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Newly Seperated Female...

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I've only had a couple orgasms ever in my life...I had one two days after I left my husband...

Long story short he was a Feeder and an emotionally abusive one at that.

Anyways, I am now single and horny as all fuck its been prolly 3 months since I hade good sex and almost 6 weeks since I've had bad sex...

Anyways....Any ideas on how I can get to an orgasm...I bought a bullet vibe..but still haven't gotten there..


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Welcome ! Just a quick suggestion have you ever tried a g-spot vibe or even a dual action one THEY are AWESOME. Also make sure you are relaxed maybe put in a porn movie would help also, this is just a quick suggestion. I hope this helps in some ways, I can tell you that Jessicas strobing probe is great for that big O from the g-spot, and also that the rabbit dual is a awesome product to. Question for you when you are masturbating are you tensed when you are doing it because if so it is going to be really hard to come to a O or maybe something else is on your mind at the time. I would say try a video to those are great I know that I cant watch them very long with out making myself cum. Relaxing bath with a waterproof toy also should help. Let me know this is just a few things I thought of. Hope it helps

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Welcome ! Just a quick suggestion have you ever tried a g-spot vibe or even a dual action one THEY are AWESOME. Also make sure you are relaxed maybe put in a porn movie would help also, this is just a quick suggestion. I hope this helps in some ways, I can tell you that Jessicas strobing probe is great for that big O from the g-spot, and also that the rabbit dual is a awesome product to. Question for you when you are masturbating are you tensed when you are doing it because if so it is going to be really hard to come to a O or maybe something else is on your mind at the time. I would say try a video to those are great I know that I cant watch them very long with out making myself cum. Relaxing bath with a waterproof toy also should help. Let me know this is just a few things I thought of. Hope it helps

it helps some. I try not to be tense but considering my situation its hard not to be...As to porn I do watch some but not alot. I'll check into a G-spot vibe thanks for the suggestions

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I am sorry about your situation with the ex - you are the second person that I have "known" who was in a relationship like that. It is really odd, isn't it, to think people could abuse you in such an odd way! I am grateful you got away.

I think the key to your own sexual happiness is first trying to love your inner you again! When we are in distructive relationships, we are so utterly down on ourselves that it is almost impossible to feel comfortable in our own skins. I think that you need to start realizing your own self worth again. No matter what your size, shape, color, creed - you are an important, beautiful person. Realize your self worth and purpose on this planet. Once you do that, pleasuring yourself will become easier.

When we are in relationships which are damaging, there is no pleasure there, therefore we do not know how to get back into the mode of allowing pleasure to be in our life. You too the first step and got away from the abuser - now you must allow yourself to feel pleasure in all things.

My best suggestion is to reacquaint yourself with simple pleasure. Your own body, your clit, your tits, everything. relax, breathe, just feel the pleasure building. take time to do it, take time to adjust to yourself and to the sensations. Once you are relaxed and just enjoying beig with "you" things will get better.

Why don't you tell me what toys you have besides the bullet, and I will tell you what ones might be better, although the bullet might get you there pretty well if you are relaxed!


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Why don't you tell me what toys you have besides the bullet, and I will tell you what ones might be better, although the bullet might get you there pretty well if you are relaxed!

Yeah I only have the bullet right now and I just got it. I didn't have money to buy what I wanted but I remembered you saying that a bullet was a good vibe previously.

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A bullet is an excellet starter because it is small, and concentrated, and you can't go wrong with putting all the power into one area. However, perhaps you want to try and maximize your experience, and for that I might suggest a Dual Action. If you (or anyone reading this) doesn't know, Duals provide clitoral stimulation and insertion at the same time - just what women want and need.

I have a few favorite duals myself. My all time favorite, is also a G-Spot dual, it is the Glittering Rotaing G:


This litte baby can get me to my orgasm in 30 seconds or less EVERY time.

Now, I also love my IVibe Rabbit - which is super simple to use and provides everything you would want:


Now, others have their faves, but these are mine!

Good luck, have fun and if you have questions, please post back!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have really started using my toys a bit more lately, and lemme tell ya, I got 2 from here that I LOVE!!! And I use them together!!!

The Jessica Strobing G-Spot vibrator and the Hustler Rock-It clit stimulator. Let me just say OMFG!!!! :PB)

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hi Katprr,

it is gumby (newbie) from the other post. so, i am still on my O-mission. and open minded to everything. in case you forget, straight, smart girl, great sex life, 29, only recently trying for the O. so. my questino is....what videos do you like? i am pretty open to watching anything. though i am straight and female, have no problem with girl/guy, girl/girl, might pass on boy/boy (no offense, my best friends are gay!). looking for some fun, new beginner porn to watch solo, i've only seen one. or to watch with the guy i am with. open to ANYTHING on the spirit of the big O.

thanks again.

clueless and grateful gumby!

Welcome ! Just a quick suggestion have you ever tried a g-spot vibe or even a dual action one THEY are AWESOME. Also make sure you are relaxed maybe put in a porn movie would help also, this is just a quick suggestion. I hope this helps in some ways, I can tell you that Jessicas strobing probe is great for that big O from the g-spot, and also that the rabbit dual is a awesome product to. Question for you when you are masturbating are you tensed when you are doing it because if so it is going to be really hard to come to a O or maybe something else is on your mind at the time. I would say try a video to those are great I know that I cant watch them very long with out making myself cum. Relaxing bath with a waterproof toy also should help. Let me know this is just a few things I thought of. Hope it helps
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