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Buying OTC Protection


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When you buy any type of OTC protection, like condoms, do you get embarrassed?

When I was younger, I did get a little embarrassed, but as I got older, I didn't seem to mind as much. I never bought any when my child was around. And, usually, I would buy it with a bunch of stuff, not just the condoms/foam. Not that I think the cashier didn't see them, because, having been a cashier, I know you do. However, cashiers see so many people all day long, that they won't usually remember who bought what, so I didn't really concern myself much with it.

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I never got embarrassed when buying condoms , I looked at it with the attitude of I'm being responsible

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The first time (30-plus years ago), yeah, I was self-conscious and embarrassed.  The cashier couldn't have cared less.  The next time less so (me, not the cashier).  And before long it was a non-event.

Now buying anything like that, or picking up tampons or maxi-pads for the womenfolk, all a non-event.

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I agree with square, it is a non-event.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't agree with the stealing. Having been in retail, and seeing a lot of theft, I know that it's the thefts that make prices go up. It's good that she wants to get protection, however, I'd suggest that the next time you see them, let them know you saw them take them, and maybe then offer to pay for them for her if she wants them.

When I lived with a few people, I use to get them for free at the Family Planning Clinic, then put them in a tin in the bathroom. I told the people I lived with that they were welcome to take whatever, or how much of them they wanted. I'm not sure if the clinics offer free condoms anymore, but it's worth the inquiry.

Rather have the slight embarrassment of the talking to her about it with you, then for her to get caught stealing the condoms, and having to explain THAT to the parents!

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I agree tyger , stealing is wrong but what I would like to know is why isn't the guy buying them, if she wishes for the use of condoms then he should respect that and not make her steal them, However on a good note she's being responsible enough to protect herself from an unwanted pregnancy as well as the possible STD

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I think both men AND women should carry them if they're single and sexually active. If the guy makes the excuse "Oh, sorry, I don't have one", you have one there already, and if he tries to make excuses not to wrap it, then you snap it (your pants) and walk away!

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