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Anal Douche


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I know that using a regular douche is bad for women because of the chemicals, if used frequently.

So I was wondering if anal doucheing could be bad for you in any way.

Both me and my girlfriend use it , and I love it , its one of the best feelings.

But I enjoy using it for play , and I was also wondering if we used other liquids, like in one porn I saw they used warm milk, if that is bad for you.

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  • Newbie
I know that using a regular douche is bad for women because of the chemicals, if used frequently.

So I was wondering if anal doucheing could be bad for you in any way.

Both me and my girlfriend use it , and I love it , its one of the best feelings.

But I enjoy using it for play , and I was also wondering if we used other liquids, like in one porn I saw they used warm milk, if that is bad for you.


no one has an answer?

you skanky ass whore lol jk

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Anal douching (or vaginal) is never a great idea. Anal douching can irritate and/or scrape the delicate colon lining. As for using liquids other than water? I wouldn't recommend it. If you are bound to try it anyway you want to make sure that you clean up afterwards. Leaving any foreign substance in the anus can lead to an infection.


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Anal douching (or vaginal) is never a great idea.  Anal douching can irritate and/or scrape the delicate colon lining.  As for using liquids other than water?  I wouldn't recommend it.  If you are bound to try it anyway you want to make sure that you clean up afterwards.  Leaving any foreign substance in the anus can lead to an infection.



douching.. i think im gonna be sick.. iam clean about my anal play and cleaning up the lube i use the cherry smelling anal lube if only i could remember the name..., but douching how could you describe that? meanwhile i ask this i will run of and grap my dictionary...

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douching.. i think im gonna be sick.. iam clean about my anal play and cleaning up the lube i use the cherry smelling anal lube if only i could remember the name..., but douching how could you describe that? meanwhile i ask this i will run of and grap my dictionary...


tahnk the gods.. no problem here sorry to comment wrongly! (looked at dict. really quick its late...)

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Okay, if you posted this email, you have access to a computer and the internet. Do a search for the subject. You'll find that anal douching is also known as a High Colonic. For those of you who do not know what that is, it's a process where they "douche" your colon to remove whatever is up in there and it is very beneficial. If you use the proper things, it is not only safe, it is recommended when any form of anal play is involved! Milk is harmless as long as it's been pasterized to remove harmful organisms, as most milk is these days. I suggest you stay away from anything that contains citrus or that are acidic....for obvious reason.

As for vaginal douche, it is fine to use after a woman's period to wash away debris and such. Just don't use any medicated or scented kind. You will wash away the vagina's natural secretions that help protect against vaginal infections.

I speak from many years of experience.

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Definetly don't use milk. Only water and don't do it often. People are under the impression that cleaning out their intestines like this is good for them. Once in a while it's fine and leaves you feeling really good. However, if you douche every day or a few times a week, your providing an opportunity for infections that will make you go through a hell of a lot of pain. I shadowed a proctologist and beside finding out I'll never become that kind of doctor, she told me that your ruining the natural flora of your intestine. You have helpful bacteria in there and water washes them out. Stools take some away, but not the majority. Constantly douching will make you loose more and more, and you can't replenish the supply. It's kind of like your vacating houses and allowing gang members to buy them. You don't want them in your neighborhood, and the same with "opportunistic" fungi and bacteria which wait for such "clean feeling" conditions.

Make sure your water is going through a clean device and do it at most twice a week she said.

If your going to have anal sex, well by all means do this. For anal I like I like my penis to come out of her spotless :P

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