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Help Male Strap-ons?

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Okay so I was talking to my hubby today and he has always had the problem of either being boring(which he isnt anymore thanks to all the great tips on got here), or ejactulating to quick, so he is having to help me play with my toys so I can get off or having to eat me tell I cum. So today WOW :huh: he asked me to get online and ask someone what they would recommend for him. He doesnt want a cock ring because all they do is make him cum quicker and I have to agree with him there, this may sound bad but serious I can call him the two second man if I dont get mine first. :blink:

Anyway we had a discussion while he was at work. Got me hot , anyway he says he wants to make me have an O while he is doing me instead of me having one while he is eating me or we are playing with my numerous toys. So he was thinking maybe a strap on ? So if anyone can give me any advice on this issue or help with a selection of a toy would be great.

Just to let you know I like bumps and ridges and stuff along with thickness, he even mentioned a strap-on maybe that vibrates I told him good luck there, but hey maybe I there is one out there! :) Nothing to vibrate him of course since he will just cum to soon. He has tried numerous things but he really wants to be able to thrust me and not come but do the work, if that makes since.

I am sure you all will come up with something since I have had wonderful advice here and great input on things thanks. :D

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Ok, most of what Howard said was spot on right. I would say the most successful you are going to be is to keep trying the start / stop method - it doesn't work right away - takes practice. Or, to try the multiple climax rule - who says you can't cum more than once? Most men will last considerably longer after the first round, so why not? Get going on trying those methods.

If your hubby's issue is really a concern - you may want to ask his DR. about dapoxetine, this is a premature ejaculation drug that is waiting for FDA approval - it might already have it, I am not sure of the status - so he might want to look into that.

Now, I am sure many people are wondering why would a MAN want to wear a strap one. Contrary to what many believe, men love to wear strap ons! Who wouldn't want 2 penises! Many men experiment with double penetration this way - inserting the dildo in one hole and their erect penis in the other. Now, the tricky thing about finding a strap on for a man is sizing. Most strap ons are 'one size fits most' so you just have to try and hope it will fit. Here is one I think might work:


This one might be nice because it is crotchless, and the dick that comes with it is, well shall we say, special:


This one fits up to a 44" waist, part of the vac-u-lock line:


Another vac-u-lock system:


I would reccommend Vac-u-lock, only because you can interchange all the "attachments" and you can be sure they will hold tight!

Have fun shopping, and let me know what you find!

Mikayla ;)

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Thank you howard and Mikayla I will let you know and the links were great now the decision,I think I will go with the Vac-lock just need to decide which one :P I will keep you posted Thank you and the hubby said thanks to :)

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If you have a dildo that has somewhat of a base on it already on hand, try inserting it into the zipper part of a pair of old jeans or shorts then pull the zipper up snug against the dildo. This is only a makeshift harness that I have seen work in a pinch. Since the dildo will ride up above his penis he will get very little stimulation. The jeans may also help cut off his sensitivity. You should really teach him some control. BTW, there is a spray that I had many years ago that you sprayed on about 10 mins before sex that would de-sensitize the head. I noticed the difference but my reason was to last that much longer. There are other things that can do this too but they are not subjects for this area. They are illegal, and probably something you don't want to mess with anyway!!!

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