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Safe Sex Myths?


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What have you heard, that's absolutely ridiculous, that people have tried saying to avoid using condoms/birth control, that they honestly believed would work?

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That if a girl pees and douches right after sex she can't get pregnant or an STD, my first husband actually believed this.

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I love the "Oral isn't REAL sex, so you obviously get pregnant or STDs".

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6 hours ago, krisleightate said:

That if a girl pees and douches right after sex she can't get pregnant or an STD, my first husband actually believed this.

Wow.  :rolleyes:

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  • 4 weeks later...
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*barf* lol

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if a woman jumps up and down after sex she wont get pregnant

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  • 2 weeks later...
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That if a woman is on her period she can't become pregnant but you still can get an std and maybe some ancient "Curse". Remember some civilizations throughout time thought that women should be quarantined in a hut when they are menstruating because they thought either the blood of a period or the women having the period was evil. Which is why I kind of took this myth as bs when I heard it.

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