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Id Glide 5.5 Oz Lube


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(For some reason, the pic wouldn't allow me to copy it onto here, so please follow the link for a picture of the product. My apologies.)

You know, there are some lubes that have been around what seems like forever. ID Glide happens to be one of them, in my opinion. I've seen ID lubes in sex toy shops, pharmacies, novelty stores, and online. There's a reason for that: they work!!! I've used ID products before, and have always liked them. This one is no exception.

This water-based clear lube comes in 2 sizes. I got the 5.5 oz bottle, but it will last a long time, since a little goes a long way. It's compatible with latex and plyurethane condoms, tested for quality and purity, water soluble, fragrance and unflavored, and it doesn't stain. You can reapply this stuff as needed, or use a couple of drops of water to refresh it.

I peeled the little seal off, screwed the cap back on, flipped up the top, and just barely squeezed. Don't squeeze too hard, for it will come out rather fast. I used this on one of the toughest toys on lube that I have (lots of bumps, and made of jelly), and I only had to reapply this lube once after about 20 minutes of playing. I do tend to dry up quickly, so this impressed me, and the lube didn't burn or anything when I had to reapply.

I cleaned myself & my toy up really easily, and checked the sheets for any lube-stain, pleased to find none.

I give this lube 4 out of 4 Tyger Paws waaaaay up!!!

Get IDed!!!

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