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Everything posted by WendyNY

  1. While searching the computer for the new season of "In the Bedroom with Dr. Laura Berman"--I found a new show on OWN. It's called "Unfaithful -Stories of Betrayal". This caught my attention IMMEDIATELY as this show is one that truly hits home for me. I have had affairs in my marriage. I'm not sure if all of you are aware of that. I have spoken about it a bit on the boards. It's a hard subject for me to talk about. It means that I have to look inside myself to do that. That's hard for me to do sometimes. Sometimes I want to block it out--make it go away. Affairs rarely happen because of SEX. They usually happen because something else is missing from the marriage. There is so much that I want to say about this. I suppose this was a bad time for me to have seen this show online as I don't have the time to write about this. I did find one full length episode. I have watched a portion of it. It's very very good. It is on every Saturday night on Oprah's channel OWN. I will be posting more about this as it is something that I need to explore inside myself as well. Below is the link to one of the episodes: http://www.oprah.com/own-unfaithful/Unfaithful-Jay-and-Julie-Bob-and-Cathy-FULL-EPISODE
  2. I was finally able to go in--it did tell me I was kicked out again--but I looked to the right lower side and clicked on a pink box at the bottom--It's just below the box that says "Leave". It says- "Launch in a new window". A separate window opens and that is the box you chat in.
  3. I just tried to go into the chat room and got kicked out !! No, I wasn't viewing the forum at the same time. I did post something in there but it didn't show up......Guess I will have to try again....
  4. I have absolutely NOTHING that compares to that !!! Haven't done too many sexual activities in public. Well, there are a couple (not nearly as exciting as yours ! ) When my husband and I were dating we were at one of the many Waterfall Parks in our area. I unzipped his pants on the ledge on an open trail right out in the open. I sucked his cock for a bit. While he didn't cum--it was kind of exciting..... no I don't recall us getting caught although there were other people in the park. Last year when we were going through our "trying to have a threesome with our male friend" period. I was at a bar with both of them. I was rubbing both of their cocks through their pants. I KNOW others were watching us and it was kind of exciting as I watched all the men smile at us as I left the bar with my husband and male friend and smiled wickedly at them on the way out........ And NO we did not have the threesome-----still just a fantasy...........Which is why I'm still so intrigued with this subject........
  5. A friend and I were discussing this topic not too long ago. Recently the Swinger Topic I posted started me thinking about this thread. We ALL have a secret life or side to us . Some--more than others. My friend gave me his thoughts and I call it the "Triple Lives Analogy". It's a pretty deep subject when you think about it. He said that we have 3 sides to us---The life we want to live---the life we pretend to live and the life we HAVE to live. This is very true--again, parts of it may be more true for some, than others. I teach Religion at our church. Would I EVER mention this site or things I share on here--my deepest fantasies and things I've done with any of the "church" people ??? Absolutely not--- Am I being a hypocrite ?? No---I do have my beliefs and I don't think I'm pretending to be anything other than myself. But, this side of me is left out of that circle. It's not something I share with everyone. When we are at work like Mikayla stated above, for most of us it's a professional setting--it's not the place to discuss certain subjects or our fantasies. On the other thread I started about Real Life Swingers, I got thinking that a Swinger Lifestyle is definitely a "secret life". It's not something you share with your neighbors , co-workers, or your mother in-law !! So, in a way it's part of one of the "Triple Lives" above--you present the life you "have " to live in public. This is such a deep subject......I don't think that I am fake in any way. I am always myself for the most part. But , there are lots of sides to me I just don't show everyone.
  6. I think it's a "heat of the moment" thing--depending on how into it you are. Sometimes you don't notice until later what damage has been done !! Although there are people who get off on actual pain. I like to be spanked, but not in a painful way. My brother in -law (yes--he's very open and has actually shared this with me and my husband ) likes to put his hands around the woman's neck--almost choking her--and the women actually get off on this as well !! There must be some excitement that builds up for him and he gets off on that part of it. No, he's not abusive in any way and has never hurt anyone. Although I suppose he should be careful as I don't want to open up the MSN news and see a caption about some dead woman left on the floor of his closet due to his over- excitement !!
  7. Yes---GORGEOUS picture of Dr. Laura Berman--She's got the most beautiful eyes !!
  8. WEEKEND !!!!! Whoo Hoo !!

  9. Oh my....That's scary.... NO --That is NOT Dr. Laura Berman. She's blond and quite sexy and looks NOTHING like the picture above. The picture above is Dr. Laura Schlessinger. I haven't checked the OWN website to see when the Dr. Laura Berman show will be back on (or perhaps it's already on and I've missed it ! )However, I CAN tell you when "The Walking Dead" will be airing again on AMC as I have been counting down the days......February 12 !!! It has nothing to do with sex but it's an awesome show--very, very addicting (well, I guess there are a few sexual encounters on there, come to think of it.... not much else left to do when the world has ended and is filled with Zombies... ) You can see the first season on Netflix. I have never been so addicted to a show like this one !!! AWESOME... And from the looks of this picture maybe "The Walking Dead" producers will be contacting Dr Laura Schlessinger to be in one of their episodes...the sad thing is--she won't really need any makeup to help with the "Zombie" look they need !!! Oh-- we were supposed to be talking about Dr. Laura Berman weren't we ?? Sorry got offtrack. Check her out online--She is a sex therapist and she also has a Radio Sex Talk show. The TV show is done over a weekend. It helps couples who are in trouble in their marriage, are having disconnection problems, sexual problems, etc. In a weekend she does a complete overhaul of their marriage and life together. It's very good and hopefully she will bring it back again this year. (In the meantime- check out "The Walking Dead" !!)
  10. That's so funny !!! And yes---it could be true-- Although it could be the other way around as angry people could hire hit men to seek YOU out too !! LOL I just wanted to add that it was so nice to get to chat with a few people the other night. It was so much fun ! My husband was present for a short time and then fell asleep ! Ready, you signed off on there and missed my comment / joke to you about getting a Full Size Real Life Sex Doll like the one that was featured a long time ago on Howard Stern.... Don't take it personally, it was just a joke !! Hopefully we will be able to chat again soon on there. Hope your "head cold" is gone ! Square's comment was hysterical about getting head colds from a wet pussy....
  11. LadyLove--I KNEW you were enjoying reading this too !!! Boo--I think for some women being with another woman is one of those things that you take in small doses....Like it would have to be just the right moment or the right woman. It's like that for me with doing any kind of anal sex. I do enjoy it --but just not all the time...But SOMEDAY---I would love for that fantasy to come true (a threesome with another woman) PLEASE ---keep writing---We are so happy that there is an actual person who gets to actually live out all these fantasies. I was thinking about that last night. About how there are so many people that each of us know but most of these people know NOTHING about what goes on in our personal lives. Kind of like a "secret life" . We all have a "secret self" . There was another thread at one time about this. I will have to dig it up as I have been thinking of some very profound things about the "secret lives" each of has.
  12. Ready--I am SO- SO- SO SORRY---OMG--that is so sad.......... I feel so badly for his family and especially his daughter.... I will keep his family in my prayers.
  13. I am sorry to hear that the weekend didn't work out as planned. Hopefully your wife will be feeling better this weekend. (my youngest daughter just came down with the flu tonight---Hopefully we won't all end up getting it !!) I was wondering if your wife has played one on one with another woman while you either watched or joined in. You have mentioned her doing some things wiith another woman a couple of times. As I've gotten older my fantasies about being with women have definitely expanded. If she hasn't completely "gone all the way" with another woman yet, is it something that she has expressed wanting to do ? It sounds like she was very attracted to the woman you spoke about in the last story as she mentioned it to you and she did have some interaction with her. I look forward to hearing all about your next encounter !
  14. LOL--I completely overlooked the times you posted above . Although I did see the YES / NO the first time ! See--I can't concentrate when the kids are around !!
  15. I would love to try to chat !! May be a bit difficult with the kids though. I asked my husband if he would like to hang around to do it. He said he thought it would be interesting. We could do a "mingle hour" like suggested above--- What time were you thinking ? --I know some people are in different time zones on here also.( Ready is in California-- 3 hrs behind us New Yorkers !! ) Maybe sometime after 9 pm ?? What does everyone else think ?
  16. Chloe --those were my exact same thoughts !!! "Let us live vicariously thru you !" Awesome story Boo----OMG----YES---YES----JUST LIKE THAT------- DON'T STOP---MORE PLEASE------OMG.. I would love a "daily dose " of your stories......I'm sure Chloe and others would too .... I will have something to imagine all day now.....Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .... Thank you...........
  17. No, he just wore the strap-on by itself. As far as DPing, we have used JUST a small toy in my ass while we are having sex, but he's never worn the strap on and used it it my ass at the same time that we are having sex. As I mentioned , the strap on is very large and I don't think we've given it enough time for me to get truly warmed up as it just won't slide all the way in. Now--when he took it out and then put his fingers in me--OMG......I was so ready that they slid right in.... Anal sex isn't something I enjoy all the time though. We'll have to work on the DPing....I know it's something I enjoy watching in porn. As far as some of the other comments on here---I don't think anal sex is something I thought of when I was younger either. I know it's not something I ever wanted to perform on my husband. I think it has something to do with being with each other for a long time and getting to be super comfortable with each other. There is nothing that would really gross me out at all anymore. Yes, DON'T GIVE UP.
  18. My husband is definitely a germaphobic when it comes to kissing me after I have swallowed or tasted his cum. There is absolutely NO KISSING allowed at all on his part !!!
  19. No fighting please !!! No one wants you to leave....We are all here to have fun and share sexual discussions. I don't believe her post was telling you that she wanted you to leave.
  20. That is AWESOME that YOU bought the strap on and would like her to use it on you. I'm not sure why she is hesitating. You will have to bring it out just before the two of you have sex. Tell her you want her to use it on you. Have her start out by using her fingers on you first. We also have a strap on, although my husband would never let me use it on him. He does not want anything going near his ass, although I do try. I start out slowly and then try to lick his ass and rub my fingers around it. Last night after we got home from our date we put on some porn. He mentioned that he wanted to use our strap on- on ME--He put it on and lubed up my ass. I kneeled down on all fours while he kneeled behind me and slowly slid it in my ass. The strap on is very large in size and it was difficult to insert it in all the way. He fucked me for awhile with it and then took it out and slid his fingers inside my ass while I rubbed my clit. I was SO WET....I came so hard as he thrusted his fingers in and out of my ass. He was so turned on that he almost came in his pants. We moved to the bed where he finally blew hot cum all over me.......Mmmmmmmmmm it was so hot........ Good luck with the strap on !! Don't give up trying ! Eventually she will come around.
  21. Now where is your sense of humor?? True, it's probably NOT what YOU would want to watch.... It would be funny though.... There are lots of toys that women can wear out in public you know. We do have the capability to hide them ..... However a MAN getting away with that----well, there's NO WHERE to hide it !!!! LOL....
  22. Ok Boo---I need another "Swinger Story " Fix !! Please........
  23. OMG.....that is hysterical !! This is the Valentine's gift to give the extra busy man in your life-- The men can multi-task too---Listen to the Ipod while on the treadmill at the gym AND while they are eyeing the hot girl in front of them they can use the Fleshlight !!! I can already picture it ~~ LOL.....
  24. Yes I admit it !!! I do have a very sick , twisted sense of humor !! :D
  25. We're WAITING.......... Well, since no men have responded yet, I will give my input. It's very true that men are visual-----Men notice women's bodies and are sexually turned on by them. It's also very true that men are turned on by a woman's CONFIDENCE. Of course if you point out exactly what it is that you don't like about yourself and continually focus on that-----well, it would be no surprise that he would also. Of course I have things about myself that I don't like-but I try not to focus on them--they aren't really a big deal to anyone but me. I was reading something while in a restaurant recently----- On the front of the door to the Ladie's room was a sign under "LADIES" It said this: "The most beautiful woman in the world is the one who thinks she is"-- Sophia Loren. It's all about Confidence.
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