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Posts posted by whiskeywoman

  1. With all teh crap I have put up with in the last month from work,

    I think I may have fnally reached my breaking point...

    I have stood by and became the whippin dog for the boss.

    Everything that has gone wrong, I have taken the blame for.

    Even if I had the day off, I would take the blame.

    I took out my top stud earring, because the bos said so.

    I gave up my mother day gift, a beautiful flying heart necklace that teh girls gave me, because the boss said so.

    I have gone in early and stayed late, because the bos said so.

    I have done everything that the boss has said, because she is the boss.

    Today however is the last straw..

    The assitant manager hurt her hand last week,

    she was supposed to be off until today, she was scheduled from 11 to 8.

    She never called or showed up.

    She waltzes in like she owns the joint at 2 o clock!!

    She pulled a no call, no show, and she still has her job!!??

    And because she still has her job and her hand is screwed up, she gets to take the next 2 weeks off....

    the same weeks that the boss is on vacation...

    wich leaves one gal and myself to run the place for 2 weeks.

    no days off.


    AND... the boss told me today I can not keep my tongue ring, not even a retainer.

    I have to get rid of it, period.

    not as in, " take it out when your working" but " get rid of it, they are useless and stupid and unprofessional"

    excuse me.... the gals over at teh starbucks have their noses pierced, they have labrets, multiple ear piercings and about 50 necklaces on.

    I have to give up the one I wear under my shirt, because of.....???

    Fuck that shit.

    They can al kiss my ass.

    I have had it.

    Mom did not raise a quitter, but I am beginnign to feel more like a drone than a person.

    I mean I can not make a single choice without having it cleared by 5 differant managers, and we are talking about something as trivial and simple as soup flavors!

    besides, right now, I am just working to pay the baby sitter, I am not getting ahead, so i dont even know why i am working at all.

    i think im gona start looking for a differant job.

    ok, i think im done ranting for now.

    time for me to go make a beer run

  2. This ought to get real fun.

    Tig, bring your rifle...

    Suzy.. bring your shotgun.

    I will bring along my 2 x 4.

    Pappy can come along to referee,

    Hell bring Tango with you while your at it, he can take pics, and post em on the web.

    We can find someone to sell concessions and make a day out of it LOL

    Anyone else game?

  3. Well, he is here, and already pushing some serious butons.

    I was in the truck, driving, he pulled out a small pill bottle, opened it and shoved it under my nose, it was full of either washed cocaine.

    Now we are begining to really test my patience, and he hasnt even been here for an hour yet.

    This is his last visit.

    I will not tolerate drugs around my children, he made his choice.

    He chose the drugs over his kids, point blank.

    Now it is time for me to break out the 2x4.

    I am tired, I don't want to fight anymore, so I am gonna go to bed.

    I have to work at 6 am.

  4. Suzy,

    This makes me wish I lived back in NY again.

    I would get a job there and bring along my 2x4.

    This guy is so full of himself.

    Sounds to me like he has the " I want things to go my way NOW" syndrom.

    And it is about damn time you file those papers, I don't know why you put it off.

    Now that I know you havn't filed, I am gonna bug the shit out of you till you do file em.

    Just because I like you, and I care about you and I don't want to see you lose your job.

    You have gone through so much, and you don't deserve to be treated like this.

    You are a very strong minded person to go to work everyday and deal with this crap.

    Do NOT give up, if you do that, he has won, and NO MAN is worth that.

    Now, get yer butt in gear and go file them papers.

    Love ya girl!



  5. Kat..

    No, children are not animals, but sometimes those harneses are worth their weight in gold.

    When my youngest brother was 3, we went to Cedar Point, we took him to go see the little kids amusement area.

    He somehow or another slipped away from my mom.

    My mom, my step sister, step brother, our boyfriends and my other brother and i all spent the next 6 hours looking for him.

    We found him, luckily.

    He was waiting in the line for the biggest baddest roller coaster at that time.

    No one seemed to notice a 3 yr old standing in line for a roller coaster.

    After that, my mom bought 3 harnesses, one for my two younger brothers, and one for me, and I was 15!!

    Good thing she did though, my youngest brother kept trying to get away from her.

    The only thing that kept im in check was that silly harness.

    Anyways, I don't harness the girls anymore.

    I used to when they were much smaller and would try and play hide and seek in the clothing racks.

    Or when we would go to a very crowded area, like the amusment partk.

    Anyways, I guess the point is, it all is a mater of preferance, and each parent has their own way of doing things.

    Don't get me wrong here hon,

    Some paretns are against them, and others are for them.

    For me, when a child is very small, they are good, hen they get old enough to know the rules, then they do not need to be used.

    Please don't hurt me *cowers*

  6. Angel,

    I have a middle ear disorder called meners (sp?)

    Basically, the little fluid filed sac has too few hairs around it.

    If it is a windy day, forget it. I stay indors.

    If for some odd reason I do have to go out.

    I wear earplugs and ear gaurds used for the shooting range.

    Yeah, I probably look stupid running around with them on, but trust me, I do not want to go through a bad episode of vertigo.

    And If I do get it.

    I just take some dramamine and wait it out.

    I hope ya feel better soon hon.


  7. Suzy,

    You are beggining to scare me a lil bit.

    Yes, your right, that describes the situation to a fucking T.

    I would love to get my shotgun and call open season on morons... but, the judge told me I can not play with guns, or sharp objects anymore..

    Go figure, I mean, the guys arm healed and you can't really see the scar anymore....no sense of humor I tell ya, NONE!

    Yes, I am only kidding on that.

    But, murder is illegal, and I would really like to see my girls graduate.


    I hadn't really PLANNED on having her birthday party this weekend, more like next weekend.

    Mainly because I was going to request that weekend off, so I could bake her cake, buy the goodie bags, make up invites etc.

    I am sure she would like to have friends over for her party as well.

    Now I am gonna print up invites and call parents on the phone giving them ZERO time to think it over.

    I really wanted to do it next weekend, when the girls come off their groundation, and I told him this.

    I told him, they broke one of my top 5 rules, I will not bend on them, punishment is swift, just and harsh.

    Of course if you ask them... I am abusing them witht he grounding thing.

    But they will learn, you do not play on the railroad tracks.

    Part of their punishment is no playing outside.

    He wants to take them to the park.

    is it just me or is he trying to unermine me here?

    How are they going to learn their leson if he does the exact oposite of what im trying to do?

    I dunno about the rest of you, but to me, no playing outside means NO PLAYING OUTSIDE!!

    The only time they are allowed outside is to either take out the trash, to catcth their bus or to get off the bus and come in.

    No bike riding, no playing with the animals, no hide and seek, NOTHING.

    And he wants tot ake them to the PARK?!


    The whole situation just pisses me off to no end.


    while I was typing this reply, he called...

    Seems he cant make it down for the middle girls birthday, he has tow ork, so could we do it like a month later so he can make it?!


    I postponed her birthday last year AT HER REQUEST because her grandmother was dying of cancer,

    she asked not to have a party last year because her grandma could not make it.

    She wanted one so bad, but her grandma died, and she cancelled it.

    she told me if her grandma couldnt be tehre, she didnt want it.

    Thats all she wanted, her grandma to be well enough to make her party.

    sorry guys, im so mad im crying right now.

    Ill edit this later

  8. Well, as I was saying in chat earlier, Ibasically only have one real option.

    I am gonna let him come down this weekend.

    When he does, I am gonna set the record straight once and for all.

    He always thinks I am joking.

    Well se how much joking I do when I get up in his face and let him know what is what.

    As for why he is not in jail.

    He has spent plenty of time in jail.

    the last stint was for home invasion and pety theft.

    If you are referring to the non support of payment.

    Meh, he can only run so long before the state nails him with his own SSN

    and begins garnishing his checks.

    Pappy, i wouldnt give him fisheads, too good for him.

  9. *breaks out the 2x4*

    Yeah, I am about to be real blunt.

    For those who have a weak constitution, I apologize now in advance for the language.

    My ex called me today and announces to me he will be coming this weekend, to celebrate our daughters 7th birthday.

    Excuse me?!

    I am so not even ready for that yet.

    And who the fuck is he to just announce to me that he is planning on coming over?

    Has no one ever heard of fucking asking?

    I have to work this weekend.

    And then he tells me hes going to get her a dream catcher for her birthday, and one for her sisters too!!

    I'm sorry, I thought the idea of a birthday gift was to tailor it to the child, not just grab something at random then give an identical item to the siblings.

    I told him she has been hinting at getting her ears pierced.

    His fucking smart ass comes back with " don't forget her eyebrow and labret, oh and better get her nipples pierced too while your at it *insert stupid laugh*"

    excuse me!!!???

    When I asked him abotu it, he said " Well, I kinda object to the whole ear piercing thing"

    now, back up a second here ass bite, you have your left ear pierced 5 times, you have tattoos all over your arms and legs, stomach and back, so much so it is to the point of almost being a full body mural.

    And your are telling me you object to a 7 yr old girl getting her ears pierced for the first time?!!

    wtf? i mean he is never around, he pays no fucking child support, he wants to get married to get out of paying support.

    I am the one who takes care of these girls 24x7, I am the one working my ass off for minumum wage to make sure hey have clothes and a place to stay and food in their bellies.

    I am the one who listens to them, I hear what they want and dont want.

    I am the one who has to remember whos clothes are whos etc.

    I know what she wants for her bithday, she has already told me.

    She wants her ears pierced.

    What kind of a sick fuck would suggest I get her face and nipples pierced at 7?!

    When I asked him about it, he said " well you got your tongue pierced"

    So what?! I was 32 at the time, that is a far cry from 7 years old!

    what in gods name does that have to do with ear piercing?

    not a fucking thing.

    Yes, this is the same sorry piece of shit who decided his precious crack was more important than his family.

    He is also the one who stole my 4 string Ibanez bass, and my car, just so he could go get high the day I went into labor with the child in question.

    Fuck that shit, I am gonna get her ears pierced if that is what she wants.

    He can kiss my ass.

    I ought to let his scrawny happy drug addicted ass go play with the fucking ram.

    One good hit from him and maybe asswipe will think twice about coming back out here.

    I'm sorry guys, he just riles me up and gets me going.

    Now that I am good and fuming, I think I am gonna go scrub something.


  10. I perosnally love my tattoos and my piercings.

    Of course my mom HATES them too.

    I think it is just a mom thing though.

    Now ther ARE people who go overboard, like the ones with 10 rings over each eyebrow, and piercing all around their mouths, and their noses all at the same time.

    To me, tey look like they fell face first into an open tackle box.

    But then again, that is just me.

    I have sen some gals that have had sleeve tats, and to tell you true, they were UGLY, just because they had so much going on in them, it was hard to see the main focal point, or even what the story was behind it.

    Yeah, I agree, tattoos have to be carefully thought out, as far as design, placment, meaning etc.

    I think it is awsome that you have an artist you can trust.

    And no, there is noting wrong with having a crush on your artist.

    It sounds as though you have thought this thing through pretty well.

    You know what do to as far as aftercare, you are realistic in your expectations that it will take more than one session,

    You are doing a lot beter than about 90 percent of the population who decides spur of the moment to get a tat.

    If it is something you really want, then go for it.

    If other peole don't like it, Fuck em.

    They are not the ones who have to see it every day, you are.

    It is YOUR body, your tat, your choice, point blank period.

    As far as attracting the wrong crowd...you should know by now how to tell if someone is good people or not.

    And as for guys... if they like you for you it should not matter if youhave a sleeve or not.

    Some guys like em, some guys don't, if they can not accept your tat, then they can not accept you, and you probably don't need someone like that in your life anyways.

    Thats my opinion anyways

  11. Ungh, what a way to spend a weekend.

    Ok, first off, even though you have flushed the engine throughly, there will still be sand in your vans engine.

    Sand is very fine particels, even though your hubby flushed the system, it is still in there.

    Wich is why it was running funny.

    Here I go, about to pull out the ol 2x4.... in all honesty it is quite possible that it will cause some damage to your engine, thereby shortening the life of it.

    The only way to tell for sure EXACTLY how bad the engine damage is, is to take it into the shop and have the engine completely and totally torn apart.

    And as you can imagine, this is NOT a cheap or easy procedure.

    Engines do not like dirt, sugar, wood chips or any other foriegn body inside.

    It loves to get into oil and it damages, Pistons, rocker arms, camshafts, you name it.

    If it is in the oil, it is everywhere that the oil lubricates.

    It MAY run itself out, but I am highly doubting it.

    Sand loves oil, because it does not turn into mud on contact, the oil kind of suspends the sand, allowing it to flow through the system.

    I am sorry hon, I did not want to be the bearer of bad news, but i used to live in the desert, I have seen what happens when even a teaspoon of sand gets into an engine.

    Now, as for the mom.....

    If you have arranged a set ammount of days to watch her kid, thats fine.

    If you have no such arrangement, and she continues to do this crap, bill her.

    Hey, why should you have to watch some lazy bitch's kid for free?

    She wants a sitter? make her pay for it.

    While your at it, make a bill for damages done.

    Bill her for your engine, the water her kid insists on turning on, any snacks you may feed her.

    Get a release form, so that n case something happens to her kid when she is at your house, you can take her in and seek medical help.

    If she wants to treat you like a damn daycare, treat her like a daycare would treat a client!

    Thats my 2 cents worth anyways.

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