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i gave my first oral when i was 7

lost virginity when i was 7

i have had more partners than i could count and i stopped at 105 but that is split between men and woman

but the wierd thing is the one i lost my virginity to and gave oral to is the one

i am married to today and couten be more happier

i am 20 and i have been married since i was 18

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I too am curious...7 is EXTREMELY young to have any type of serious sexual contact. Was this guy older? Where did you get the idea to do this? Did you give HIM the oral or him you? You had SEX at 7??? That is child rape - I can not believe that any girl would find that acceptable or pleasurable at 7!!!! Why did you marry this man? Did you ever seek counseling? Did it happen more than once?

Honey, I think you obviously have some issues that are way beyond what we can help with here. You may be married to this man, but you will never forget loosing your innocence at 7. Seek some help.


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I too am curious...7 is EXTREMELY young to have any type of serious sexual contact. Was this guy older? Where did you get the idea to do this? Did you give HIM the oral or him you? You had SEX at 7??? That is child rape - I can not believe that any girl would find that acceptable or pleasurable at 7!!!! Why did you marry this man? Did you ever seek counseling? Did it happen more than once?

Honey, I think you obviously have some issues that are way beyond what we can help with here. You may be married to this man, but you will never forget loosing your innocence at 7. Seek some help.


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Hi All,

I find it really, REALLY disturbing that so many women here have experience of being forced into sex. I'm so messed in my mind with these stories... I don't even know what to say. This is just insane.


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;) HMMM, I think I was about 12 when I started experimenting sexually. But actually lost my virginityat about 15. If my count is right there have been 12 or 13 women 2 of which became ex-wifes, my current wife, :rolleyes: , and one guy. The guy was a high school thing while experimenting with my own sexuality. So the count is 12 women, and 1 guy
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I am curious. How old is your husband, and what affect did this behavior on his part have on you at such a young age? Have you received counseling for being sexually assaulted? At that age, even kids have to have something wrong with them to have intercourse and oral sex with a 7 year old. Has he gotten counseling? If not, why not? I hope you realize that until he gets help, he is likely to continue to be a treat to other children, including his own. That is just the facts about these guys. Some can stop if they get counseling and therapy, but without it, they only get worse.


to howard 4570 and pootang

no one forced me to do it and i kinda pushed my honey into it because i was intreaged about it so i wanted to try it and i pushed him into it but we look at it now as something that is funny i am 20 and he is 22 years old we both disagree with counselors because why go to someone and tell them all that happened knowing you did it of your own free will and like i said before i did it to him he didn't do it to me and both of us was curious so but he was hesatent at first but in a way it has brought us closer together i know it sounds wiered but it is true we both look back at it and laugh and then go on we don't think nothen of it and HE IS A GOOD FATHER TO HIS CHILDREN they are 2 and 4 and he would never do anything to harm them cause i know him like i know the back of my hand we was just young kids that seen magazines that are parents hiden away and we was intreaged by it and wanted to try it out that is all no we both don't need counseling at all

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I too am curious...7 is EXTREMELY young to have any type of serious sexual contact. Was this guy older? Where did you get the idea to do this? Did you give HIM the oral or him you? You had SEX at 7??? That is child rape - I can not believe that any girl would find that acceptable or pleasurable at 7!!!! Why did you marry this man? Did you ever seek counseling? Did it happen more than once?

Honey, I think you obviously have some issues that are way beyond what we can help with here. You may be married to this man, but you will never forget loosing your innocence at 7. Seek some help.


no he was only 7 to 8 the same as me are parents hiden away porn magazines i gave him oral it was our first time and like i told howard and pootang i kinda pushed him into it he was really hesatant i married him becasue i love him and i am glad it happened i know it was a young age but in my family you get gave away to another person to get married to it is kindA like an arranged marriage type of thing and we both didn't want to let each other go so i talked him into it and it happened and plus i have 2 wonderful children by this man and i wouten trade those moments for anything in the world i knowit sounds wierd but thatis how it happened no one forced anyone to do anything we just fell into it but in a way i am glad we did becasue we now look back at it and laugh at it and that is it.

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THe fact is, 2twisted, that 7 year old girls just DO NOT find it interesting or exciting to suck on another guy's cock! While kissing and light fondling is very common with younger kids, i.e. playing doctor, to actually want to perform oral or have sex that young indicates sexual abuse. You may be repressing the memory, but I suspect you were sexually abused by someone, and that is what gave you the idea to perform oral sex on him.

7 year old girls play house and barbie, they do not solicit their male friends into sexual acts - it is just a fact of life. You may not think you need counseling, but you do. You need to find out what caused you to do this - and then to become HIGHLY promiscuous (105 partners before you were 20!) and get pregnant at 17 - which is still young in today's society.

All of this screams sexual abuse - whether you want to admit it or not. I am glad you are happy with your hubby, but you have to understand if you indeed did force him to have these sexual encounters with him, it could have damaged him as well. Young boys barely begin masturbating by 6 or 7 - not to mention having sex.

Let me ask you this, what would you say if you found out your 7 year old daughter was performing fellatio on some neighborhood boy? If you wouldn't be horrified, then you have greater problems than your past tragedies!


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THe fact is, 2twisted, that 7 year old girls just DO NOT find it interesting or exciting to suck on another guy's cock! While kissing and light fondling is very common with younger kids, i.e. playing doctor, to actually want to perform oral or have sex that young indicates sexual abuse. You may be repressing the memory, but I suspect you were sexually abused by someone, and that is what gave you the idea to perform oral sex on him.

7 year old girls play house and barbie, they do not solicit their male friends into sexual acts - it is just a fact of life. You may not think you need counseling, but you do. You need to find out what caused you to do this - and then to become HIGHLY promiscuous (105 partners before you were 20!) and get pregnant at 17 - which is still young in today's society.

All of this screams sexual abuse - whether you want to admit it or not. I am glad you are happy with your hubby, but you have to understand if you indeed did force him to have these sexual encounters with him, it could have damaged him as well. Young boys barely begin masturbating by 6 or 7 - not to mention having sex.

Let me ask you this, what would you say if you found out your 7 year old daughter was performing fellatio on some neighborhood boy? If you wouldn't be horrified, then you have greater problems than your past tragedies!


i actualy never played with babrbies or doll houses my toys was how do you say a lot diffrent hten what girls would normaly play with which was swords guns knives things like that because i am a tomboy type have been eversince i was born i was raised in a very highly christian home there was no sexual abuse there was only dirty magazines and little kids wanting to experament with things and to me and him both there was no damage done at all and he started masterbating at a younger age than 6 or 7 try 4 to 5 i know it is a little hard to believe but the way he was raised and i was raised would probebly wierd everyone on this board out completely

and i would be horrified if i found my 7 year old girl was doen somethen like that but only thing is that my kids would not be raised like i had to be raised.

in my family you more or less got sold to another mans son to be wed at 16 and there would be no way out of it unless something searious happened but plus me and him was really wanting to experament and try things out you have got to admit there is a big change since 1992 in most lives of people no a days but i am not trying to make up excuses for the actions that happened i am just trying to prove a slite point.

but to my knowledge and to my honeys we are perfectly happy and fine infact we sometimes look back on it and laugh and kinda glad that it happened i know it sounds wierd but it is true.

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THe fact is, 2twisted, that 7 year old girls just DO NOT find it interesting or exciting to suck on another guy's cock! While kissing and light fondling is very common with younger kids, i.e. playing doctor, to actually want to perform oral or have sex that young indicates sexual abuse. You may be repressing the memory, but I suspect you were sexually abused by someone, and that is what gave you the idea to perform oral sex on him.

7 year old girls play house and barbie, they do not solicit their male friends into sexual acts - it is just a fact of life. You may not think you need counseling, but you do. You need to find out what caused you to do this - and then to become HIGHLY promiscuous (105 partners before you were 20!) and get pregnant at 17 - which is still young in today's society.

All of this screams sexual abuse - whether you want to admit it or not. I am glad you are happy with your hubby, but you have to understand if you indeed did force him to have these sexual encounters with him, it could have damaged him as well. Young boys barely begin masturbating by 6 or 7 - not to mention having sex.

Let me ask you this, what would you say if you found out your 7 year old daughter was performing fellatio on some neighborhood boy? If you wouldn't be horrified, then you have greater problems than your past tragedies!


i actualy never played with babrbies or doll houses my toys was how do you say a lot diffrent hten what girls would normaly play with which was swords guns knives things like that because i am a tomboy type have been eversince i was born i was raised in a very highly christian home there was no sexual abuse there was only dirty magazines and little kids wanting to experament with things and to me and him both there was no damage done at all and he started masterbating at a younger age than 6 or 7 try 4 to 5 i know it is a little hard to believe but the way he was raised and i was raised would probebly wierd everyone on this board out completely

and i would be horrified if i found my 7 year old girl was doen somethen like that but only thing is that my kids would not be raised like i had to be raised.

in my family you more or less got sold to another mans son to be wed at 16 and there would be no way out of it unless something searious happened but plus me and him was really wanting to experament and try things out you have got to admit there is a big change since 1992 in most lives of people no a days but i am not trying to make up excuses for the actions that happened i am just trying to prove a slite point.

but to my knowledge and to my honeys we are perfectly happy and fine infact we sometimes look back on it and laugh and kinda glad that it happened i know it sounds wierd but it is true.

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<_< I'm not sure what is being refered to as masterbating but niether me nor anyone I was friends with at that age "masterbated" in what I would call the true sense of the word. If playing doctor or "I'll show you mine, if you'll show me yours" is considered masterbating then yes we did.

What country were you raised in, I'm curious because if you were sold to another mans son...............

i am from america it is just that my family moved to afganistan when i was 2 then when i was 7 we came back here and i went to school here then i met a young boy then that is when it all happened becasue the way my family believes is that if you are contaminated or not a virgin in anyway mouth or other wise you are un clean and you have to be gave to the person that you lost it to but in our case it was really wierd becasue my parents waited till iwas 16 and then they didn't care and then me and my honey found each other again and we e mailed each other and i came back to the us and have been liven here ever since and he would masterbate like any other guy would not the ill show you mine if you show me yours thing but my parents didn't really sale me it is hard to explain becasue i have a really wierd background

becasue where i was liven in afganistan i picked up there religion beliefs and there female habbits in a way so to speak i know it is hard to understand on how it happened and it is hard to believe that it actualy happened to some one but when you are raised in a diffrent country for so long there believes and other things grow on you but yet you are still stuck with what you was taught. i hope you understand where i am comen from.

and when i was in afganistan i was gonna be sold to another mans son but they found that i was not a virgin and that i was tampered with so i din't and that is why all of the things has happened to me before i moved back here you know with all the abusive relationships and everything becasue afganistan men believe in beating there woman and keeping them straigh so to speak but i hope this has helped in trying to answer your questions.

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<_< I am certianly not qualified to give professional advice but, IMHO, and in total agreement with others who have responded to your post I do agree with them in believing that you would benefit from counseling. If you can't afford it, there are programs offered through United Way and others such as colleges on a sliding scale or completely free of charge. If you go, and it's not for you, you have lost nothing. However, if you go and find it is for you, you could gain everything. If you never go, you will never know either way.


ok ok ok i will go but i don't see the point in it at all

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<_< I am certianly not qualified to give professional advice but, IMHO, and in total agreement with others who have responded to your post I do agree with them in believing that you would benefit from counseling. If you can't afford it, there are programs offered through United Way and others such as colleges on a sliding scale or completely free of charge. If you go, and it's not for you, you have lost nothing. However, if you go and find it is for you, you could gain everything. If you never go, you will never know either way.


ok ok ok i will go but i don't see the point in it at all

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