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Everything posted by michelleddd

  1. Yes, and I have had both, stories written for me, about me.... and stories I've written involving that person. Does it make you hot when a woman is the aggressor?
  2. Yes it never fails to arouse (when it's from someone you feel that way about) Does it still arouse you if it's not from someone you'd thought about in those terms? Might it change your mind about said person? How?
  3. V is for Vulva, engorged and throbbing vulva.
  4. I did in this relationship, but he does almost every time since then. I do give head for no reason or expecting reciprocation, he just likes to make me cum/squirt as many times as humanly possible before he allows himself to get off. I LOVE the control older men have!!
  5. N is for needing to feel sated by your lovers touch.
  6. J is for jerkin the gherkin
  7. I agree it should be the catcher, not that the pitcher can't offer/suggest a game plan, but ultimately it's up to the receiver.
  8. We still haven't purchased anything, still shopping and talking. An early Christmas present?
  9. Thanks for the review, I've been wanting first hand info on anal toys for men.
  10. No on rides but we recently went on a long road trip and he kept purposely driving on the rumble strip after I told him it feels like a vibrator to me. Nice but not long enough to orgasm.
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