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Ultra Lube


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I was in need of some lube and saw this in the new section and thought why not try it. Mind you, I have found one lube already that I absolutely love, but I'm always willing to try new things---you never know.

This is a water-based lube, which is great. No worries as to what it is or is not compatible with. I also was liking that it promised to be mess-free with no spills. That is an added bonus. I want something that isn't going to take a lot of effort to use.

When I got it I decided to test it out. Generally, the only time I use lube is for anal play. First, I put a drop on my fingers to roll it around and see. I wasn't particularly thrilled---it was very thin in consistency and seemed to be drying up pretty quickly in that short of time, but I thought I will give it a try anyway. After a lot of playing I decided to get out my toy for anal and see. I coated the toy and myself as I always do and then went for it. I was very disappointed as it didn't hold up very long at all. In fact, I had to stop and get some of my regular lube, as within 5-10 minutes it basically was gone. I understand the need to reapply, but this just seemed a bit much to me. My other lube lasts long enough that I actually don't have to reapply.

This may seem alright for others but unfortunately I will not be using this product again. I like something that lasts. I think consistency of the liquid is a key factor here. I noted that when I turned the bottle upsidedown, the lube moves like water inside. This might be good for someone to use in connection with a beginning stage of play as they are getting wet and then won't be needing any additional lube later, but I don't think it is a "go-to" lube per se.

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