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New to Anal

Country Girl 87

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My husband and I tried anal for the first time.  We used lube and a condom.  In the beginning it was nice then I started feeling a lot of pressure.  Is that normal?

Also it seemed like after about 10 minutes I was starting to dry out a little.  So we stopped.

What would you recommend for the best lube to use?

Also do you recommend condoms and if so what do you recommend?

I have read a lot of other comments and they suggest enema what about a suppository instead to help with the clean out?

I have also read recently that stimulation is good we did not do that as I didn't know that at the time.  We will try that as well next time. 

Any information is greatly appreciated. 

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There are a lot of posts about anal sex in this area, and it's great that you're trying new things.

A couple of things to remember:

Never use a silicone based lube with condoms!!! Though silicone lube really is best for anal play, the silicone lube doesn't do well with latex condoms.

Also remember that your anal area doesn't self lubricate like your va-jay-jay does. So, yes, you will need some help with lubing.

The pressure you felt was completely normal. That area isn't really designed to stretch as much to accommodate something going UP inside of it. So, most people will recommend you work your way up to something larger like a penis. The fun is in the exploration!!!!

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