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Everything posted by ilovebabyjada

  1. i could see it being ok if they were 15 or 16... but those kids are, what 9?? all the hip action and whatnot.. just grosses me out. those parents need a serious talking to.
  2. that sounds sooo good!!! we ended up just having raw carrots instead.. i ran out of tinfoil
  3. here's the potatoes that i'm makin mmmm.. potatoes!
  4. ok everyone.. i want to make carrots on the grill.. and i was wondering - if i put them in tinfoil (flat) sprinkled them with water & wrapped them up... think i could grill them? tonight we are having steak (on the grill) and potatoes and i would LOVE to make carrots... so anyone got any tips or pointers? we just got this grill & haven't been able to use it much.. HELP! lol
  5. yes! would it make you hot if i brought a friend?
  6. yeah.. that's crazy... I don't understand why the teacher would put them in that, or why the parents would agree to it... what is the world coming to. My daughter already looks at other girls and compares herself, she's only 5 for crying out loud. she's going to grow up thinking she's too fat, or whatever!! this world is sick sometimes.
  7. hey. i was browsing old forms. still make these? and do you sell them?
  8. makes me feel so young. LOL!! i think i may be the youngest one on these forums.
  9. i agree that those girls kicked butt, but to see them dressed like that. I can see them growing up to be the "mean girls" that feel like they are better & sexier then everyone else...
  10. well on that note, I think that it does keep getting better and better. the more you have been with someone, the more you (should) trust them, and be able to be open. you can talk and learn how to experiment. you learn a whole new level of love.
  11. not yet.. but when my new toys get here, you won't be seeing me tpbm wants the kids to go to bed early tonight... grrrar!
  12. lol. i about died laughing at that!! I think it's very easy to keep emotional shaded down. I saw a "group" on facebook that is "I pretend to be happy because it's easier then explaining why i'm sad" For me, I like to keep my shades up so my husband truly knows what i'm thinking & feeling. I do, however, put them down if it's something i don't like talking about (like how my daughter came to be... and if i'm thinking about what happened to be back then.. it's just hard to talk about) during sex - shades up all the way. we know and can sense what the other wants and loves (hope i'm on the right track)
  13. oh my god! i cannot believe that! there is no need to "sex up" little girls!! the dance moves were something you see in music videos and yeah, that outfit is way to "bedroomish" -- these baby outfits, I think are also wrong...
  14. lol. that'd be the best kind of homework every! i'd stay in school til I was no longer able to use my arms!!
  15. lol! yeah that looks way to ouchy.. and i couldn't imagine what i'd do with the "money shot"... no thanks.
  16. just had to bring this one back! My hubby and I were getting going and we went to kiss.. we bump teeth & glasses (whenever we hit our glasses against eachother one of us ALWAYS says "clank! clank!" ... we just got glasses a couple months ago) and then we both start laughing so hard! .. we wait a couple minutes, start again.. and just can't concentrate, kills it every time, but we get a great laugh and just say "guess this isn't our night" lol anyone else?
  17. So, these three good friends arrive at a ski lodge late at night, and are told there's only a single room available. Fortunately, it has a king-size bed and they agree to share the room, quickly going to bed in order to hit the slopes early the next morning. The next morning, while they're suiting up, the man that slept on the left side of the bed says, "You know, I had the strangest dreams! I kept dreaming that someone was jerking me off!" "That's funny," replies the man sleeping on the right, "I had the same kind of dream!" They both turn and stare at their friend that had slept in the middle. "Don't look at me!" he exclaims. "I dreamed about skiing all night!"
  18. i do have to say that i have never done this. it seems like whenever i want sex, he's complete not in the mood.. and never the other way around (where he'd want it an i don't)
  19. hahaha!! sorry for bringing back another old one.. but i love how they are called assignments!! best assignments ever!! wish i had the time to do that
  20. figured i'd bring this up again... i was on tt for a few months, then was gone for like a year & now i'm back and loving it.. i don't know why i left (well. i do know i didn't have internet .. but i'm back!!) TT is an awesome business & the community boards are just as awesome! you guys rock!
  21. sorry to bring this back.. but that looks horribly painful!!!
  22. I could NEVER go down (that far) on my husband. and I don't think I'd be comfortable with him doing it to me either... it'd probably feel good, but I just view that as a one way street...
  23. i think i may be completely blonde, but what's LTR?
  24. sadly, due to our "issue" I've never really experienced this
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