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Posts posted by Kama

  1. I thought Kornholio was joking? I agree with Shoop..words are cheap...I think some guys say that to seem macho, but when the time comes..no

    When you're not getting something, of course it's on your mind most of the time.

    I don't think your sex drive is measured by how many people you want to do or if you're willing to drop your pants in a second, like some guys I've met think. Some guys I've met say "If women have a high sex drive, then why don't you go screwing everyone like some guys do?" Um okay.

  2. Do you all agree that men are much more hornier than women? I don't, and I'm usually looked at as crazy. :P I still stick with my opinion though. I do think women can be pickier and that men aren't as concerned with the consequences, but that doesn't make women less sexual or having lower sex drives.

    I don't even agree that most men are after one thing. I've met males who I would consider prudes or who don't take every sexual opportunity that comes along. I don't find it hard to believe that a guy will reject a good-looking girl for sex (I've seen it happen, b/c the guy felt grossed out/lost interest that a girl was being so forward or he was already taken). I've seen women that were only looking for booty-calls, where the male half of the couple wanted something serious. I think the men that do want something serious are sadly dismissed as "just wanting one thing".

    What about the rest of you? I have a feeling that some of you will agree with me, but I guess the outside world finds it hard to believe?

  3. Pardon me for bringing up a gut wrenching topic, but I've heard quite a bit of child sexual abuse survivors were "willing" b/c they were lured in by the adult, but that's still sexual abuse even if the child went along with the adult's seduction. The minor isn't mentally capable of giving consent, and having sex with an adult can have damaging effects. I think pedophiles who use the old "But he/she was willing" excuse is the worst thing ever..They're kids and the adult has the power..of course they will go along with you. It doesn't have to be forced.

  4. Btw, this was the same ex/f*ck buddy that put me down for experiencing vaginal pain. No wonder I would tense up/feel insecure everytime this guy entered me (who would want something so cruel to be inside of you), but I had sex w/him b/c I felt like I had to.

    It's done with, and this has had an effect on enjoying penetration obviously...My vibrator isn't something scary that treats me like crap, so it's better having that inside of me.

  5. The key is not stopping their attraction to you but recognizing them for the snakes that they are and stopping YOUR attraction to them. One step that I find, and it may be contrary to some beliefs, but it's with holding sex. I'm not saying use it as a weapon but wait before you hook up, really get to know them, get a look at their true colors before you get to boinking. If say you go to a restaurant and they are rude to the waitstaff, big red flag; if they trash talk your friends and family; huge red flag. Find the flags and live by them. Kiss a few frogs but learn from them and you'll find your prince!

    Agreed! This is one of the main reasons why I also think it's best to wait for sex when it comes to dating

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