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Penis Pumps

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Ok, I've seem them, read about them, but do they really work? Before I shell out a bunch of cash for one of these would like to hear from the guys or gals that has their partner that uses one of these.


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Ok, I've seem them, read about them, but do they really work? Before I shell out a bunch of cash for one of these would like to hear from the guys or gals that has their partner that uses one of these.


I have not tried a penis pump but other types of toys for men. Nothing has worked better than my hand.

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Mikayla's on vacation, or I bet she could give you a good response to this question. She wrote a review for one penis pump. Here's a link to it:


That may help you. I've been thinking of getting one of these for my fiancee, for masterbation, but am afraid he'll think I'm saying he's not big enough. Not true! But Mikayla's review was a big help.

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Not really into looking at getting one for masterbation. Looking into it for just the health reason. I've read where this could actually help in prolong activity and help the gland muscles. Hey if the size increase is an extra bonus I am game.

But if you want to give him something to masterbate with I would suggest a Fleshligt. These are awesome. But be careful not taking these on an airplane. The FAA security would think that it is a pipe bomb. I would hate for him to have to show it's not by demonstration.


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I would hate for him to have to show it's not by demonstration.

Ha ha! :) That was funny. :) A very good point too. I have looked at getting him something like that. Just haven't settled on one yet. :)

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HOWARD, you are soooo wrong! While a penis pump can and usually is used for masturbation - a good penis pump (like the Joel Kaplan pump) can and IS used theraputically!

Penis pumps when used on a regular schedule can improve the strength of the penis, make it noticeably larger (not SUPER sized, but larger) and help with erectile dysfunction when used in conjunction with a regular pumping schedule!

Penis pumps DO have theraputic uses - and in fact, that is why they were invented in the first place NOT for masturbation.

Now, my hubby has the Grand Prix (thanks for posting the link! ) and he uses it for masturbation and fun - but, the overall girth of his penis and the hardness lasts for our whole session. I can see how that would be a long-lasting effect if it was used on a regular basis - or if he had a better pump.

Here is a link to the Joel Kaplan site - which may help enlighten some people. There is a Kaplan pump sold on TooTimid:


So, I hope this gave you more information!


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Uh, Howard, you do know that to become a psychologist you DO have to have some basic medical training, right? This is not some school psychologist here, he has a Ph.D in sexual studies for God's sake!

I just thought I would clear that up. I think that someone who has a medical background AND a specialty in sexuality (because Dr. Kaplan is a trained sexual specialist) would be amply trained to endorse a product such as a penis pump.

Also, yes he is not a urologist this is true - but I do know a friend who went to a Urologist (since you seem to be so interested in only 'real' Doctors Howard) and he had an erectile dysfunction caused by blood flow issues. His urologist told him that penis pumps could help him with erections and with overall strengthening of the ligaments in the penis. So, there is your DOCTOR's opinion.

Now, as for the claim that it will make you longer - I am not sure about that. I do know that I have seen men who have stretched their penis by using weights and what not in other cultures and it will get longer if you force it. If you consistently used a strong vacuum to "suck" it down, would it not eventually work? I do not know how long you would want it - cause I do not enjoy having my cervix banging all the time either - but if you have a 3 incher and want maybe 5 it is worth a shot!

I think that pumps are fun - they definitely give a nice sensation. I think for men who are having difficulty maintaining and erection - that this is a viable choice to try. Howard seems to have no trouble with his erections - good for him - but other men might. Trying a penis pump may work for them. As I have already said, my hubby uses one as fun for masturbation. I notice he is bigger and harder and has more girth for our sex session, then it gradually shrinks. I can not vouch for continual use because he doesn't use it more than once a night every once and a while.

I would like to hear from someone who uses a pump on a regular basis, it might clear up the controversy here. While it is nice to have differing opinions, I think it is almost unfair to dismiss pumps as being novelty only. What works for one, may not work for another. I think the notion of getting bj's and handjobs is wonderful - some men just don't respond to that - that is the reality of life.

So, take the information - look for more information. If you learn anything from Howard and me it is that there is a LOT of information to be found on anything out there - read, learn, decide!

Mikayla ;)

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I think Howard needs to learn how to read - did they not teach you to read closely when YOU went to law school in the stone age? I am getting angry now Howard. Please read what I wrote. I wrote: "to become a psychologist you DO have to have some basic medical training" NOWHERE did I say he went to med school! I have an uncle who is a psychologist - not a psychiatrist - I DO know what a psychiatrist is, what schooling they need etc. I am NOT confused! A psychologist needs BASIC medical knowledge - I did not write MED SCHOOL - please read carefully Howard!!!!!

I also say that someone who deals with sexuality as their expertise would be qualified to endorse penis pumps - why the big deal on this Howard???? People can read and make their own decisions here! So what if he is not a psychiatrist - I don't give a flying crap if he is or isn't - I do care, however, that the FDA has given credence to his product. They say a vacuum pump is medically approved for help with impotence and ED. Now, do we want to have a debate on who and what the FDA does and what having their endorsement means?????

Also, the website that you are promoting - the hormoneshop.com has it's own agenda! If you note, the disclaimer at the bottom states that none of the statements have been recognized by the FDA. Also, the site bolsters many options which are contrary to the pumps - you always have to look at the master site to see who is running it to find the agenda. Dr. Kaplan's site is only about HIS pump - and has FDA approval. In my opinion, that would make it more legitimate than thehormoneshop.com.

I would look for something with .org, .gov or .edu in the heading for more relevant information.

This debate could go on forever. What it boils down to is, make your own decision posters - but please dismiss this stupid argument between Howard and myself - for some reason he wants to not read what I am typing and make it APPEAR as those I am wrong about my facts!


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Ok lets all breath :huh: Mainly wanted to hear from guys that use one like Mikayla had mention. I have read in medical white papers about how they can help with PE. Was wanting to see if any one else has seen an increase effect not length or size. But that would be an impressive side effect. :rolleyes:

You just don't hear a lot of talk about penis pumps. Thought it would make for an interesting topic. With the cost of some of the pumps it better do something besides taking all may money. I agree with Howard that money would be better spent on pampering your honey than on one of these pumps.

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Ok lets all breath :huh: Mainly wanted to hear from guys that use one like Mikayla had mention. I have read in medical white papers about how they can help with PE. Was wanting to see if any one else has seen an increase effect not length or size. But that would be an impressive side effect. :rolleyes:

You just don't hear a lot of talk about penis pumps. Thought it would make for an interesting topic. With the cost of some of the pumps it better do something besides taking all may money. I agree with Howard that money would be better spent on pampering your honey than on one of these pumps.

I bought one of the high end Dr. Kaplan pumps with the electic motor and all the cylinders that was needed to my past size now I have since had to buy larger cylinders and I am quite larger. But it did not happen over night , just after one week or month. It has taken months, You do not go into the weight room and lift for a week and say lifting weights does not work! I am not advocating that it is for every body but if you take it seriously and used a structured regular regiment you will see results. I myself and my lady have enjoyed my results. Toby

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