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What is the best way to convince a girlfriend to let you eat her out after sex? I been thinking like a good amount of people about wanting to go down on her after sex but not sure how to go about asking/convincing her about it without ruining everything we have.

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I cannot imagine this would ruin everything you have... You just ask her, see what her response is..it may surprise you. If she has a thing about it then she should let you know that. I wouldn't push, but if it is something you really want she may be okay with that. Don't know that you can convince her if she were to have an aversion to it. What's the worse that can happen? I got my knickers in a twist because he wouldn't go down after sex..now, having given that some thought I really cannot ask him to do something he has a thing about anymore than he can expect me to do something I have a thing about..like staying away from my ass. I will never be 'convinced' about that. He doesn't make me feel bad about it, doesn't whine, he just knows that's a closed subject.

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