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Everything posted by lil_librarian

  1. Yes.. caramel syrup..yum yum TPBM is multitasking right now.
  2. lmao.. I did not notice I spelled breast wrong..lol! oink oink DADT
  3. Would rather have hot food...there's a rumbly in my tumbly..lol TPBM likes to flirt!
  4. Depends on the game TPBM is feeling aroused.
  5. Nope, but I am getting hungry. Tpbm is cold.
  6. Oh yes, baby! TPBM is listening to music.
  7. Ok, someone was telling me that eating pineapple a day before having oral would make his/mine (you get the point) taste sweeter. So I ask you, is there any foods that can enhance the taste?
  8. lol..theorectically TPBM wears glasses.
  9. HAHA...thanks guys and yah,,suzy did help!
  10. LMAO...my SO is a vibe, soooo nope! TPBM needs a hug.
  11. Not really...lmao! TPBM plans to head to bed early!
  12. Ok, I have never heard of this...so please explain further..if you can.
  13. Honestly, when I read this...it is very hard to imagine that everything is hunky-dory in you and your husband's personal life, out side of sex.. It seems like this has been going on for quite some time. I say this not to hurt you but, if your husband is unwilling to have sex with you and is using your alternate lifestyle as an excuse to fulfill his desire..for me, it would seem as though he IS cheating. YOU and YOUR marriage should come first. Outside stressers in his life MAY be a factor, but he made his marriage vows to.... Am I making sense?
  14. And yes, I know...no face..taking baby steps...deep breath and here it is:
  15. Could be...I am currently exploring my "new" choices. TPBM wants to go out dancing tonight.
  16. True to both..I hope..night has not begun yet! TPBM is planning something erotic for the weekend.
  17. LMFAO!!!!!!!! He apparently did not pay attention in Health Class.
  18. TRUE! TPBM plans to have a glass of wine with dinner.
  19. Yah for your daughter and good for talking it out with your friend.
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