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Borrowed Control


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Although she tended to lean to the submissive side during sex, she had recently been craving taking control.  She mentioned her recent desires to him, and he seemed extremely interested in letting her have her way with him.

He arrived at her house, and she immediately took the control she had been wanting.  She backed him against the door and kissed him deeply.  When she backed away, he laughed and said, “Well hello to you too.”

She turned and walked to the bedroom and called back to him, “Come with me.” 

When they arrived in the room, she looked at him and said, “Take off your clothes.”  He raised his eyebrows but did as she said.  The nerves jumped in her stomach, but she was enjoying the feeling of control.

She watched him as he removed his clothing.  When he was done, he stood before her with his normal confidence.  She stayed where she was and said, “Lay on the bed.”

After he had settled on his back on the bed, she untied the thin robe she wore and let it fall to the floor.  She got on the bed and straddled him. He immediately reached for her, but she grabbed his wrists and pushed them up beside his head on the pillow.  “Keep your hands here.  No touching until I say you can.”

He smiled and said, “Okay, you’re the boss.”

She ran her hands along his arms, enjoying the feeling of his strength.  She felt a little burst of arousal at the thought that this strong man was giving her control.  She never realized how hot it could be to take the reins and lead.  She had always enjoyed being taken.

Her caress continued over his shoulders and chest.  She leaned forward and let her lips follow the path her hands took.  She flicked her tongue and nipped gently as she went.  She felt him suck in a breath when she licked at his nipple.  She lightly bit at it, and he said softly, “Fuck.”

She smiled and repeated the treatment on his other nipple.  She moved lower down his stomach.  She felt his cock hardening the more she touched and kissed him.  When she got to his belly button his cock was erect and waiting for attention.  She avoided it and kissed down his side towards his thighs.

She looked up at him and noticed that his fists were clenched.  She felt a thrill that he was following her directions.  She kept watching him and she gently caressed his balls.  He sucked in a breath again.  She put her mouth over his sac and gently licked.  She felt him tense, but she when looked up, he still had his fisted hands next to his head.  He looked so sexy restraining himself.  She felt a rush from the power he was letting her have over him. 

She took a hold of his hard cock and stroked it and then ran her tongue along the length.  She heard him mutter, “Fuck” again.  She moved up so she could lick around the head of his cock.  She loved the way he seemed to get even harder against her tongue.  She loved the incredible feel of him in her hands.  She could feel herself getting wet, but she wanted to feel him in her mouth before she rode him.

She licked at the precum that was gathering at his tip.  Then she took the head of his cock into her mouth, and she held his cock at the base with her hand.  She took more of him into her mouth as she stroked him with her tongue and hand.  She continued to work his cock with her mouth.  She moved her head up and down taking as much as she could into her mouth.  She hummed again in appreciation for how amazing he felt in her mouth.

She felt his hand on the back of her head and she stopped and removed him from her mouth, “No.  Put your hands back next to your head.”  She tried for the firmest voice she could muster.

She could see the lust in his eyes as he looked at her lips and his cock.  But he moved his hands back up.

“In fact, grab a hold of the headboard.  Don’t let go.”

He looked about to argue, but he grasped the slats of the wooden headboard.

She was so wet, so aroused by the control she felt.  She moved up so that she could position her core above his cock.  She wrapped her hand around his hard length and ran the tip through her folds.  She used his dick to spread her moisture along her slit and all around her clit.

She looked up as him as he sucked in another breath.  She could see his jaw was clenched, and his knuckles were white where they held the headboard.  She continued to watch him as she stroked her clit with the tip of his cock.  It felt so good.  She could almost come this way, but she wanted him deep inside her.

She positioned him at her opening and then took a few inches inside of her.  She moved those few inches in and out of her wet pussy.  Then she paused and watched him.  His eyes were so intense, he looked like he was going to break and pull her down on him any second.  It was exciting to think about, but she was also enjoying the control.  She pushed down and he slid fully inside of her.

They both moaned.  It felt amazing to have him filling her, stretching her to accommodate his length.  She held him deep and began to rotate her hips slightly grinding into him.  She could not hold back the whimper of pleasure that escaped her as his cock touched all the perfect spots.  She could cum this way so easily.

She continued to grind into him slowly, she leaned forward slightly so that her clit was being rubbed as she gyrated against him.  She could feel her orgasm approaching.  She continued her movements, moaning and whimpering and biting at her lower lip.  She brought her hands up and cupped her breasts.  She pinched at her nipples.  She tugged them and her orgasm hit her hard.  She came and her muscles milked at his cock.  She could feel the warm flush hit her.

She dropped her hands to either side of him to catch her weight as she fell forward a bit.  When she caught her breath, she looked up at him.  He was watching her with an intensity she couldn’t remember seeing before.

“Fuck that was sexy.  Let me touch you now.”, he said.

She didn’t answer but start riding him, moving up and down on his hard cock that was still buried deep inside her.  She continued to watch him as his breathing increased.  She moved up and down harder and faster and she could tell that he was approaching his own orgasm.  She could feel the burn in her leg muscles as she rode him hard.

She continued to ride him, she could feel another orgasm rising up as she could tell how close he was.  He had been so good, and she wanted his hands on her so she said, “You can touch me now.”

Instantly his hands were on her waist and her took control of her movements.  She moved her up and down on his cock.  And then he thrust deep inside of her, and she could feel him pulse as he came, the feeling triggered her to own orgasm.  They were both moaning and breathing heavy.  When the pulsing stopped, she fell forward against his chest.  When she caught her breath, she slid off him and laid at his side.

He looked over at her.  She smiled and said, “I might like being in control sometimes.”

He reached for her and said, “My turn.”

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Such an erotic read Sassnclass! Thanks for sharing.  I like a strong, confident woman that knows how to take control of her sexuality and receive the pleasure she wants.  

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47 minutes ago, Pleasure4U said:

Such an erotic read Sassnclass! Thanks for sharing.  I like a strong, confident woman that knows how to take control of her sexuality and receive the pleasure she wants.  


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4 hours ago, Starving said:

Thank you for the great story! So erotic!

Glad you enjoyed it. 😊

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Oh my gosh.!!!! I Loved that one as well. So hot, sensual and erotic!!☀️

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7 minutes ago, Lonely and divorced said:

Oh my gosh.!!!! I Loved that one as well. So hot, sensual and erotic!!☀️

Thank you!

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You’re very welcome!☀️

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