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Everything posted by ladylove

  1. T09, did you romance her all night, or just .... Here's the flowers, shaved my chest, jump me. After a full days work she may not have had the energy, but if you romanced her all evening like you did when you first were going out, WHA-LA! Your both going to be very happy!
  2. I won't leave anything to chance when it comes to contraceptives, ever. I don't want to get stuck on this point but: The list of side effects you listed have been known since before you and I started even thinking about birth control. They are listed on all the drug info stuff received when the drugs are given and are told to the patient before prescribing. It's a risk the patient will choose to take or not to take. One can not sue after disclosure, hence all the forms signed in the Dr. office.
  3. I'll refrained form answering to see what others will guess... If I told you all right away what would the fun be?... I'll hold off for just a little more to see what others might say. No,no this is fun!!!! We love Matilda, use to watch it ALL the time. Mrs. Trunchbull was quoted all the time here.... Remember the scene with the chocolate candies.... "Much to good for children". Wendy and you going to tell or wait a bit longer to see what guesses come in?....
  4. Hi Cerra, and welcome! I know the feeling when your waiting for that special package in the mail, your check everyday to see if today is the day.... then it finally comes and it feels like christmas morning! Have fun with your box of toys and let us know how you like it/them. .....
  5. You need to talk about it, but: Your body your choice, period. Never feel forced to do anything, it will only create resentment in the long run.
  6. I just read this and it made me smile. It's a quick easy read describing "walking personalities". Ladies which you are, Men which you are most drawn to. It also might be fun guess how we/you visualize some of the members here on the forum. This should be fun! Walk This Way
  7. Lateral move. .... no problem. That promotions mine, watch closely.
  8. OR, what to do. E, I hope he's worthy of you. You didn't make him sound very nice.
  9. Really you can't read mind.... you should really get that checked out.
  10. Sounds fun! Nice to see you again Sunday.
  11. No toy....... okay, Yes, Yes, Yes..... Will it make you hot if I gave you a full body massage?
  12. Absolutely!!!!! You know we (I) want to know how it all turns out next time
  13. Wendy, have you ever taken his hand and shown him what you would like him to do to/for you?
  14. Thanks Free. But the real Greatness here goes to the men and women who protect our nation every day. Without you we may not be. So, Thank you! Such a small word for the gratitude and respect all the men and women deserve.
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