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Everything posted by hollyluvsjeff

  1. Man, My sister got sent home from school for bringing this book into class! Her teacher wanted her suspended
  2. Unconventional places for sex? THe oddest place for me thus far was a porto potty at a packed beach. Very drunk so that mother was rockin
  3. Youve probly hit the nail on the head! Im way too proud for that tho, at least at this point in my life. I figure me and the hub have the rest of our lives to figure eachother out and help eachother get through things. Im not much of a believer in therapy, its a pill-pushing industry these days. Anyone I know whos gone to a shrink never stops, kinda like the chiropractor...
  4. Men are more visual? I dont understand how that can be said. What like we're half blind or something? As if slow motion time doesnt kick in as i walk past that construction site. As if i dont start getting little goosebumps when my hubby takes off a sweater and some skin shows. As if sexy pictures dont get me wet or when i pull up beside a big truck and a nice beefy arm that looks like its been workin in the sun all day hangs out and my heart speeds up. The only differences i see is in behaviour and how we are raised. We are raised to please and save our love for one. Guys grow up wanking away to objects. Then we come together as adults and the joy of trying to find some common ground begins. My experience was this anyways, and maybe its an isolated case, but ill try to explain in case anyone else encountered this when they first got married. Ever felt like you were under someones thumb? That what it was like. Every time i was out id get endless text messages and hed be upset if i didnt respond right away. Any time my phone rang hed want to know who it was and what they were saying, looked over my shoulder when i was on the computer, get all pouty and quite when we were out with his friends and they talked to me more than him, like he just wanted me to sit there and be quiet. It was weird, i started feeling guilty, like i was always doing something wrong. I felt like okay, im married now. Maybe that means im supposed to let go of my guy friends, maybe this is how it goes. So i did. He def didnt let go of his girlfriends, kept talking to them on the phone and computer, went out for lunch with girls from wrk, i didnt realize how one sided this was for awhile, so much other shit was going on. When it dawned on me this was BS it took a long time for him to really get it. I was like man you put me on a fucking shelf okay! You treated me like property, possession, something that was yours, not like a partner or an equal. I was in a whole different category than you. Rules applied to me that didnt to you, why dont you see me as a person? Could it be because your experience with women is the last x amount of years in front of a screen? I dont think porn is doing much good for people. It keeps us in roles and keeps us divided. So, maybe ive just been totally biased by a bad experience. On a side note, how come guys watch this and still dont have any sort of clue about sex or what to do? If your heads up in the clouds you arent seeing whats in front of you. While i understand the carnal appeal (sex is hot, naked bodies are hot) i think moderation is key with this. Just my thoughts for the day. BTW i quit smoking on sunday, its been a rough week so far...
  5. I cant work this position. Our beds on the floor (we're still a bit poor lol) so it would be too awkward for him to be over me. Our couches arent the the right height either. I did try practicing this way tho with a dildo and it is much, much easier and more comfortable. For now its him lying on the bed with a pillow so hes not quite flat thats worked the best. The last time I went at it i tried a new breathing pattern with opening and closing my mouth. I alternated two methods: First, slow bobbings with hand breaks for breathing. Then, fierce bobs with kindof like lamaze (sp?) breaths without taking his cock out. I opened my lips a bit to let air in for three bobs, then open them a bit to exhale for three bobs. Some hilarious sounds happen from this. And I found because of me focusing on pushing out and sucking in in a pattern that it could hit the back of my throat pretty hard without a gag happening. The alternation between the slow sucking bobs and the super bobs was much enjoyed. Thanks for all your thoughts everyone.
  6. Lets see... Big Guy Big Sexy Big Daddy Cool The Sargeant The Conductor The Wheelman The Machine QT and my little elephant (he makes a really good elephant noise)
  7. My hubby got hired at a factory about 7 months ago and hes been sleep walking every since! He went from sitting in an airconditioned callcenter 40 hrs a week to sweating his balls off in a hot smelly factory for 60 hours plus a commute. And Im a student who is currently on summer vacation . It took me a bit to get over the myth that guys are always ready for sex no matter what. Now I make it all about him during the week, with bjs and handjobs, and on the weekends its marathon time. Before he would kinda push me away because he was too tired too perform. Now that the pressures totally off him and he can just relax and enjoy after wrk, ive found we've been having more quickies during the week. So my advice is to go out of your way for the person who is tired, itll make them want to return the favor
  8. [quote name='ladylove' date='Jul 21 2008, 02:26 PM' post='62933' This next statement will be very controversial, but I'm going to include it any way. I have also told my girls that if they are sexually active, and for whatever reason they find themselves pregnant, they should come to me and I will take them to get an abortion; but by no means is this a form a birth control. You need to be responsible. Fucking eh. I would say the same. Kudos to you for going there, i bet alot of parents wouldnt.
  9. I remember calling my, um, kitten, a 'poo-chie' Has anyone heard the term "ginch" before in reference to undies? That was the norm when i lived in Bc then i moved to ontario and no one knew what i was saying...
  10. I concur, and am glad im not the only one. It just seems strange to me that he wants to look at that stuff, probly because its not something i do, which isnt a very good reason not to like something. Hell i dont even watch TV! The odd movie thats it. But this is something hes been doing for years and years long before me, and i know i shouldnt take it personally. Ive watched one porn by myself and then i rented a bunch one time so far that we watched together. One was all lesbians, which was kindof interesting, lots of creativity happening there. There was lots of fake boobs but it didnt bother me at all. Another one was older men and younger girls which some parts i liked but then one girl at the end looked so sad and dazed, not so hot. Another one was like a super long kama sutra deal, lots and lots of foreplay, very cheesy but kept my attention longer than the others. So, ive deduced that im 'okay' with porn when we watch it together. Why does it bother me so much when im not around? The only time he looks at pics is to wank if im away for the night. Is it because I dont use pictures to wank? I prefer my imagination and my toys any day. Maybe guys dont have that good of imaginations or are just more lazy about it? It bothers me because i dont look like that. Whats going to happen to me as I age? I can get implants now and pretend to be a barbie, but what will happen to me as I age? I dont want to be struggling with body image like this forever, getting facelifts and tummy tucks, its neverending. Theres always going to be younger and prettier people than me I might as well deal with it now and save myself the self torture, understand that we are a bit different animals and thats okay. Okay. not doing it. Ill keep my Stacy Keibler body. fuck trish stratus LOL PS. Not expecting a response to any of these banterings, totally thinking aloud
  11. No offence intended here but easy for you to say! Sounds like you ARE one of those women. dam u! LOL
  12. Thanks for all of you thoughts everyone, Youve all made it clear that it should be my choice, for me, but thats where it gets a bit blurry. Ive always been disappointed in my body since high school when it never filled out. Then it went away for awhile when life got a bit crazy but now its back with a vengeance. What triggered it back I guess was seeing the kind of girls my hubby looks at online. Theyre all exactly the same! Short, blond, big fake busted. Im tall and skinny and flat with brown hair. I just dont see where i fit in. I dont want to feel like im being settled for, you know? Like im not online googling giant cocked black men, im happy with what i have and dont feel any need to seek that out. sigh I hate feeling like this. I know I have a good man that loves me and my body and I should be happy and grateful for this and I am. But i still feel like im not good enough. Ive felt like this when ive been alone and still feel it happily married. I guess im just right pissed that i cant be everything for him like he is for me. Jealousy is so, so ugly and makes me feel like it shows on me, you know. I dont want to be a bitter woman.
  13. Hi, Im going to be straight up here. I have small boobs. Im currently toying with the idea of pumping these bitches up. I love big boobs and want a pair of my own. So I can sneak up on my hubby when he's not expecting it and pop him in the face with them. So I can look down and see some sweet melons busting out of my bra instead of just being a hanger for it LOL. Hey, you only live once, right? Anyone on here had this done? Anyone with big boobs wish they were smaller? Anyone think im a twit?! Lots of things to think about here. Maybe hubby wont like it? Would this be a great injustice to myself, like objectifying myself or something? Maybe my head will grow along with....
  14. Hey, I was just posting on the topic about you and your SOs sexual journey together and realized Id been quite tainted by some things that were said to me by dear old dad as a child. So my question for you child havers out there: What are you telling your kids? about sex or the opposite sex, and What did your parents tell you?
  15. WOW great topic ive stumbled upon here. I hope your ready for a novel Me and my husband were actually conversing about this yesterday, and both agreed we didnt really have sex lives before eachother. His past experience was with his only other serious girlfriend. They never talked about it. It was always just a wander off to the bedroom, lights off, no foreplay, no conversation, missionary style, clothes back on and out. And for me, well, I was a late bloomer I guess. Never masterbated as a teen, just never thought to. I was brought up in a very backwards family, oldfashioned, superstrict. Very male dominated (mom not allowed to work outside the home, dad told her what to wear, told us girls what to wear.) My dad used to say things to me alot that scared me about boys, like nobody will ever really care about you, guys dont see girls as people, your ass is just a target, theyre inviting you to that party so they can rape you when your drunk. So this is where I developed a bit of bitterness and fear towards men. I never bothered to explore my body, I guess I felt like it was just going to be something that was taken from me. Moved out of my house as soon as highschool was done with a guy I'd known for a while. After a couple months of living together he asked for it, so we did it. Awkward, painful. Next time with lube, no pain, still awkward. NExt time same. NO pleasure for me. As soon as we started going at it I went numb. Like I was back a bit and watching. My boyfriend seemed to be having a good time. I thought thats all there was too it, like I was just supposed to be a vessel for his pleasure. So I went out and bought sexy lingerie and took it for almost 3 years. So everything that sucked was coming to a head at this point. I remember lookin for a movie to watch one day, and i came across some porn that had been taped off payperview. Id never seen one. It was two oily girls in a kitchen, they were having a fantastic time and there were no men involved! Pleasuring themselves and eachother! It was a glimmer of hope. I finally had the balls to speak up. I told my boyfriend I wasnt enjoying sex, and I didnt know why or thought maybe something was wrong with me, like a mental block. His response, "thats okay we dont have to have sex anymore, Im cool with that." We broke up shortly thereafter. Then I turned to amphetamines for comfort. I started hanging out with my current husband, a meth addict at the time. We quit our jobs and sold drugs. I lost all of my friends. We had sex all the time but it was just a quick bounce in the car every time, no foreplay. We were always high as fuck so everything was like a blur. Hubby had been at this lifestyle for about 5 years and had had enough, and was getting pretty afraid at what a fiend Id become. Id sneak off to the bathroom and do rips, I barely ate or slept. So we quit. And the next year or so of our lives was devoted to learning how to function and get our lives on track, so sex fell to the wayside. When things calmed down, I started to do what i should have done years ago. I started playing with myself. I didnt get into it at first, it took a bit. Then came the hardest part - communicating what I liked to my partner. It was so hard for me. It was like a giant concrete wall was up, like my mind was working against me. I felt so deep inside that he just did not give a fuck about me, it took alot of frustration and tears to get through that, on both sides, him as a man feeling like he couldnt please me when it was just me not being able to let him in. Im not sure exactly when it clicked for us but we got there. I went from years of feeling like a blowup doll to having multiple orgasms!!! Ive got a growing collection of toys, we talk about sex, during sex, after sex, laugh during sex, legs and arms every which way, Ive got a collection of homemovies started of me and me toys. We are closer than ever and im happier than a pig in shit. Every time we have sex one of us will get a little bolder, try or say something new. Its not just something we do because, its an event! Sorry that was so longwinded, I was all raring after just talking about this. Now for a message to all the girls out there: DONT WAIT FOR A MAN TO PLEASE YOU. Figure yourself out, see what feels good, and DONT HESITATE TO SPEAK UP. A man who doenst care about your pleasure doesnt deserve your time, he should just go pick up a ho.
  16. True, but your sense of touch is heightened when you cant see. LOVE the blindfold
  17. It's not the swallowing thats the problem, its the not being able to breathe!
  18. Hello Everyone, This is my first time posting here, so sorry if there's a thread on this somewhere, I did a quick scan. I've been ordering a toy a month from this site for the last while, and noticed the forum but didn't have anything to say. I'm here today looking for a bit of guidance on deepthroating. I've slowly been working up to this feat. My hubby's a beast and I have a really quick gag reflex. Like sometimes my toothbrush makes me gag! But, I'm determined. I've been trying to relax my throat and get it further down there and have noticed much improvements with how far and long I can keep it down there. I decided to try and get some speed and rhythm happening yesterday, so I put his hand on my head and told him to slowly get me bobbing. Good god! What a sight it must of been when I came up gasping for air with tears running down, snot pouring out, and a nice trail of slobber and vomit. Hubby was blindfolded at this time, "Holy fuck that was hot!!Hey, are you okay?" "Yes, huh, huh, huh, dont, huh, huh, peek!" So, after laying back for a few minutes to breath and doing a quick wipedown, time for another round. Same thing, I got it all under control, then the bobbing happens, and I'm gasping for air and covered in an assortment of fluids (but, extremely aroused) Finally, being quite pooched and seeing spots, I finished him off with my hands. Does anyone have any tips for this??? I'm okay with the gagging part (HAH), but the not being able to breathe part sucks. Is there a way to regulate breathing while doing this or am I supposed to keep stopping to breathe? Should I be trying to suck in while it's down there or just keep my throat relaxed?
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