dominated. I love playing the Submissive side. Even so in real life I hate things where I have to be the "leader" and I suck in positions like that. But i'm good a following directions. Just wish hubby would do a little more dominating...though I haven't told him my thoughts on it. lol. He does know that I have a hard time tying him to the bed cuz I love him touching me...I can't do sex without his hands on me.
  10. I like porn movies to some extent. I would be kind of mad if I found out my SO watches them and hides it. Cuz I like watching porn and to tell the truth I am even sometimes jealous of porn. I wouldn't want him watching it behind my back until I get to see whats it all about. Not sure if that sounds dumb. I just don't want him watching it cuz he thinks the women are hotter then me....I am just so insecure and jealous. But on the other hand...I really want to get some so we can use it together. I really really want to watch it with him. I just haven't told him cuz I know he will say ok find some. So here is where you guys might help...what is some good porn for couples??? I need penatration shots for me to get off from it...I just always was afraid if I bought some on TT that I would get it and it would be cheesy...I can't stand porn like that... Keep in mind that I have a fur fetish....and I am sure he has a leg and foot fetish and just hasn't come out with it yet. (I discovered all his porn mags. exspecially for leg and foot fetishes, but he still wouldn't admit it)
  11. um...me and my SO were going to go up North...(not to Canada) and go 4wheeling...but those plans got dumped. Its my SO's friends parents place whom we were going to go camping at and stay the weekend.... but my SO's friend decided he didn't want me going. Long story short...about May 5th I was on my way to physical therapy in the next town over, for my migraine headaches. It rained early in the morning but wasn't anymore when I got there. You have to go down outside stairs (metal grate) to get down to the physical therapy room with out going all over the clinic inside to get there. So, I took one step and fell...banged me up really bad. butt black and blue, bones bruised in right hand, left elbow cut so deep that i damaged a nerve, and left ankle really banged up...the area still hurts today and is alll hard and nasty. anyways, I was kicked out of my CNA class cuz they didnt want me doing clinicals like that. got laid off of work (their policy). and so i am going to go after the clinic for lost wages and so on. Well my SO's so call friend head that story and decided that i couldn't go cuz if i got hurt he didn't want me sueing his parents. Yet they have done this many years and lots and lots of people at one time. but i'm the only one who can't go. So my SO was like WTF?! Ok if your goign to be like that then i'm not going. So, i'm not sure what we are doing this weekend anymore. Might go to the lake with my SO's family and swim. not sure.
  12. I am sure they they are just too small for you. I use large ones and haven't tried the small gold ones i've seen. But everyone is different and thats ok. Thats why there is variety!
  13. I have thought about making one. But as most of you....I would never swap! Maybe those employees were swingers? Still I wouldn't share. And not still sure I would watch it with my SO right away....maybe by myself first to make sure I didnt' look like shit. Cuz then I would be like...OMG I look like that when we are having sex?! Ok, no more lights on. lol.
  14. Me, I dont like them much. Or should I say that I haven't found one that I like. I need the direct, hard, constant vibes on my clit to get off from them....and obviously the man isn't going to hold still...lol.
  15. Oh I forgot to add...for some reason when I was using it....I started to think about maybe trying it anally.......and this is coming from me...a person who was always turned off by the thought of anal anything. So this probably opened some doors for me..... whatever happens, happens!
  16. I won this in the "favorite sex position" contest. I was so shocked that I won it...I didn't know what to do with myself...that is, until I got it in the mail and opened the box!!! I actually started opening the box in front of my SO, at night, right on the kitchen table. (we don't have curtains or blinds so people driving by could probably see that I had, but I didn't care) He was really embarassed and was like...take that up stairs and open it later. lol. My whole family knew I got it cuz I was so excited to use it. I'm so open about stuff like that! There are some pros and cons though, like with any product... For the cons, I would say that the weight limit isn't realistic for couples...I don't know any couple that is under 300lbs. When you first see that limit you don't think anything about it...then you start thinking...my SO is 250...and that leaves me 50?! So we can't use it together...or if we do then we will probably break it! So its just a toy for single person use I would say. Another con would be that the "in and out" motion for the vibe is only one speed...and if you tighten your PC muscles...then it has some issues pumping. It does take some time inflating the whole lounger and seat and is tiresome. Its not something that I would carry with me and keep deflating and inflating...takes to much time in my book (now if you hand an electroninc one that might be different). Now if you had a nice young straping man to help you out that might be another story! I also wish that on the remote some how you could start and stop the vibes or increase them...and also increase the pumping motion. For the pros now...when I opened up the box I really was only expecting the lounger and detachable seat part (didn't look at the picture close enough when I won it, I read what the product description said, and now thinking maybe they should tell you what all comes in it cuz its hard to guess by the little picture)...but lone behold under those were lots of eye catching goodies that I couldn't wait to get my hands on! 3 vibrators that all can connect to the seat portion. (ranging from small, medium, and large) The medium is also a g-spot vibe. And the large has some realistic features like veins and so on. It also comes with a blind fold, leather whip, toy cleaner, lube, and a sex feather! It comes with batteries for the remote and an inflator pump so you don't have to blow the whole thing up by mouth...wouldn't be able to save any of that for later I enjoyed myself greatly even though it took me awhile to get used to it and just relax. Once I relaxed...the "O's" followed! My overall rating would be 4/5. I haven't tried it with my man due to the weight limit. I think this should be a personal lounger...not for couples...
  17. yeah happens to me everytime i have sex. ever since i had my daughter that is. yeah its just air that got pushed in. normal. nothing to worry about.
  18. wow all this reading has me thinking i should look this up to see if i can do it!
  19. recieving:I love it. I like up ward motions with lots of pressure while he is spreading my "lips" apart with one hand and stimulating my g-spot with the other. I love combined orgasims! i always need lots of friction and pressure....even if it gets too wet then i wipe it off and have him go back to town. I wish he stayed down there longer when using it as foreplay...but it gets him so horny he can't stand waiting any longer to get inside. giving: love this too. I get so hot and horny when i suck on him. i do combos of things including sticking his dick in my mouth and sucking up and down while using my tounge to put pressure (also going up and down) on that nerve. and then i use a wet thumb to go up and down on the bottom half of his dick moving in the opposite direction as my mouth and tounge. it drives him up a wall. do lots of other stuff to but thats the one he likes the most. i swallow sometimes. on a few occations he tastes bitter and salty......and i just can't swallow it......or after my time of the month and i give him a bj..........then it is a mouth full that i actually can't swallow in one and have to spit it out....too much.
  20. I wouldn't throw it away or sell it. it may come in handy one of these days. I would just store it on the bottom of my toy box for now....probably leave it in the plastic. and hope for a lost man on a rainy day!
  21. Haha. wow. yeah that was a bit too much for me...but then again, I would have to experience sex with a guy like that in order for me to give my real opinion. Cuz you might like something once you try it. But it wasn't turning me on..... Last night actually I had a dream that I got my clitoral hood done in a room with lots of other naked women getting theirs done. And in my dream I was so scared that it would hurt that I wished I had some "anal-ease" (numbs the anus for anal sex if your scared its going to hurt). Then a month or so ago I had a dream about getting my nipples done and that my SO really liked them. I asked him I real life a couple days later...and to find out he's not a fan of them. But otherwise I was considering trying it cuz I acually think the sensations from them would be a turn on.....and get turned on when I think about my SO playing with them if I had them.
  22. I have looked but I haven't found any similar items could you please post some links?
  23. I went to a sex toy party the other weekend and I had lots of fun and kept thinking.....I wish tootimid carried products like these.... some examples are as followed: body kiss - edible lotion subtle pleasures - edible, tingly cream for her makin' whoopee - edible, tingly cream for him sapphire pheromone cologne for ladies only pheromone oil candy girl - lip and nipple gloss for a warm fuzzy feeling silky soft body & massage oil - pheromone body oil hot legs invigorating leg gel - leg massage in a bottle - feels like little hands massaging your legs nuki lotions - lotion gets warm when you rub it and hot when you blow on it nipple nibbler - gives lips and nipples a flavored tingle silky sheets with pheromones - air,body or sheet spray these were just a few of the products. I think that tootimid should have some like these......products with pheromones.........I know I would buy them. I love this site.....you have the toys and lube and all that but how about some products to tease all day long......and then hit the sheets and have breath taking sex cuz foreplay was actually all day long..........sounds nice......... Please consider getting products like these. I think that it would boost tootimid even more. I hope some similar products are available for you to order for sale. If you want, you could take a poll first to see how many people on the site would be interested in products like these.....I am almost certain they will be a huge hit!!!!! Thanks, Kristen
  24. Just thought I would add this in here........so I was walking through target then other day.........and noticed that they had a new style of bra.....and it was in my size.........well close enough. I should be getting 32D but I usually end up with 34D. Anyways.......I decided what the hell, i'm going to try it on....why not...... And OMG IT FIT!!!!!!!!! NO BOOBS FALLING OUT THE CENTER......NO WIRE DIGGING INTO MY PIT.......IT WAS PERFECT.....AND THEY WERE SEXY.........AND SO I GOT LIKE 5 OF THEM IN DIFFERENT COLORS I WAS SO HAPPY!
  25. i have tried all of those.......none work for me from any of those place...they still fall out.....i am starting to think this is hopeless but thanks for the advise everyone
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