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Girls Taste?


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Here is another new question. If different foods affect how a guys cum tastes does the same apply to women? If they eat garlic does it make them taste different too?

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Of course it does. My hubby knows when I have eaten alot of garlic, he says hun I love you but can you lay off the garlic. :lol: Everything you eat has to do with the way you taste. I have to say when my Hb eats garlic or something spicy he is going to go down my throat to cum because the taste of it is OMG. :(

So yes I totally agree with Howard on this one.

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Hey,Im 44,,,we dont eat garlic too much,,,,we have not done a study every time we eat dinner! My girl is always OK down there and is a great desert or midnight snack! We eat good food and veges.. We stay away from pasta type and fast foods. We also do fresh fruits instead of cakes and real sweet stuff. Does pre/post perid make a difference?

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Sometimes my gf will taste different at times, and I attribute it to something she may have ate. But, it has never bad bad enough to not do it. I guess I've been lucky that I've never had a woman who smelled except one time in high school. We were 17 yrs old at the drive on a warm Texas Sat night and I went down on the floor board between her legs. I came up real quick. :blink:


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