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Everything posted by raniedaize

  1. I had a dream last night that I saw an old crush of mine at a gas station...and then we made out by the pumps. The best part is that it was a dream with textures (gotta love synesthesia!), and in it, he was a great kisser!!! haha. It was completely random, though, considering how I hadn't seen the guy in a few years. That's sad because he's my best friend's brother too.
  2. Hi! I am so happy to hear that you have joined and are from England! I absolutely love when a bit of international flare is thrown into the threads.
  3. Funny that you would say that. When I got it, I had actually just started working in EMS. The ambulance crews met up at a local Chinese restaurant one day. It was kind of funny. We were all on duty, and there was a batch of 911 vehicles parked out front. So, when that's what my fortune cookie said, I thought it strangely appropriate. It still remains true to this day. I do love my job and know that it does truly matter. It might sound bad, but really, how could anything be more fun? For me, at least!
  4. Isn't scat technically owl poop? Anyhow, my rules? Mine is plain and simple: Respect. Respect for me, and respect for you. I definitely agree that this would involve no intentional defications. It also, to me, means being open to each other's adventurous ideas but never forcing or pressing the issues.
  5. I've been really unhappy the past few days. But, that's reversed now. For the first time since the trip two months ago, I'm having a conversation with Sir. Yeah, I'm THAT kind of clingy! haha. Really, though, I am behaving myself well now, but ooooooh! The things he says and the images he evokes are borderline torture with a hint of ecstasy by their mere nature! I'll go now and keep suffering willingly...and blushing like a fiend.
  6. If I was being cheated on, yes I would want to know. If it were an affair (or even just recurring sex), I pretty much guarantee you that it'd be a deal breaker. I'm the type of girl where I'm either sufficient enough or nothing at all. However, if it were an unplanned one nightstand type thing and he fessed up to it, we'd definitely have some serious discussions about that and everything else. Maybe, just maybe, the relationship can be salvaged. Would I think I was being played as a fool? Perhaps. If it were an ongoing thing, most likely. However, if it were just one random act, I understand the stress of sharing the truth of a person bad decision. In that case, perhaps not. In other words, it depends upon the circumstances of the situation. If I knew beyond a doubt that the SO of someone I knew was indeed cheating on them, YES I would take action. First, I'd talk to that SO. Then, if that does no good, I would tell my friend. Why? Because I'd like the same courtesy shown to me. Now, if I knew they did NOT want to know, I would honor their decision and keep it to myself.
  8. I don't have any kids, but I certainly don't like being taken advantage of! TPBM has been inexplicably blunt in wording lately.
  9. Okay, I've looked at your post, and I've dissected it. You ask these key questions: **Why would you do this to someone else when you wouldn't want it done to you? **Is it really your problem anyway, and does this make it right? **Does it make you a bad person? **Is it really not your issue at all? I think the first one reveals a fear of hypocrisy. By going through with it, you would, in effect, be setting up a double standard--You can be a mistress, but your man better never have one. It is said the best pillow is a clean conscience. So, my dear, is yours going to eat at you afterwards? The second? To answer, think about it like this: You're sitting at a table with someone you know is overcoming alcoholism. He's been sober for about two months. With complete knowledge of his predicament, would you open bottles of liquor (those which you know are his favorite and weaknesses) and place them on the table between you? After a moment, the smell of the liquor will infiltrate his nostrils, the taste of it will be in the air on his tongue, and sitting there with nothing but you, the table, and the vodka, rum, and beer in the room, he will begin to twitch. The sixty days sobriety he's worked so hard for are three seconds away from being a thing of the past. Now, is his alcoholism your problem? No. Does this make it right? No. What you indeed would be is an enabler. In application, if your friend is not satisfied in his relationship, you'd be supplying an easy way out by the two of you engaging in an affair. And, while it may not be an "affair" in the emotional aspect of the term, it would still be constituted as cheating--no if's, and's, or but's about it. Sorry. With referrence to your third question, considering all this does NOT make you a bad person. Who we are and how "good" or "evil" we might happen to be is dictated just as much by what we think and don't do as it is by what we think and do do. So, thinking and fantasizing about this by no means means you've crossed over to the dark side. Even if you had, we'd still love you anyway. And for your final Q & A, if it involves you, it's your issue. Their relationship problems at present may not be, but if you do wind up sleeping with him before they're officially separated or unless she knowingly consents to the two of you, then yes, it will be your issue too. Please, dear, do not think I ripped into you. I just meant to give replies to questions you raised, and in no way do I think less of you for posing them. Best of wishes, babe!
  10. I like to think so TPBM is having a good self-image day today!
  11. TRUE!!! TPBM wonders why some people just can't be happy.
  12. I cannot believe the absolute horrible day that I've had.
  13. Very interesting story. I'll comment more tomorrow. Good night!
  14. I'm exhausted and can't help but to wonder--if I keep being so tired lately, why the hell aren't I just throwing my butt into a bed and SLEEPING?!? Really. It's not rocket science. And if it were, I'm great at that too. So, my dear self, what's the freakin' problem?
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