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  • My Favorite Toy
    my fiance
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    just started collecting
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  • What is your age & gender?
    20's, female

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  1. Never take anything/anybody for granted. Trust in your first instinct. Having the bad things happen are especially good to learn from, your most likely not going to repeat them. If you don't have the trust your better off without him/her. Not to let a boyfriend tell you what he did wasn't rape even though everyone else (including yourself) say's it was.
  2. Just bleeding with the fingers (although i do remember once getting a pinkish color after intercourse). I don't always get that wet and sometimes use something. No finger play doesnt really do anything for me (i do it to please my fiance). I want to say thank you to everyone for the post, you all have been very helpful, i do have to go see the doctor anyway so i will make sure i bring this up. Thank you again everyone.
  3. yes he keeps his nails clean. his job is manager of a little store. he is in some ways anal even more so with his appearance.
  4. Yes he trims his nails a lot, keeps them very short. It happens every time and sometimes he will only go in a little and sometimes he goes in tooo far for my comfort. I was told once that sometimes a womens stuff in there will shift and he can hit something that is tender for whatever reason and thats probably why i bleed, i cant really see where that would make sense for bleeding all the time unless something has shifted and it wasnt supposed to???
  5. Over the last year or so i guess my body has changed, i have started to bleed every time my fiance fingers me. I will discharge pink to a lot of red (i've paid a lot of attention to it, has nothing to do with periods). I never had this problem before and it concerns me a lot due to the fact my fiance enjoys using his fingers. I never have enjoyed even using my own fingers. The fact that I have not had a problem with bleeding before i'm just wondering if anybody else has had this happen and may possibly know whats wrong or if it is even important enough to see the doctor about.
  6. i think you are on the right track, i can't think of what he would be depressed about but that doesn't matter he still could be, i think it might have more to do with his self esteem. i wrote him a cute little letter the other day he said he really liked it and said thank you and was cute with me for a short time. i have to say even though i have been with him for about 6 years i have no idea how to give his self esteem a good boost. he is so different from other males that i know. i will keep trying till the day i die or the day he walks away from me. he is still the love of my life and to me that is all that matters everything else is like frosting on the cake. about his work he is fresh in a new job that is finally one were he can use his talents. i would have to say he is happier at work then he is at home with me. thank you for your reply
  7. i have done the texting thing (not dirty but playfull) and i have done the planning for time together, he will allways say "i want to come home and spend time with you" what usually allways happens when he comes home is he says he is too tiered or something last minute will take place that he feels is more important. im usually left on the back burner and left feeling like im not important to him. like i said i know he loves me and wants to be with me but regardless of my attemps to be with him he seems to find excusses to be somewhere else or is just too tiered to do anything but lay on the couch and fall asleep. the day after christmas i took him out to dinner and then he wanted to go to the bar so we did the hole night was wonderful. he sat by me (he usually doesnt) he kissed me a lot, held my hand or arm. i finally felt wanted by him and loved and like i was the only one in his world. we went home and had sex, he wanted me on top which i dont like but i did for him and the best part for me that made it worth it was when he looked me in the eyes and said "thank you". that night was the best night ive had in a long time and everything ended that night too. everything went back to the way it was. we allways have nights, moments and then its like they are forgotten and we go back to being roomates. i tried to keep it going with kissing him saying sweet things telling him i wanted to go to bed early and cuddle/play. it didnt work. i dont know what he wants from me even though when he shows me or tells me what he wants im doing it. im going to keep going and doing what i have been and putting to action the suggestions ive gotten and hope for the best. thank you for your replys and i will keep you posted on what happens.
  8. I've been with my fiance for almost 6 years, we have a 5 year old together. I know he loves me and wants to be with me but the spark is gone. Every once in a while we will get it back but it doesn't last more then a day or two. I've told him and even written him letters to express how I feel about him and that I want more of him, more kisses more touching, MORE SEX, it doesn't happen. I've even tried planning sex and doing something he likes even if I dont like doing it. My goal is to get him back into the mood, every day not once a month or longer. I dont know what else to do I need help.
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