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Butt Blood?


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Today i used my new toy from TT "rough Riders #1" and when I was cleaning back there after i noticed a bit of blood. The toilet paper was only tinged pink, not red, and nothing hurts back there so is that "normal" in the sense of it happens but no worries or should i be concerned?

I think i know why it happened, two days ago when I got the toy i tried using it in the shower and didnt have any lube, i lost my balance and instead of lowering onto it I got the full thing. I had to stop because something hurt so badly that trying to pass gas or spreading the cheeks caused pain. Today everything felt fine though so i gave it a second run with lube this time.

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Today i used my new toy from TT "rough Riders #1" and when I was cleaning back there after i noticed a bit of blood. The toilet paper was only tinged pink, not red, and nothing hurts back there so is that "normal" in the sense of it happens but no worries or should i be concerned?

I think i know why it happened, two days ago when I got the toy i tried using it in the shower and didnt have any lube, i lost my balance and instead of lowering onto it I got the full thing. I had to stop because something hurt so badly that trying to pass gas or spreading the cheeks caused pain. Today everything felt fine though so i gave it a second run with lube this time.

It can happen, give it some time and don't play with it for a while, also watch for any possible tell tale signs of a tear and what not, internal tears are harder to notice I think. And always use the lube T_T

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