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Everything posted by HezRae76

  1. Too funny!! I'm sending a warning to my sisters that live in N. Carolina!!
  2. What a very thoughtful gift!! Happy Anniversary to you both!
  3. There should be no problem with the Smart Balls. The IUD can't be pulled out with fingers..it's in there pretty good. And the balls can't dislodge it, so i think they would be a great way to up your Kegel count!! Oh yeah!! Do you think it makes a difference that I have a prolapsed uterus? (Sorry not meaning to make this post about me!)
  4. Not sure how typical this is but, I know my IUD cannot be felt during sex and I have two friends and a sister that have an IUD and their SO never felt theirs either, but it was recommended that you take caution during intercourse until the string (explained to me as kind of like fishing line) softened some. Hope this helps some...
  5. True - just some petting though TBPM almost always has to initiate sex with their SO
  6. What a great reminder of what I too am thankful for!
  7. I love this!! Can't wait to read it to hubby & see if he finds it as amusing as I do!!
  8. I have been using Mirena for a little over a year now, since my son was born. My personal experience with it has been very good and I didn't notice any weight gain but of course I just had a baby so how would I!! I also have several friends/relatives that have had success as well. The first year doesn't really count because I was breastfeeding but for the last few months I've become regulated and have just a little spotting during my cycle which hopefully will go away completely. I did find out when I had this inserted that I have a prolapsed uterus and that made it tricky until they finally got the string cut short enough (either that or it was because my ob/gyn did not have it inserted properly initially). I have wanted to try the Fun Factory Smartballs to tighten things up due to my prolapsed uterus but wasn't sure if it would cause problems with the IUD. I am trying to wait until my annual exam to get my dr's opinion on that but Mikayla's review was so intriguing that I can hardly wait until then! http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=4473
  9. True - my baby is sick... TPBM is a morning person
  10. I personally value your opinion on every review you write. You have more experience than I can ever hope to have and with that experience comes the knowledge of what's good and what's even better! I do sometimes worry that my inexperience won't allow me to get the same outcome as an experienced reviewer but I guess that just gives me incentive to keep playing until I do!
  11. Thank you all for your Welcome's! I live in South Central PA, near Bedford. Less Amish & more Mennonite than Lancaster but very similar countryside!
  12. Hello All! I'm finally getting up the nerve to introduce myself (although I realize there is no rational explanation for my hesitation)! I am 31, have a 4 yr old daughter, a 1 yr old son and have been married for 8 years – but together for 13. This site has been very informative already and I hope to soon do some posting of my own instead of relying on others to have the same questions, complaints or problems as me! Thank you to all of you who are willing to share your advise & expertise in order to educate others! This site is full of very special people!
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